Thursday, 20 March 2014

You deserve better!

we achieved the impossible yesterday. I was the first poltical party in south africa to sign the code of conduct. I was quite nervous so i kept my speech short and sweet. now we have to climb the cliff face...we need to get into parliament. To do this i will have to canvas for around 50 000 votes out of a potential 25 million. Then I get a seat. I also have a deadline to give a deposit of 200 000 rand.- approxiamately 12 000 pounds or 20 000 dollars USD. - we have raised as a... party around 70 000 rand in pledges which means we are 130 000 short. and 4 days to do it in... ...we get the money back if we get the seat ...if not we lose the deposit... thats our democracy - crazy i know... but the AFRICA UNITE PARTY isgrowing by the day. People are sick and tired of this thief mr zuma stealing money to fund his many wives and girlfriends and ignoring the plight of the people he is supposed to serve. The ANC in their arrogance seem to think they are NOT accountable and that Mr. Zuma doesnt have to pay the money..imagine if this were a first world country- which this country aspires to be... imagine the outcry if the prime minsiter of england were to spend so much of the publics money on his own personal house... HE WOULD BE OUT IN A DAY!...on the street or ...better still... in jail. The sad thing about all of this is that the people will still vote him in and they will still continue to suffer and go hungry...while these dogs will steal the bread from the mouths of the very people that put them into power... why? because they havnt been fully politcised...they seem to think we are living 20 years ago...not in the 21st century in a free and democratioc country where people cant just put their hands in the cookie jar and expect to say...oh...i didnt know. If this is so...if this be true...if the ANC is really reelected into power... then all I can say is... you deserve the goverenment you elect. STOP SUFFERING! If you are starving...its because you elected thives to govern you. If you get robbed, raped or killed...its because you elected robbers,thieves,rapists and murderers into power. But if you truly believe that south africa is what Nelson Mandela said it should be...a rainbow nation... a nation of many colors living together in peace and living in prosperity as one nation under God... then drop the ANC , drop the EFF, drop the DA and vote AFRICA UNITE We are a peoples party ...and WE SHALL govern...if not this election...and not the next one in 2019... we shall capture the peoples heart and they shall one day see our intentions are pure. To see South Africa blossom one day into the nation it is supposed to be. I may not be there when it happens; but others will pick up this baton and run with it when the time comes. And they shall run like the wind!!! I thank you. robin d.

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