Wednesday, 3 May 2023

How Ukraine can win the war against Russia


How can a small country like Ukraine with only 10 % of the population of Russia possibly win a war with a nuclear power and the largest by territory nation state ...
-in the world ? 

It really seems impossible. A bit like the USA against a tiny country like Vietnam. Or Afghanistan. 

How can it be done ? 

It's simple. 


Yes.. both Vietnam and Afghanistan got destroyed. But they both had ONE thing on their side against a mightier and stronger foe... 

And what is that ? 

WHY did a less strong force beat a STRONGER power? We can also include Israel against the entire Arab nation. In 1948. We can include also African wars like South Africa..  like Zimbabwe ....Mozambique...etc etcetera. 

It can be done amigo. 


( Read The Social Contract - Robert Aubrey )

It's because the home team are fighting for their very existence. That's why they won. 

That's why they took the extra mile . 

Russia is dependant on its oil and gas incomes. Plus it's army are not as motivated as the home team.They left Afghanistan and Che hnia with their tail between their legs. 

Blitzkrieg in a brother war..

.simply doesn't work!!!

 This all half assed. Ukrainians don't want to kill Russians. And Russians don't want to kill Ukrainians.

Period . This is not a total war.. yet. 

Like the Swiss in 1515...they decided to go neutral. In this war the Russians should have taken Kiev at all costs FIRST. 

But ..they did not. And instead got bogged down in Bakhmut. A nothing town. 

So.its by attention the Russians are losing territory ..materials and men.

So how does Ukraine WIN ? 

Make Russia Ungovernable. 

So simple. 

But it won't. Because this war satisfied the bloodlust and greed of the few over the suffering of the many. ENERGY SECURITY OVER MORAL SENSE. 

So dumb. 

This war could end tomorrow..if the EU and the rest stop buying oil and gas. 

This is just one way. 

But there are many more. It just requires a bit of imagination . 

And willpower. 

And YES  with good strategic planning ... Ukraine can WIN the war. 

( But it is highly unlikely the EU will get consensus.) win... Ukraine must tell them all to piss off and get on with bankrupting the enemy and making sure the trains don't run on time. Failing that. Get back to negotiated peace accepting Russia's demands. Will that happen ? Not yet. It depends how strong the resolve of and the will of Ukraine to defend its land.. it's nation.... And to win it will require a total war. 

Zekensky can learn from Africa's wars for independence. Don't think it will ever be business as usual unless there is a resolution. 

At the table or on the battlefield. It's now a war of wills. This is how to win. 

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