Friday 4 October 2024

What happens POST October 7 ?


“Beware what you fear for fear that becomes so is the enemy of hope! “ ALV

Where to begin ? The missed opportunities - the train that stopped on all stations but nobody got off any of them ? Or just a harsh reality of what is simply and illusion ? 

I could talk about this subject for hours . But for this blog we just going to get to the point . The horrors of October 7 is like putting a swastica in the inside of the Star of David . It is a reminder of where fasvism if any kind will take us . At heart at the supernova festival was a big sitting Buddha - at heart of modern Israeli society is the desire to build a secular world that has lots of moment- at heart of revisionist Zionism

Is the secular state of Israel

And at heart of the many that travel after three years in the army is a soul that wants to find God . Or a million dollars . 

But … this is not what happened on October 7 . It is sand was the culmination of intentional failed policy thinking tat goes back to chur him and the peel commission if 1933 - that goes back to the entire project funded by the Roth holds and possibly directed by the elders of Zion to create the atmosphere of desiring for a Jewish state . At heart of October 7 are words nobody wants to hear in the horrid if the screams of young beautiful victims as they are brutally murdered and raped - brutalised by the master plan of an ogre by the bane of haha sun war ( a disciple of another beast by the bane of sheikh Yasmin who himself created this horror called hamas which committed this atrocity on this day . One that can only be totally destroyed . And yet how ? 

So war with visions of Saladin wishes to ignite an Armageddon and an uprising in Gaza that would destroy the state of Israel

By using the same tactics that crated it in the first place. Yes - imagine that hitler did not exist . Imagine that World War Two never happened … imagine there was no holocaust . Imagine no death samp’s and no oswietzim ? Would there ever be an Israeli Jewish state ? 

No . There would not . Not even in Uganda . . Some may call the persecution complex of the Jewish people the “ holocaust syndrome” because every moment of history whereby the Jewish people weee killed or raped or destroyed or maligned - you could say it was because they were and are the covenanted people if God - facts that happened . Or good story tellers . 

Moses spoke to God on a mountain . That’s where it all really began . And that only 4000 or more years ago . And God burned into Rick Ten Commandments with his finger - these 10 laws . The foundation of law itself and brought it to rest in the holy of Hokies in Jerusalem until it was hidden by king Josiah . 

The greatest men and women of this world we live in are it’s storytellers and the one with the greatest story to tell us ultimately the one who Lives forever in the consciousness of humanity . So what story so we tell of October 7 ? 

It is this . The time to create a two state solution has come and it has gone . It is really a case of who wants to live together in peace and who does not ? 

There is no West Bank . That is a fallacy . Since the early 2000s more and more Jewish zionists have settled on land they believe was given by their god to them thousands of years Avon. It’s called Judea and Samaria . Transjordan is now Jordan but has a population of 60% Palestinian . If anything it should become Palestine By a vote of the majority of the people that live there . They can keep The king as a figurehead but it should be Palestine . Lawrence of Arabia who

Liberated the Arabs there from the Turks should have helped the local

People to see that through . But somehow it became the Hashemite kingdom - who knows how . Winston Churchill In his infinite wisdom created this mess . But we have to fix it . In reality there is no desire for peace between Jew and Arab between Israeli and Palestinian . Most Palestinians are ingrained to believe - “this is our land and we’re going to take it back!”

So how do you argue with that? You don’t . You either create a UNITED STATE OF ISRAEL & PALESTINE ( USIP)/ UIP)“ with equal rights for all - a constitution. A common government . Everyone together living together but identifying however they want to identify but having EQUAL rights before law - ONE STATE with two separate flags . Recognised as one state - and screw the PEEL commission - personally I believe that’s the only way you can find peace in the Middle East - recognising the rights of both parties to exist and yes allowing the Palestinian refugees to return home . But with ONE small premise for alll Israel  or Jew Arab or Muslim Christian or atheist . FULL DEMOCRACY . Not separation but integration . 

On the one hand . But on the other hand you throw your hatred into the sea along with your desire to kill rape and dominate the other . Whoever does so should be removed from this society forever .  Not two states but one . 

Then there is naftali bennet the next pm of usrael - a religious zealot . Then there is the right wing - will

They accept a one state solution of a united israel

And Palestine like Bosnia & herzegovenia ? 

No they won’t not today and probably not for another 100 years . But short of overthrowing king Hussein an ally - a Palestinian state will not happen - short of giving the Palestinians northern Sinai - it won’t happen - why’ve? Because October 7 was a statement of ANTI NORMALISATION that began in 3912 with water marches and the rap groups of the Palestinians before that in the sun culture it began by the years of profanes and generational desire to seek revenge and redemption by returning to the land of their ancestors the same space that the Jews themselves also wanted to return Tom. 

