Wednesday, 2 April 2014

aup objects zuma candidature

AFRICA UNITE PARTY: OBJECTION TO THE CANDIDATURE OF PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA 2ND April , 2014 To whom it concerns: Sir/ Madam We have only recently been made aware of the deadline of objections to the list of candidates presented by other parties. We were not informed of this deadline but discovered it quite by accident today and we hereby ask for your indulgence to accept our objection of the above person for the following reason and because we as an interested party in an ongoing legal case against the president for theft, fraud and corruption feel that we need to state our objection most solidly and clearly before the Electoral Commission. We object to Mr. Jacob Zuma a candidate for the ANC to fulfill the role of president of this country for another five more years for the following reasons: 1. The AUP has filed CRIMINAL CHARGES against the president on the 21st March, 2014 at Johannesburg Central police station. We received the docket no 1046 the following day. The charges were brought about as a result of the 447 pages of evidence of the Nkandla report “ secure in comfort” 2. The docket no 1046 /3/2014 has now been transferred to Nkandla and has received the number 167/3/2014 AND IS BEING INVESTIGATED BY Captain Mgaga. 3. The AUP joins other political parties in objecting to the president to run again for public office on account of these ongoing criminal proceedings which might indeed bring his public office into disrepute. 4. At the moment the IEC as an independent organization has to show its impartiality and no political partisanery and make a decision based on irrefutable evidence that it is NOT in the public or national interest that this man run for office when these charges are pending and he is under investigation. 5. To make these elections not just free and fair…but Credible – ESPECIALLY SINCE THE CURRENT SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE IEC is under investigation herself…for graft… justice must be seen to be done. If the IEC is to apply the same standards and the same rules – as you have done with our party for non compliance of the security deposit- then you also have to apply the same rules of candidature for all those who wish to stand for public office… which includes anything in the Electoral Act which may preclude a candidate if there is a reasonable suspicion that criminal proceedings against said person are indeed taking place and have the possibility of success. Jacob Zuma has escaped justice for too long. Foreign investors to our country are turning away because they say: “how can we invest in a criminal state run by criminals with no respect for the law…? What’s more these charges are prima facie in nature and cannot be ignored or explained away in a few gestures of disdain… massive theft, fraud and corruption on a scale never seen before in this country by a public servant has taken place… the evidence is evident…ie the buildings have been built… no one can deny that… the report has been filed… no one can deny that…therefore, how can we allow such a candidate with such a dark shadow hanging over his head to represent the trust of the people… he needs to have his day in court and he needs to be suspended whilst this is happening…he cannot be allowed to run for public office as long as criminal proceedings are ongoing. Here ends our objection to the list of candidates. Faithfully, Robin Denton President of the AUP

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