Friday 19 May 2023

30 travel tips by an expert


30 Principles of Global Travel in the 21st Century.

 Here are some of the basic principles I've learned on the road as a professional traveller.

This knowledge is useful because not every situation is predictable. 

1. Eat when you're hungry,drink when you're thirsty,eat garlic at least once a day for the mosquitoes, and wash when fresh water is at hand.( From an A...and above all - wash your feet!- and groin- theres nothing worse than "crotch rot"-or Veruccas-( use talcum powder in hot sweaty countries - its day- and always wash your hands before you eat.In Muslim countries dont eat with your left hand!( its like saying..." I eat shit!")

2.Wave your hands a lot and smile when dealing with an angry mob or someone who doesn't understand English very well.(My dads advice to me in Africa at 19)

3.Take nothing without asking and always ask permission to take photographs.

In some countries they think youre taking their souls...a picture in Nakonde of the rising sun 

4.Knock on the door of a stranger when you need a place to sleep or are in trouble. Ask for help when you need it; and in big strange cities ask for directions at least 3 times to makes Mao said to his soldiers in his little red book-Dont even take a thimble!" In this way the communists tried to win the hearts of the Tibetans in their fight against feudalism.

5.When the signs are not in English and no one speaks English stand still,read a Time magazine and dont panic. Then try to buy a local map and figure out where north & South- East &West. Or orienteer 

If you cant do that follow your feet where they you want to go.All roads go to Rome...( SOONER OR ...

6.When invited to eat -and you're hungry never eat like a pig!...

Control yourself.

Wait for your host to eat first unless he motions for you to eat first. Allow them to do or say what they want to say or do eg pray th - dont shovel it in and take your time to chew.Try to observe the customs of whom you are eating with and copy them.Always smile and nod your head even when the food is totally awful-this was this awful green cassava - manioc porridge-

7.If you're a guest in someones house never bring a girl there unless your host is present.

Never make love to a girl you meet in the house of your host and never make love to your girlfriend or wife in the house of your host.

The house is regarded by some as a place of worship or church and to have sex in that house can be a!Its always better to get a room!- so be warned...

8.If you are offered an embarrassing gift like a woman or money - never take it unless it is either obligatory towards the safety of yourself and others ...and it is a absolute terrible insult..not to. But it's every situation different. 

Apologize and then refuse the embarrassing gifts if you are able.-Again if the gift is made in good faith -and you need it or want it and there's no strings attached each other...

9.When hitching a ride dont remove your shoes unless the driver is a muslim and -he insists!Some people can be offended by it.- If the driver is aggressive or wants to have sex with you do not panic but politely engage the person to divert their attention to other subjects.

 Then when its possible jump out of the car or truck- even if its in the middle of the road rather than to deal with a maniac psycho 12 hours straight. 

10. When stopping for a restbreak- always carry your valuables in your shoulder /travel bag eg camera, passport etc. When you get into a strange vehicle always make mental note of the registration particular things of the driver eg tattoo on left arm. 

11. Never draw a knife or a gun on someone who threatens you in a strange land. If you're gonna carry something defensive- carry a per)- If that's not possible carry a Police whistle- THEY WORK!!!-Just the sound will confuse your attacker momentarily...enough time for you to escape ...However, It is always better to negotiate your way out of the situation either by bribing them or negotiating ...

Always keep calm. If you are being mugged and you are able to - grab the knife and twist it or make a lot of noise and you have to stand up and fight make sure you show NO mercy.

 Its you or them!A good self defense course is always good to know on your travels as most idiots you meet on the way you are outnumbered be absolutely compliant and allow them to take whatever it is. You can always get it back. 

Never walk in a dark place with your valuables. Take only the minimum if you are able. Leave your valuables in the hostel safe or sew them into your rucksack or jeans - they usually pate to hide money if you have time is under your arm-or use an old Cuban cigar case and -SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS FOR CASTRO!!! ...Now... about self defense-I studied Shaolin Kung fu when I started travelling- and I've done boxing as a kid-and Shaolin Kung Fu and street fighting in hell holes a teenager  so it has helped and it improves your self confidence in handling a difficult situation that you cant talk or run your ways to avoid violence of any kind.- unless its in you.. sometimes I've found its instinctive...

