Thursday, 16 January 2014


The Law of Reciprocity.

Reciprocity- Definitions:

1.A reciprocal condition or relationship.

2. A mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations.

3. Treating others as you yourself would like to be treated

4. Giving and receiving equal quantities of energy that is balanced and harmonious and doesn’t violate one or the other party’s integrity.


Why do so many New Age books keep repeating the same mantras? All stemming of course from basic Buddhism- which has its root in the Bhagavagita. There are certain principles with which the universe works. But as humanity; our ethics are way off synch with HOW it should really be. Jesus Himself managed to get it right by explaining what the Law of Love is. Yet after 2000 years , we still haven’t got it right. We still value money rather than energy as currency. And this is never balanced.

For example... we work in a job at a set rate per hour to buy a product or service for the equivalent. Say one hour to buy 50 kilos of apples. In some countries you may need to work 10 hours for the same amount. Now, what happens when those who work for humanity work set hours to improve the lot of the human race... some of these people work equally as hard but get only one apple for ten hours of work. Are they lazy? Are they stupid? –No.

...Let’s call these people ...”lightworkers” – they may impart a certain spark that inspires others and empowers others to take that leap of faith ..that risk and as a result... those people then make a lot of money. Now the world then condemns the lightworker as unlucky and unemployed because they are forced to ask for the currency of exchange on this to eat or to move from one place to another... they may even be labelled as “ takers” or “ users” or “spongers”.. but the millionaire thinks that he was smart and lucky and did it all by him or herself...why? because he “ worked” for it. He ends up despising the light-workers of the world and fails to see there is a higher currency exchange based on light and energy...

You see we all vibrate at different frequencies. Sometimes to unlock or unblock something in your need certain kinds of energy to break through...this is why many people wanted to seek out prophets, kings and seers to gain some kind of empowerment... this is another way of understanding the law of reciprocity... we must realise that the knowledge we receive is to be given or shared...but Jesus says clearly – DONT THROW YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE...OR ELSE THEY WILL TURN ON YOU AND TEAR YOU TO PIECES.

The law of reciprocity is all about giving and taking... its about equally out and realigning. When we simply take energy from someone who is vibrating on a higher level we commit rape... We steal what isn’t ours... there are many such vampires around who suck our energy...our light and we feel angry or frustrated or tired...and don’t know why...

The Christians call the gift “ an anointing”... if you have a specific anointing to empower others...whether prophetically... or through other means- it is a free gift or exchange of energy that in the East is called “ Darshan”- The story of the woman who was bleeding who touched Jesus cloak is just one example of this transference of power...and energy... JESUS FELT THE POWER LEAVE HIM!...

Where does this energy come from? God...the source of ALL power...ALL light... ALL energy. In the Celestine Prophecy it talks about an economy that is based on the exchange of energy. Unfortunately, we are not there yet. We have a long way to go before we get there.

Reciprocity is about giving and receiving on an equal level...where energy exchange is recognised and honoured. The value of this exchange cannot be underestimated. And much education on this subject needs to occur so that we don’t abuse or violate each other’s integrity- reciprocity is also about giving love joy.... love IS reciprocity...we need to show each other we care... we value and we respect each other’s sacrifices and energy output... even if the dinner is burned... at least she tried to make it.... even if he tries to make money but least he tried... reciprocity is about living in peace with each other... not in a deficit with each other where there is one winner and one loser.... but all are winners... when you reciprocate the love that is given to you then you appreciate each other and yourself...when you don’t ...then there is usually a problem where one party thinks he or she deserves or is better than the other party... respect is not there...reciprocity is not there...whilst some people say LOVE is UNCONDITIONAL – yes it is... but taking love and not giving love is in an unethical – and wrong... but some people NEED love and cant GIVE it because they don’t have it...but in a relationship – any healthy relationship whether business or personal... reciprocity is always to be looked at energetically rather than materially...




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