Let them sell tomatoes!
It’s quite interesting that Marie Antoinette the French queen who allegedly said: “Bread- Bread?-Let them eat cake”…didn’t actually say that …but the quote was ascribed to her… so she got a bad rap from history because of that… TOO BAD MARIE!
For those of you who don’t know anything about the French Revolution… Marie along with many other royals who oppressed the people by opulent wealth …eventually lost their heads by guillotine...
Today…in South Africa… people don’t lose their heads by guillotine…they just get rewarded OR Necklaced…- OR shifted to another position of power and forgotten about… they are not sanctioned…they rarely go to jail…and they never -never pay the money back… we live in a great land of great possibility…and opportunity… but we also live in a land whose problems are very much self inflicted… the poverty..the poor public services and the unemployment has little to do with what happened 20 years ago…and much to do with the climate of greed and the Orwellian Animal Farm that exists in South African Politics.
It really is hard to tell the difference between the pigs and the men…
But we are told the ruling elite will get reinstated again and the people will vote them in with an even greater majority… I sincerely think to myself..if this be so… then we are a country of pig ignorant stupid people who can’t call a spade a spade.. (no pun intended) ..And we cannot call a thief and thief…
Take President Zuma for example. I laid a few charges against him on Friday which is human rights day…named so after 69 people that were massacred on that day many years ago in Sharpville. It was a tragedy… but what do we see on TV…? Zuma jumping up and down like a frog. Again… it’s like saying …” I stole your money…I’m SO FREEKING great because you LOVE me for it -and you don’t mind living in shit…and if you don’t have money to eat because I stole the bread from the mouths of your children… well…
“You can go sell tomatoes…” ( lol)
Now, let me say this for the record… I’ve actually heard one very high up person in the NAC actually use this phrase. I am not going to embarrass him… why? Because … he is the one who is out of touch..Ignorant…like the French royals were …and indeed the Russian royals…only 100 years ago. ( 1917)… Europe was really out of touch and certainly not socially minded..it took two bloodbaths to actually wake people up and give them empathy for each other.
The people in this country need to be conscietised. They are fast asleep …they actually believe that the ruling powers would never harm them or do something bad… why? Because they don’t know any better. It is indeed a strange thing that the British people actually almost worship The royals… and yet… they too were and are responsible for so much wholesale theft from the people. Perhaps it is a deep trait within us to want to be exploited and abused…I don’t know… I do know that a man who spends R807 782 or 70 000 USD on pumping shit… must be full of it… that is what a sewerage station in Nkandla cost the taxpayer… just for pumping excrement… what the hell is that? The majority of people in the area still use holes in the ground.
But seriously… that is what the elite in the ANC think. If you are poor you can sell tomatoes on the side of the road…if you are homeless…you can sell tomatoes … and if you need urgent medical attention but can’t afford medicine… you can sell tomatoes…
Tomatoes cure everything… all economic ills we may face in the future and is a panacea to the poor… so it then becomes so easy to allay your guilt…
You can tell the poor not to eat cake but to sell tomatoes… that should always do the trick. And so far it has.
As long as South Africa continues with this poverty mentality it will always be a substandard nation …3rd world… pretending to be first world… all gloss and no shine… all skin deep but no true depth…. And this idea that we deserve to rule you because we are better than you…this is again..hubris.
We can do better.., without these assholes… let them eat tomatoes… !
Robin D.
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