 12.When you come to a strange city at night...stay where it is safe until dawn comes. Dont always be your time to take in the scenery!But when you do move- move slowly and deliberately...with purpose and direction. Like how an elephant

If you must walk at night in a dangerous area- walk fast and always be ready to run- even with your Muggers usually operate in twos and threes... even fours...

Sometimes groups of ten. 

 If they cross the road towards you- cross over to fight - go to the middle of the road and flag down the first car that comes.. if it's not possible to run. But just seeing them see you stops their courage to get you by surprise coz you are ready for them. They like to catch their victims by surprise. 

13. If you have no way of getting to a place of safety at night- contact a police station and ask foat way. I've slept at police stations all over the world. 

14. Whether you meet a prostitute or a woman at a night club or on the bus... if you're gonna sleep w use a bloody condom! Always make sure you have at least 6 in your bag in case its gonna be a long night... There are soic)on the road ( sorry girls)- eg sypholis, Hiv-AI- Then theres the issue of pregnancy...! All has to be taken into account.

An Irishman once told can do a lot with the imagination...!)...-and iSo -Be careful- when you meet someone you can trust -get to know them- ask about their background... Remember there is no shame in carrying condoms. BE PREPARED! -It could save your life!( There is a drug that works 72 hours after sex if your condom breaks/slips off which will cover you advice on it- as well as the morning after pill for unwanted pregnancies. 

15. When you come to a country that's got typhoid or jardia- always make sure when you eat at a well known local  restaurant....check how the food is being prepared in the kitchen. Do they use iodine to wash the dishes? Do they clean their hands before they prepare the food? How d mine and built like iron you will just say grace Once in India I found a maggot in my rice...I showed it to the manager and he said..." Sahib Sir- I maggots are another mens protein...!- never be afry the rule is to see how they prepare the food...i16.WELL BEING-:NEVER- never!... eat boiled eggs on the side of the road. Especially if they've been in the sun or in a hot climate. Salmonella poisoning can put you down f fried or scrambled - smell them before you eat. If its got that sulphur smell like a fart- dont eat it! I've been ill twice from eggs gone bad... -Piss /urinate on open cuts /wounds if you dont have medication and carry bandages with you at all tin a traumatic sitution although people say sugar  is great for aches and pains and swimming great fIf thats not possible there are some good yoga exercises that can relieve back pain( usually from buA good run is also good and try to boost your immune system with things like guarana or ginseng/ginglots of vitamin C - you cant beat good ole orange I'm not a big fan of Multivitamins- raw food diets sometimes and fasting is good... Aloe Ferox & Grelike Ghandi if you're brave enough!17. Water- if you must drink from a stream or a river...or lake... always drink from the top or surface area...king a bath in a bilharzia area always do it wherer the water- or at rapids. "Flatheads "(crocs)-donWe used to play a drinking game in the old days on the Zambesi River with the crocs-swimming closer loser... stupid really..-a bit like russian rouletFlowing water and from the surface - allowing the sediment to settle is the key- if you have a UV stoil the water and let it cool. For leeches carry an you from the trees as soon as they smell the blo18. In very hot climates the best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun... but if you can't...wear a hat that covers the back of your neck. Drinknutes  or so and monitor your heart rate. ( I nearIf you must drink something to cool you down - drink sweet mint black tea... it works like a charm. Stay out of the sun between the hours of 11am-3pm if you are able to. Thie sunscreen and wear sunglasses whwere necessary- 19. Respect religion and religious customs and sites wherever you go. If people dont wear shoes - dont wear shoes, if the all things to all men... blend in and walk slowlyDONT FLASH YOUR TITS-!!!In a Muslim country -where most of the women are covered up... !-respect the place you are in and theone level and share your insights and observationsd immoral... and they arn't far wrong either!If you need to talk seriously to someone about something-It is better to discuss issues by sitting down/squating/crouching - never standing up!- and always be aware of your tone level and voice level.People like to talk to 

20. If you're in a situation where a trader or prostititute or policeman is trying to rip you off ,ate fiercely- but if it looks like they may use viopay the extra money- and be done with it!- Its their country remember that!- they know the ins and outs... they know how to stitch you up if they want to,always know when to bluff, when to raise and when to fold... its all a game of poker!Knowing how far you can push it is the key to learning good strategy when dealing with thugs, ripoff is to not back down and if you need to back down - recognise it immediately...and back down... better to live another day.

