Monday, 13 January 2014

Zuma - the Benevolent!- Comment on The Business Breakfast

Well... who woud have thought President Zuma could come across as so benevolent.... I watched through the sugary question and answering of The President.... man...if this were an international press conference - theres no ways he would have got such an easy time of it.... the interviewer was almost being so patronising that if Zuma had said..."bend over"...he would have probably oblidged...reminds me of Team America it was so crass... like watching oral sex.

The truth is that the ANC has broken most of its not an organisation that has shown it can hold its leaders to account.... and is showing a united front to give a semblance of democracy.... if one looks at the manifesto promises of this election... 6 million jobs from public works... they are living in cloud cucckoo land... theres just no ways....

At the moment the only thing that is gonna save this countrys ass is if Zuma makes like donald ...and ducks... the business community are to a person in total agreement that south africa under his presidency is NOT a good place to invest... the only alternative is of course China , Iran and North Korea - oh yeah ...and Taiwan... they just dont care who is in power... - it could be a giraffe....or an long as they get the chance to take the mineral resources of this country -who cares?

But on the whole... I was pretty impressed how Zuma handled himself.... not as much stuttering as in the memorial service... mind you ... he knew it was a staged exercise.

So we at AUM wish the present crocodile bon chance.... bon route.... and we wish ALL South Africans.... bon adieu to our economy if he gets to run us for another 5 years!

But no matter what happens... we shall be a voice of freedom. We shall never give up!

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