Saturday, 1 March 2014

the complete africa unite constitution

Constitution of the Africa Unite Party

(Also Known as “The Africa Unite Movement” /A.U.M. or A.U.P.)

28th January,2014


1.1. The Africa Unite Party ( Hereinafter known as AUP/AU) subscribes to the principles of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and the spirit of the Freedom Charter.

1.2.The formation of the Party is the result of a comprehensive consultation process with the disenfranchised people of  South Africa.


2.1 The Name of the Party is The AFRICA UNITE PARTY( AUP). As an awareness movement it is also known as the AFRICA UNITE MOVEMENT( AUM). The name shall not be translated and the abbreviation
( AUP/ AU )will be used in all the official languages of the Republic of South Africa.


The Lion and the Lamb. It represents the strong protecting the weak and living in harmony with each other. The lion also represents courage and strength whereas the lamb represents sacrifice and purity.
It is inspired by the scripture: “ The wolf shall dwell with the lamb” (Isaiah 11.6 & 65.25).

On the our beret the golden shofar emblem (or trumpet) is the symbol used in ancient times to announce important events or to rally the people to action.


The colours of the organisation are red and white.

Red symbolises the blood of those South Africans who have sacrificed their lives for this nation as well as the innocents who have perished needlessly.

White symbolises purity, redemption ,reconciliation and restoration.

Also this was inspired by the scripture : “ And He said : “ What have you done? The voice of your brothers blood cries out to Me from the ground.” Gen.4.10

2.4 FLAG

The flag shall be either the lion and the lamb in red on white with the two words “ AFRICA UNITE” or simply the emblem in red on white background. We will also have an inverted emblem in red on white in some circumstances. Generally it will have just the lion and lamb in red on white background.


3.1 The Party shall strive to unite all South Africans of all minorities on the principles of justice, peace, prosperity and righteousness for all. These principles will be guided by the National Constitution and the desire of all South Africans to build this country together for the betterment of all.

3.2 The Party shall always consult with the community in the spirit of Ubuntu and promote good governance based on shared responsibility. The Party will never impose its will on the people but will always uphold the principles of agreed consensus and democracy.

3.3 The Party shall expose corruption at all levels of government and public services and shall hold those responsible to account in a court of law.

3.4 The Party shall endeavour by all and every means to carry out the vision of our founding president Nelson Mandela to “ MAKE POVERTY HISTORY”.

3.5 The Party shall work tirelessly to unite all the people of all tribes, races and creeds and eliminate all forms of existing apartheid whether it be gender, economic or any other legislation that impedes the progress of this country’s liberation struggle . We shall also strive to defeat any form of national oppression or apartheid in the constitutional courts , parliament and abroad using any and every legal and just means.

3.6 Defend the progress of the people in their evolution towards a better society for all ;according to the will of the people based on the universal suffrage of all voters in this nation.

3.7 Fight for social justice, create free healthcare based on a universal health insurance , free schooling for all up to 16 as well as college grants and bursaries for those who merit them , toll free roads and unemployment allowances for all its citizens. We shall endeavour o expose any elitist, reactionary and unbalanced class that sets itself apart from the people by their corrupt actions.

3.8 We shall create an “ Empowerment Charter” that will be inclusive for ALL South Africans and not the select 1%. We  will ensure Financial Literacy is taught in schools and we will advocate the distribution of shares to all South Africans as part of this promise to the people to “ make poverty history”. We shall lobby all the governments and business institutions around the world to promote South Africa as a Business Destination and create jobs through foreign investment. We shall also endeavour to reduce the rate of unemployment by 10 % in the first 5 years in government.

3.9 We shall promote the Universal Human Rights Declaration and provide legal aid for those who would challenge the violation of any basic human right. Any form of discrimination or human rights abuse will be challenged in the open debate, court and the media and never, never tolerated.


4.1 Vision

To create an organisation or movement which is the home for all people irrespective of their status, culture, creed, race or gender. To protect the rights of the dispossessed, the disenfranchised and the disillusioned.

4.2 Mission

The mission of this movement is to establish justice for all as enshrined in our constitution, the Freedom Charter and the words of our founding fathers.    

We affirm Nelson Mandela when he spoke at the Rivonia Trials about domination of any people group towards another. We will successfully distribute the abundant wealth in this country to the poor and we will reverse the shocking crime statistics that have turned this into a “ criminal culture” with the 9th largest prison population in the world. We intend to break the power of the cartels and monopolies in this country and the unfair system of “ favouritism, elitism and nepotism”. This is the root cause of crime in this nation and must be abolished by any and every legal means at our disposal.

We also intend to reverse the brain drain from this country and improve the delivery of public services such as hospitals and schools so we can compete on an international level with any nation in the world. We shall promote volunteering in this country and NGOs who wish to work in our communities and not hinder them in their good work for our people. We shall cut waste and endeavour to become more green with our energy requirements.

We shall lobby for carbon taxes on irresponsible industrialists and reward good companies with oxygen credits if they invest in green projects and social justice. We will create a meritocracy in this country that gives access to all to any of the benefits this country has to offer. We shall never exclude anyone from anything because of the colour of their skin or their tribe or their religion or their gender or their creed. We shall also promote Pan-Africanism to improve our economic and political footprint in Africa for the betterment of all Africans. Genuine Refugees are welcome but those who are criminalising our country will be imprisoned and deported immediately. We shall also lobby the European Union for financial assistance to assist with our burgeoning immigration and refugee/asylum problem.