21. Drugs...if youre gonna use soft drugs- use them in tourist areas or quiet areas- if youre gonna use hardeome countries the drug is purer and therefore stroIn this case when you are doing drugs in Thailand or Colombia- be sure that the drugs will be strong and to do it with a friend in case you need to ALWAYS MONITOR YOUR HEART RATE and breathing rate-check how big your pupils are dilated and keep cal the mouth...!-(if its going up too fast chill check your bag yourself before you get on the plane..Spending a few years in a South American jail is no fun at all! Watch "Banged up abroad" next time you think about smuggling drugs. Dont be tempted to do a donkey rnt or been stupid... its more stupid to spend someof them were to accidentally fall... theyre'd be 1

22. Malaria- I've never taken the pills and I've never got it.. but at the first signs of malaria- go to the ne hours... otherwise it could go cerebral and youre 

Carry your own thermometer to check your temperature... it could be flu or food poisoning or fever or heat stroke...but the bod whats going on with your body at all times.(I once saw women with colorful feathers in their hair- wish

There are different remedies... quinine drip is the most drastic... but generally its paracetamol and offhand... "tryptamethalaquin"...something like...

 Best is to use long sleeves and socks in the evening and make sure you use some kind of lotion (  under a fan- mossies sense your CO2 - Carbon Dioxide trace-warmth - that's how they hone in on you in the dark... but the trail is confused by the fan... if there's no heat signature...and finally- use a battery operated rechargeable insect deterrent. 

Oh yeah- and avoid black colours - they love black! (Death to vampires!)- I hate them...the only good thing about Malaria is that you get to but other than that mosquitoes do a cheap job of

 23. Try to budget - if you run out of money- phone home- the embassies will give you a free phone call... in case you'cuse for running out of cash.

Carry a few expensive items with you- a watch- a laptop-a camera- a ring-a good phone... all will heep you going while you wait for rescue... but if ask for help from the locals - from other travellers...there is no shame in it.

 I've helped a lot of stranded travellers and I myself have also been stranded - whether its a flat tor food- or money... people are people and they all dance the same rhythm and blues...! Trust in the spirit of humanity and humankind. 

 Even Americans & Russians- You will be amazed at the humanity and grace in normal average people. 

The media hides the good from the bad-and the ugly... the Greater Community of Humankind "be a good World Citizen!(WC)-is what the traveller must remind all nations. We are not alone -nor are we separate from each other.

We are Oneness. Oneness in our Empathy. 




The only way is UP!-

24. When you travel you will be inundated with new images, colours, sounds, sights, experiences, changes...UPLOADING"... all of it goes into the subconscious & unconscious minds. 

There comes a time when you need to take a break because of what I call " Travel Shock"- this is your time for " DOWNLOADING" all your thought processes - figure out what you've learned... process all the information...

- thats why its always good to take  recall information.

If you dont like writing - draw- sketch... use your mind - your brain to write down everything you have in your notebooks - its easier to recall the informal part of your brain that memorises things- like numbers... the travelling -and the processing of the travel... when you get back home your brain will take e dont understand this... but its just that you've of what you've learned. 

You cant fire on all cylinders all the are human after all and apportioned X amount of 

25. Develop 360 degree vision when travelling!!!-Know and note where everything is around you... observe when you come to a new place... try to take a mental image picture of signs- buildings...etc so you can find the place again. 

 Its easy when you practise this as you will be able to find places in the middle of nowhere again if you'll be surprised at how easy it is to trigger you -Also when you get to a new place get a local sim and take the tel numbers of everyone you meet  of where you are... when stepping off a bus or take measured strides - be conscious... (Walk like Steve Martin & Michael Caine in Dirty Rotten scoundrels if you must.)- if you approach a group of people -go for the person who looks like the leader...there's always one alpha male principle)...

 be bold- be confident- smile- look at one person who is open to your communication and speak simply and directly looking at them... when you come to a new place never show you are too nervous - take your time- dont always accept secure corner where you can gather your thoughts.In the old days we used to carry American Xpress travellers cheques- nowadays with Western Union and Moneygram you can get money sent out to you pretty fast.