But here’s the good news - as SMALL as it is this holy land … there is enough for everyone to share - a common land without borders could exist between Jordan and israel- one thing we should remember on octoberv7 

October 7 did not start on October 7 - peace building is required for it never and never again to happen - to ignore the problem

If land justice is to kick the am down the road like moshe satan did . You either take it all and ignore the haters and fight to

Keep it all or you sit down one way and figure it out so that everyone wins . On October 7 Iran will learn the answer . And so will The rest of us .  Is it time for the world to Confront johadism Or is this just a smokescreen for a darcdepoer rruthb? 

There cannot be peace in the muscle ear until the messiah comes ? Perhaps then October 7 is a reminder to us all who live truth - peace comes at the cost of peace . !

I like to remember the story of the 20’bushbabies that were placed on a small island on a river that runs into the Congo by a well American missionary - 4 years later he came back to the farm he had bought and lived for 18 years and ALL these beautiful bush babies were gone . EXTINCT ! I asked - you had paid 4 guys for 4 years to protect them - what happened ? 

The answer ?  The villagers were hungry and they ate them all . 

The October 7 should be a reminder to all of us that unless we protect what is beautiful it too will be eaten by the hungry. An it ever be that Jew and Arab like these bush babies ever live together like Israeli and Palestinian ? 

Not until we can accept one another and VALUE one another . And this is what we must all strive for into the future . 

TERRA NOVA exists today . 

Friday 19 May 2023

30 travel tips by an expert


30 Principles of Global Travel in the 21st Century.

 Here are some of the basic principles I've learned on the road as a professional traveller.

This knowledge is useful because not every situation is predictable. 

1. Eat when you're hungry,drink when you're thirsty,eat garlic at least once a day for the mosquitoes, and wash when fresh water is at hand.( From an A...and above all - wash your feet!- and groin- theres nothing worse than "crotch rot"-or Veruccas-( use talcum powder in hot sweaty countries - its day- and always wash your hands before you eat.In Muslim countries dont eat with your left hand!( its like saying..." I eat shit!")

2.Wave your hands a lot and smile when dealing with an angry mob or someone who doesn't understand English very well.(My dads advice to me in Africa at 19)

3.Take nothing without asking and always ask permission to take photographs.

In some countries they think youre taking their souls...a picture in Nakonde of the rising sun 

4.Knock on the door of a stranger when you need a place to sleep or are in trouble. Ask for help when you need it; and in big strange cities ask for directions at least 3 times to makes Mao said to his soldiers in his little red book-Dont even take a thimble!" In this way the communists tried to win the hearts of the Tibetans in their fight against feudalism.

5.When the signs are not in English and no one speaks English stand still,read a Time magazine and dont panic. Then try to buy a local map and figure out where north & South- East &West. Or orienteer 

If you cant do that follow your feet where they you want to go.All roads go to Rome...( SOONER OR ...

6.When invited to eat -and you're hungry never eat like a pig!...

Control yourself.

Wait for your host to eat first unless he motions for you to eat first. Allow them to do or say what they want to say or do eg pray th - dont shovel it in and take your time to chew.Try to observe the customs of whom you are eating with and copy them.Always smile and nod your head even when the food is totally awful-this was this awful green cassava - manioc porridge-

7.If you're a guest in someones house never bring a girl there unless your host is present.

Never make love to a girl you meet in the house of your host and never make love to your girlfriend or wife in the house of your host.

The house is regarded by some as a place of worship or church and to have sex in that house can be a!Its always better to get a room!- so be warned...

8.If you are offered an embarrassing gift like a woman or money - never take it unless it is either obligatory towards the safety of yourself and others ...and it is a absolute terrible insult..not to. But it's every situation different. 

Apologize and then refuse the embarrassing gifts if you are able.-Again if the gift is made in good faith -and you need it or want it and there's no strings attached each other...

9.When hitching a ride dont remove your shoes unless the driver is a muslim and -he insists!Some people can be offended by it.- If the driver is aggressive or wants to have sex with you do not panic but politely engage the person to divert their attention to other subjects.

 Then when its possible jump out of the car or truck- even if its in the middle of the road rather than to deal with a maniac psycho 12 hours straight. 

10. When stopping for a restbreak- always carry your valuables in your shoulder /travel bag eg camera, passport etc. When you get into a strange vehicle always make mental note of the registration particular things of the driver eg tattoo on left arm. 

11. Never draw a knife or a gun on someone who threatens you in a strange land. If you're gonna carry something defensive- carry a per)- If that's not possible carry a Police whistle- THEY WORK!!!-Just the sound will confuse your attacker momentarily...enough time for you to escape ...However, It is always better to negotiate your way out of the situation either by bribing them or negotiating ...

Always keep calm. If you are being mugged and you are able to - grab the knife and twist it or make a lot of noise and you have to stand up and fight make sure you show NO mercy.

