Saturday, 1 March 2014

What is an African? What is an Africanist?

There is only ONE race...that is the Human race. Robert Sobukwe, one of Africa's greatest visionaries and pan afriocanists understood something so profound when he said this. Unfortuantely , those who took up the baton from him in 1978 did not. They became engrossed in the black- white thing and were not able to feel the vision which came from Roberts heart... it was a very difficult time in which he lived...and sadly he never got to see the freedom of south africa from white apartheid.... nor the subsequent resurrection of black apartheid in 1999.
But I have livwed though both disasters. And now we are sitting on the eve of another one should the ANC get a 2 thirds majority... but they wont. There is a NEW middle class of black african...11 million of them who although they may have directly BENEFITTED FROM THE ancS BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION...THEY ARE BEGINNING TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE PARTY HAS INDEED LOST ITS WAY!

Think of it like this.... the ANC is the OLD TESTAMENT... as is the PAC... the DA is like the KORAN and the AFRICA UNITE PARTY is the NEW TESTAMENT.


Because we have the way, the truth and the life on our well as the knowledge and the vision to take this country out of its decay and bring it into the 21st century... it is the spirit of robert sobukwe in action. Africa Unite is also the spirit of the freedom charter in action... and even for the lost afrikaner... or the angry youth that Malema IS TRYING TO PREACH TO... the AUP is what this country and the continent needs to make things work again... and thats why ..I invite you all to join this movment...we are going to become in 10 years the largest African polticla movement to ever exist on this continent...


because we have the vision..we are the true africanists who care about this land and its people...whio want to see it live and prosper and the wealth of its resources be shared amongst all...

You wont get that with the other parties... why?

because all they care about is power and money... and self importance...

we are africans... we are sending out the call to all africans today...on WORLD PEACE DAY... come forward and BE counted !

your countyr needs you!

together we are stronger.

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