Our mission is to save this country from bad government and injustice.

Our promise is to the people of this country to make this a great nation free of fear and full of faith!… One nation under God. Amen.


5.1 Requirements for full membership:

5.1.1 Membership of the AUP shall be open to all South Africans above the age of 18,irrespective of race, colour or creed who accept its principles, policies and programmes and are prepared to abide by its constitution and rules. Interested persons who are below 18 and above 16 may attend the meetings or volunteer as lay members.

5.1.2 All other persons who have manifested a clear identification with the South African people ( and African peoples) and their struggle and are resident in South Africa may also apply for membership. 

5.1.3 Applications for membership shall be considered by the branch executive committee where such exists , and by the regional executive committee, if no branch executive committee exists.

5.1.4 The branch excutive committee or the regional executive committee may create from time to time a committee to decide on applications ,may accept or refuse any application for membership.

5.1.5 Membership cards will be issued to registered members of the AUP and to persons whose application for membership has been accepted ,subject to payment of the prescribed subscription. An applicant will be issued with an acknowledgment of provisional membership and the details of the branch and constituency area in which the applicant resides and any available information about the local branch structures. Membership of the party shall be open to all persons who qualify in terms of this clause and subscribe to this constitution and who support a multi party democratic political system for the Republic of South Africa.

5.1.6 A member of AUP will:

a. Belong to and take active part in his or her branch.
b. Offer constructive criticism of any member , official, program or any activity within the association structures.
c. To take part in elections and be elected or appointed to any committee, structure or be delegated to perform any function as agreed within the association. The Youth League “Umvuko” ( Awaken) will be subject to the same repsonsiblities and duties.

5.1.8 To this end any individual aged eighteen ( 18 ) years and above shall be eligible for membership , without discrimination based on race , gender , marital status, ethnic,tribal, economic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation , disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, character and language…
Provided that: He / She is a permanent resident of the Republic Of South Africa. He/ she applies for membership in writing. He/ She pays the annual membership fees. He / She is not a member of any other political party.

5. 2 Suspension or termination of Membership.

5.2.1 Membership of the Party shall be suspended or terminated in the following instances: By written resignation ,submitted to the party. Non Payment of annual membership fees on due date. If the full prescribed annual membership fee is paid within the first six( 6) months of the following membership year, membership shall be restored as if membership fees were paid on time. A member shall be automatically suspended if he/she is charged with a serious offence that will reflect negatively on the party as a whole. When the judicial process is completed the member will be restored. Prisoners who have been convicted of any crime may join the party but cannot hold office until their convictions are spent. This party believes in rehabilitation.

6.1.4 Duties and activities of the Branch Branches may draft points for discussion/motions for submission to the regional executive or national executive committee. A branch elects delegates to regional congress and no other member may be a delegate and have voting rights at a regional conference. The branch shall have the right to nominate party candidates for election. Branch members should actively participate in election campaigns.

6.1.5 Branch Annual General Meeting

The business of Annual General Meeting ( AGM) is to: Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM . Receive and consider the chairpersons report on the branch’s organisational status of the preceding financial year. Receive and consider the treasurers report and the accounts and balance sheet for the preceding financial year; Consider any resolutions of which notice was given; Endorse membership lists as updated. Consider any other relevant business. Submit a list of the newly elected Branch Executive Committee, to the Regional council. Elect at its AGM from registered members in the branch , a branch management committee ( BMC) comprising of the following : Branch chairperson. Ex Officio : Elected public representative of the Party if he/she is not elected to any of the above mentioned positions. The Branch Executive Committee ( BEC) shall appoint two( 2) persons , namely the Chairperson and Secretary or Deputy Chairperson , and each one ( 1) of them an alternate who will act in their stead ,when the appointed person is not available , as their representatives to District and Regional Council.

6.1.6 Voting Procedures An attendance register of registered Members present and entitled to vote shall be compiled to constitute the meeting. The qurom at any of the meetings of the Branch shall be twenty percent ( 20%) of the registered members of the Branch present and entitled to vote, provided that sufficient and proper notice is given to ALL members of the Branch. Registered members may vote in person only, and NO proxies or any other form of representation shall be permitted. At any meeting of the branch , a resolution put to the vote at such a meeting shall be decided on , by a show of hands , unless the meeting decides otherwise. During an election , by a show of hands , or any other agreed manner as decided on; each member shall be entitled to one ( 1) vote.

6.1.7 Branch Executive Committee ( BEC) Duties and activities of a BEC is to: Administer the affairs of the party within the Branch Boundaries. Supply interested members / supporters with AUP information. To “conscientise”/awaken those who are seeking for answers. Receive and administer membership application forms. Recruit members for the party and issue membership cards and receipts. Compile a Branch membership list and submit it annually to the Regional Secretary, in accordance with the requirements set by their Regional Council. Collection of annual membership fees and administering the renewal of annual membership. Fundraise for the Party.

This is the constitution for the Africa Unite Party as adopted at the National Offices on the 19th February, 2014.

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