Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Indigo Rose- A poem

Indigo Rose Scattered light at midnight….faces –places-airs- and graces …born into this world – But not here… Gone but not forgotten….humanities hopes…. Children living amongst the ashes of memories… Forest creature…alone….seeking colors’ sucked into the vortex of nature … Somewhere between the beginning of the end… and the end of the beginning… Then suddenly the clouds disappeared and the sun appeared … And then it came…it came! …Could there be such a thing as innocence? …Could there be such a heart of incandescent ….transcendence… ? …Your hair is aflame with Loves Luminescence … I sit in awe of your image -as I sit in awe of my loneliness… my solitude… A bird in the cosmic wind….blown amongst this weird –strange beautiful cosmos … -Tossed amongst the random CHAOS of unfettered TRUTH…I freeze! COULD there EVER BE A THING AS HERE AND NOW…?!!! Really? Lost in the moment of my madness...The moment of humankind’s mindlessness… -But where my Indigo Rose goes ….nobody knows -nobody knows…! -Where she goes nobody knows…nobody knows… Tell me…My Indigo Rose…How does your garden grow? Visions of your beauty….in the Scattered Light… MIDNIGHT MIRRORS -Frozen delight… Sweeping winds across a desert plain…. I am feeling the anguish of so much human pain… All life swept away in a blink of an eye…! The silent sky… oblivion…silence…gone…fullstop…forever…amen… And from the dust …from the extinction of dreams… Comes you…you! A single flower… Alive with THE wings to fly in the promises of a mornings’ sunrise… And a 1000 tomorrows…Indigo Rose….My Indigo Rose… So have you arose…. So you shall shine! You are divine You are eternal… You are mine!...Indigo Rose.

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