Monday, 10 March 2014

The Oscar Pistorius trial... was it premeditated ?


The point in this whole trial is this...did he think to himself before he pulled the trigger... "mmm im gonna kill the bitch"...if so...its pre...meditated by definition. the prosecution has to prove this... and so far it hasn't. what happened is probably he lost his cool and shot reeva in the heat of the moment - without premeditation ...its called in France...a crime of passion...and in other countries ist degree manslaughter. not murder. I believe this is what happened. temporary insanity. what we need to look at is this what is in the interests of justice in this case. I believe we need to look at violence in our country and reckless gun crimes as serious matters...we need to highlight ALL violent crimes against ALL south African citizens...we need to stop it and to speak out against all of it...and that is why the AFRICA UNITE PARTY will stand by ALL the victims and their families of violent crimes against women, men, children white or, and all citizens of our great country. The govt is not doing enough to stop the violence and that is why they need to be removed from power by all and every democratic means at our disposal.

If Oscar goes to jail...and I personally think he will... ( but not for life)... he will be a great example and a help to assist in the reform of our terrible prison system. We have some of the most violent prisons in the world and the 9th largest prison population in the world ( 150 000)...which goes to show that the leaders of the ANC have no concern to change anything in this country for the better...all they want is the cream... and many of them suffered in south African jails during apartheid... and yet... they have NO empathy for prisoners being raped and assaulted in our prisons and the dirty overcrowding going on....

Our party will curb male rape and extreme violence in ONE

1. We will introduce conjugal visits for ALL prisoners.
2. We will introduce strong rehabilitation and reeducation programmes eg psycho drama/psycho therapy.  and facilities to assist inmates to study and further their workskills whilst incarcerated.
3. Promote the arts in prison through the VULINDELA TRUST.

Oscar can still be of great benefit to our nation and he will come out of prison after around 6 years having done something constructive for our people. I believe this. Too many people in this country of wealth and power ignore the plight of our oppressed and poor ...and this must end.

We will support Oscar through this process as well as the Steenkamp family.

may God bless Africa!


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