 Its you or them!A good self defense course is always good to know on your travels as most idiots you meet on the way you are outnumbered be absolutely compliant and allow them to take whatever it is. You can always get it back. 

Never walk in a dark place with your valuables. Take only the minimum if you are able. Leave your valuables in the hostel safe or sew them into your rucksack or jeans - they usually pate to hide money if you have time is under your arm-or use an old Cuban cigar case and -SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS FOR CASTRO!!! ...Now... about self defense-I studied Shaolin Kung fu when I started travelling- and I've done boxing as a kid-and Shaolin Kung Fu and street fighting in hell holes a teenager  so it has helped and it improves your self confidence in handling a difficult situation that you cant talk or run your ways to avoid violence of any kind.- unless its in you.. sometimes I've found its instinctive...

 12.When you come to a strange city at night...stay where it is safe until dawn comes. Dont always be your time to take in the scenery!But when you do move- move slowly and deliberately...with purpose and direction. Like how an elephant

If you must walk at night in a dangerous area- walk fast and always be ready to run- even with your Muggers usually operate in twos and threes... even fours...

Sometimes groups of ten. 

 If they cross the road towards you- cross over to fight - go to the middle of the road and flag down the first car that comes.. if it's not possible to run. But just seeing them see you stops their courage to get you by surprise coz you are ready for them. They like to catch their victims by surprise. 

13. If you have no way of getting to a place of safety at night- contact a police station and ask foat way. I've slept at police stations all over the world. 

14. Whether you meet a prostitute or a woman at a night club or on the bus... if you're gonna sleep w use a bloody condom! Always make sure you have at least 6 in your bag in case its gonna be a long night... There are soic)on the road ( sorry girls)- eg sypholis, Hiv-AI- Then theres the issue of pregnancy...! All has to be taken into account.

An Irishman once told can do a lot with the imagination...!)...-and iSo -Be careful- when you meet someone you can trust -get to know them- ask about their background... Remember there is no shame in carrying condoms. BE PREPARED! -It could save your life!( There is a drug that works 72 hours after sex if your condom breaks/slips off which will cover you advice on it- as well as the morning after pill for unwanted pregnancies. 

15. When you come to a country that's got typhoid or jardia- always make sure when you eat at a well known local  restaurant....check how the food is being prepared in the kitchen. Do they use iodine to wash the dishes? Do they clean their hands before they prepare the food? How d mine and built like iron you will just say grace Once in India I found a maggot in my rice...I showed it to the manager and he said..." Sahib Sir- I maggots are another mens protein...!- never be afry the rule is to see how they prepare the food...i16.WELL BEING-:NEVER- never!... eat boiled eggs on the side of the road. Especially if they've been in the sun or in a hot climate. Salmonella poisoning can put you down f fried or scrambled - smell them before you eat. If its got that sulphur smell like a fart- dont eat it! I've been ill twice from eggs gone bad... -Piss /urinate on open cuts /wounds if you dont have medication and carry bandages with you at all tin a traumatic sitution although people say sugar  is great for aches and pains and swimming great fIf thats not possible there are some good yoga exercises that can relieve back pain( usually from buA good run is also good and try to boost your immune system with things like guarana or ginseng/ginglots of vitamin C - you cant beat good ole orange I'm not a big fan of Multivitamins- raw food diets sometimes and fasting is good... Aloe Ferox & Grelike Ghandi if you're brave enough!17. Water- if you must drink from a stream or a river...or lake... always drink from the top or surface area...king a bath in a bilharzia area always do it wherer the water- or at rapids. "Flatheads "(crocs)-donWe used to play a drinking game in the old days on the Zambesi River with the crocs-swimming closer loser... stupid really..-a bit like russian rouletFlowing water and from the surface - allowing the sediment to settle is the key- if you have a UV stoil the water and let it cool. For leeches carry an you from the trees as soon as they smell the blo18. In very hot climates the best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun... but if you can't...wear a hat that covers the back of your neck. Drinknutes  or so and monitor your heart rate. ( I nearIf you must drink something to cool you down - drink sweet mint black tea... it works like a charm. Stay out of the sun between the hours of 11am-3pm if you are able to. Thie sunscreen and wear sunglasses whwere necessary- 19. Respect religion and religious customs and sites wherever you go. If people dont wear shoes - dont wear shoes, if the all things to all men... blend in and walk slowlyDONT FLASH YOUR TITS-!!!In a Muslim country -where most of the women are covered up... !-respect the place you are in and theone level and share your insights and observationsd immoral... and they arn't far wrong either!If you need to talk seriously to someone about something-It is better to discuss issues by sitting down/squating/crouching - never standing up!- and always be aware of your tone level and voice level.People like to talk to 

20. If you're in a situation where a trader or prostititute or policeman is trying to rip you off ,ate fiercely- but if it looks like they may use viopay the extra money- and be done with it!- Its their country remember that!- they know the ins and outs... they know how to stitch you up if they want to,always know when to bluff, when to raise and when to fold... its all a game of poker!Knowing how far you can push it is the key to learning good strategy when dealing with thugs, ripoff is to not back down and if you need to back down - recognise it immediately...and back down... better to live another day.

