Friday 4 October 2024

What happens POST October 7 ?


“Beware what you fear for fear that becomes so is the enemy of hope! “ ALV

Where to begin ? The missed opportunities - the train that stopped on all stations but nobody got off any of them ? Or just a harsh reality of what is simply and illusion ? 

I could talk about this subject for hours . But for this blog we just going to get to the point . The horrors of October 7 is like putting a swastica in the inside of the Star of David . It is a reminder of where fasvism if any kind will take us . At heart at the supernova festival was a big sitting Buddha - at heart of modern Israeli society is the desire to build a secular world that has lots of moment- at heart of revisionist Zionism

Is the secular state of Israel

And at heart of the many that travel after three years in the army is a soul that wants to find God . Or a million dollars . 

But … this is not what happened on October 7 . It is sand was the culmination of intentional failed policy thinking tat goes back to chur him and the peel commission if 1933 - that goes back to the entire project funded by the Roth holds and possibly directed by the elders of Zion to create the atmosphere of desiring for a Jewish state . At heart of October 7 are words nobody wants to hear in the horrid if the screams of young beautiful victims as they are brutally murdered and raped - brutalised by the master plan of an ogre by the bane of haha sun war ( a disciple of another beast by the bane of sheikh Yasmin who himself created this horror called hamas which committed this atrocity on this day . One that can only be totally destroyed . And yet how ? 

So war with visions of Saladin wishes to ignite an Armageddon and an uprising in Gaza that would destroy the state of Israel

By using the same tactics that crated it in the first place. Yes - imagine that hitler did not exist . Imagine that World War Two never happened … imagine there was no holocaust . Imagine no death samp’s and no oswietzim ? Would there ever be an Israeli Jewish state ? 

No . There would not . Not even in Uganda . . Some may call the persecution complex of the Jewish people the “ holocaust syndrome” because every moment of history whereby the Jewish people weee killed or raped or destroyed or maligned - you could say it was because they were and are the covenanted people if God - facts that happened . Or good story tellers . 

Moses spoke to God on a mountain . That’s where it all really began . And that only 4000 or more years ago . And God burned into Rick Ten Commandments with his finger - these 10 laws . The foundation of law itself and brought it to rest in the holy of Hokies in Jerusalem until it was hidden by king Josiah . 

The greatest men and women of this world we live in are it’s storytellers and the one with the greatest story to tell us ultimately the one who Lives forever in the consciousness of humanity . So what story so we tell of October 7 ? 

It is this . The time to create a two state solution has come and it has gone . It is really a case of who wants to live together in peace and who does not ? 

There is no West Bank . That is a fallacy . Since the early 2000s more and more Jewish zionists have settled on land they believe was given by their god to them thousands of years Avon. It’s called Judea and Samaria . Transjordan is now Jordan but has a population of 60% Palestinian . If anything it should become Palestine By a vote of the majority of the people that live there . They can keep The king as a figurehead but it should be Palestine . Lawrence of Arabia who

Liberated the Arabs there from the Turks should have helped the local

People to see that through . But somehow it became the Hashemite kingdom - who knows how . Winston Churchill In his infinite wisdom created this mess . But we have to fix it . In reality there is no desire for peace between Jew and Arab between Israeli and Palestinian . Most Palestinians are ingrained to believe - “this is our land and we’re going to take it back!”

So how do you argue with that? You don’t . You either create a UNITED STATE OF ISRAEL & PALESTINE ( USIP)/ UIP)“ with equal rights for all - a constitution. A common government . Everyone together living together but identifying however they want to identify but having EQUAL rights before law - ONE STATE with two separate flags . Recognised as one state - and screw the PEEL commission - personally I believe that’s the only way you can find peace in the Middle East - recognising the rights of both parties to exist and yes allowing the Palestinian refugees to return home . But with ONE small premise for alll Israel  or Jew Arab or Muslim Christian or atheist . FULL DEMOCRACY . Not separation but integration . 

On the one hand . But on the other hand you throw your hatred into the sea along with your desire to kill rape and dominate the other . Whoever does so should be removed from this society forever .  Not two states but one . 

Then there is naftali bennet the next pm of usrael - a religious zealot . Then there is the right wing - will

They accept a one state solution of a united israel

And Palestine like Bosnia & herzegovenia ? 

No they won’t not today and probably not for another 100 years . But short of overthrowing king Hussein an ally - a Palestinian state will not happen - short of giving the Palestinians northern Sinai - it won’t happen - why’ve? Because October 7 was a statement of ANTI NORMALISATION that began in 3912 with water marches and the rap groups of the Palestinians before that in the sun culture it began by the years of profanes and generational desire to seek revenge and redemption by returning to the land of their ancestors the same space that the Jews themselves also wanted to return Tom. 

But here’s the good news - as SMALL as it is this holy land … there is enough for everyone to share - a common land without borders could exist between Jordan and israel- one thing we should remember on octoberv7 

October 7 did not start on October 7 - peace building is required for it never and never again to happen - to ignore the problem

If land justice is to kick the am down the road like moshe satan did . You either take it all and ignore the haters and fight to

Keep it all or you sit down one way and figure it out so that everyone wins . On October 7 Iran will learn the answer . And so will The rest of us .  Is it time for the world to Confront johadism Or is this just a smokescreen for a darcdepoer rruthb? 

There cannot be peace in the muscle ear until the messiah comes ? Perhaps then October 7 is a reminder to us all who live truth - peace comes at the cost of peace . !

I like to remember the story of the 20’bushbabies that were placed on a small island on a river that runs into the Congo by a well American missionary - 4 years later he came back to the farm he had bought and lived for 18 years and ALL these beautiful bush babies were gone . EXTINCT ! I asked - you had paid 4 guys for 4 years to protect them - what happened ? 

The answer ?  The villagers were hungry and they ate them all . 

The October 7 should be a reminder to all of us that unless we protect what is beautiful it too will be eaten by the hungry. An it ever be that Jew and Arab like these bush babies ever live together like Israeli and Palestinian ? 

Not until we can accept one another and VALUE one another . And this is what we must all strive for into the future . 

TERRA NOVA exists today . 

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