Today, on this day to celebrate Human Rights...let us not forget the sacrifices made by those in this country who fought for freedom and peace and prosperity for all. Who suffered- who died... who fought ...who cried... it is they , those faceless ones we should recall. And let us who remain remember we have a duty to uphold the rights of all citizens who simply want to live decently. WHO WILL GUARANTEE THEM ...THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS?...PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA? HELL NO!
Media Release 21ST March, 2014, Human Rights Day
The Africa Unite Party stands with the EFF and the DA to call for the swift impeachment of the president of the Republic of South africa on corruption charges following the Nkandla report of Thuli Madonsela. We as AFRICA UNITE dedicated to Human Rights and transparent government have decided to take a stand against the misappropriation of public funds by Mr. Zuma. We feel it not only discredits our nation in the eyes of the world but also all of our citizens and those who have had faith in the ANC as a political organisation with integrity.
Today on Human Rights Day we will be holding a protest outside Johannesburg Police Station( John Vorster Square) from 10 am and we will also be laying a charge against the president for misuse of public funds ,racketeering and corruption. No longer will our public servants help themselves to the taxes we pay and divert funds sorely needed by our people for their own benefit. No longer will our president or his cronies steal bread from the mouths of our children or medicine from the hands of our aged. To make poverty history;... we must make Zuma history!
We cannot allow this man to stand for another term in office until he has made right with our people.He must stand down. He must resign. Africa Unite will zealously guard this countrys' Bill of Rights and its Constitution and stand up for the weak, the vulnerable and the oppressed. We will not allow our nation to degenerate into chaos through the corrupt actions of one man and his cronies
We deserve the government we elect. If we elect thieves into government and do nothing; we deserve to starve.Therefore, it is time..the time has come for NEW leadership in this country. I,as president of Africa Unite call upon all South African citizens and patriots to make a stand against corruption and impeach President Zuma.
I thank you.
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