 Travel insurance is good in case of an absolute life of a war zone or the Congo( My Uncle used it when d for by the best travel insurance money can buy)..Just look after yourself and your shit and you'll be alright. Carry 1-2000 USD cash in 50 &100 -the wheels of justice...When and if the paw-paw hits the fan deal with it on the ground. 

Everything else is elementary and see the beach and die...( a friend of mine did that once" I'm Dead!"- and lay on his deck chair to see the response from the general public)-so your family can collect on money! 

I've never used it and I'm still here to try to avoid attracting attention to yourself if you can- learn to blend in and pretend to be a local target for flycatchers ( people trying to sell 

26. When travelling trust in your instinct!-If you feel not at ease about something - talk to yourself - make sure you're not being paranoid... about someone or some place... get out of there I was stressed and rushed-... and in a crowdy- chaotic situation - always keep your cool... unless it demands that you explode a train in New Delhi... in this case most locals The key here is dont get yourself into situations that you cant get out of easily... if there's a few of you travelling in the same direction- enquire of other travellers where they are safety in numbers- always! Israelis often travel in groups for that very reason- also its good for saving money..

27.Buying stuff... negotiate the best deal when you can. Walk away when you reach an impasse and usually the guy will call you back... cash is king...and money talks... a market trader will always read your eyes and body language...pretend that you dont care about it... then casually enquire about the thing you want- if the trader senses you really want it... he will hold out for a better price to screw you if he has time to get good deals with Arabs is the last or first deal...Usually, I find its just before sundown you get the best deals ( eg Luxor)-For Buddhists its usually first sale of the day- get there early and you get a good deal.

 Hindus too- just after they sacrifice to their gods on thei morning... the lucky customer is the first one!

28. Save money where you can and prioritise what you want to see and do.

 Dont waste your money on alcohol if youre planning to do white water rafting way across the globe to see the Hermitage of St.Whoever ...

Hitch-walk or take a bus - and keep a running account.

 When you find yourself travelling with people you dont really know... dont trust them blindly !- most travellers are honest and your stuff is normally safe - but there are thieves... 

Most travellers are pretty honest. Be naive ...Be wise- act stupid!( From Socrates/Aristotle)I hope that makes some sense... As a rule travellers never steal from travellers.... and this I've always kept as my principle since I've began my journeys.

 Its the gypsy way....-When it comes to girls in mixed dorms...and travelling with girls... if you're having a relationship of any agreement for sex or for money... ( In todays day and age one cant be too careful from malicious allegations. But generally , Most people just be careful- I've met some really psycho women on the road... ( most of them Polish!- dont know why- maybe its 

30. The final principle: Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints and friends; always give and share what yo- even if its just a smile or a handshake;-be kind,considerate,compassionate and peaceful!- Leave the place better than you find it...!Spread joy and light , love and understanding wherever you go...

Be a shining example of ENLIGHTENED GREATNESS  and GOD wherever you find it - or Him and lastly...ALWAYS... ALWAYS KEEP AN OPEN MIND...AN OPEN HEART AND OPEN EYES AND EARS... !-FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU FIND ON THE JOURNEY -fo-No matter how weird it sounds, looks or feels...Be ALL things to ALL beings! Life is a journey and its your journey after all. Get ready to ride the wind !... be ready- every "-for the miracle of every new day... for each day IS a NEW adventure...participate as much as you can in making your pathway through LIGHT to those you meet on the road...!""for the job of the traveller is to receive the Heart of Humanity and to give HOPE to the Community of Man... "--"to give STRENGTH to the WEAK... ;to impart "BEINGNESS" to all...-and to make your walk on Earth- a LIVING... effective prayer for the World to come ;and th-To sow the Seeds of Love in the hearts of Jesus Name...amen.

I thank you

Robin  Denton

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