21. Drugs...if youre gonna use soft drugs- use them in tourist areas or quiet areas- if youre gonna use hardeome countries the drug is purer and therefore stroIn this case when you are doing drugs in Thailand or Colombia- be sure that the drugs will be strong and to do it with a friend in case you need to ALWAYS MONITOR YOUR HEART RATE and breathing rate-check how big your pupils are dilated and keep cal the mouth...!-(if its going up too fast chill check your bag yourself before you get on the plane..Spending a few years in a South American jail is no fun at all! Watch "Banged up abroad" next time you think about smuggling drugs. Dont be tempted to do a donkey rnt or been stupid... its more stupid to spend someof them were to accidentally fall... theyre'd be 1

22. Malaria- I've never taken the pills and I've never got it.. but at the first signs of malaria- go to the ne hours... otherwise it could go cerebral and youre 

Carry your own thermometer to check your temperature... it could be flu or food poisoning or fever or heat stroke...but the bod whats going on with your body at all times.(I once saw women with colorful feathers in their hair- wish

There are different remedies... quinine drip is the most drastic... but generally its paracetamol and offhand... "tryptamethalaquin"...something like...

 Best is to use long sleeves and socks in the evening and make sure you use some kind of lotion (  under a fan- mossies sense your CO2 - Carbon Dioxide trace-warmth - that's how they hone in on you in the dark... but the trail is confused by the fan... if there's no heat signature...and finally- use a battery operated rechargeable insect deterrent. 

Oh yeah- and avoid black colours - they love black! (Death to vampires!)- I hate them...the only good thing about Malaria is that you get to but other than that mosquitoes do a cheap job of

 23. Try to budget - if you run out of money- phone home- the embassies will give you a free phone call... in case you'cuse for running out of cash.

Carry a few expensive items with you- a watch- a laptop-a camera- a ring-a good phone... all will heep you going while you wait for rescue... but if ask for help from the locals - from other travellers...there is no shame in it.

 I've helped a lot of stranded travellers and I myself have also been stranded - whether its a flat tor food- or money... people are people and they all dance the same rhythm and blues...! Trust in the spirit of humanity and humankind. 

 Even Americans & Russians- You will be amazed at the humanity and grace in normal average people. 

The media hides the good from the bad-and the ugly... the Greater Community of Humankind "be a good World Citizen!(WC)-is what the traveller must remind all nations. We are not alone -nor are we separate from each other.

We are Oneness. Oneness in our Empathy. 




The only way is UP!-

24. When you travel you will be inundated with new images, colours, sounds, sights, experiences, changes...UPLOADING"... all of it goes into the subconscious & unconscious minds. 

There comes a time when you need to take a break because of what I call " Travel Shock"- this is your time for " DOWNLOADING" all your thought processes - figure out what you've learned... process all the information...

- thats why its always good to take  recall information.

If you dont like writing - draw- sketch... use your mind - your brain to write down everything you have in your notebooks - its easier to recall the informal part of your brain that memorises things- like numbers... the travelling -and the processing of the travel... when you get back home your brain will take e dont understand this... but its just that you've of what you've learned. 

You cant fire on all cylinders all the are human after all and apportioned X amount of 

25. Develop 360 degree vision when travelling!!!-Know and note where everything is around you... observe when you come to a new place... try to take a mental image picture of signs- buildings...etc so you can find the place again. 

 Its easy when you practise this as you will be able to find places in the middle of nowhere again if you'll be surprised at how easy it is to trigger you -Also when you get to a new place get a local sim and take the tel numbers of everyone you meet  of where you are... when stepping off a bus or take measured strides - be conscious... (Walk like Steve Martin & Michael Caine in Dirty Rotten scoundrels if you must.)- if you approach a group of people -go for the person who looks like the leader...there's always one alpha male principle)...

 be bold- be confident- smile- look at one person who is open to your communication and speak simply and directly looking at them... when you come to a new place never show you are too nervous - take your time- dont always accept secure corner where you can gather your thoughts.In the old days we used to carry American Xpress travellers cheques- nowadays with Western Union and Moneygram you can get money sent out to you pretty fast.

 Travel insurance is good in case of an absolute life of a war zone or the Congo( My Uncle used it when d for by the best travel insurance money can buy)..Just look after yourself and your shit and you'll be alright. Carry 1-2000 USD cash in 50 &100 -the wheels of justice...When and if the paw-paw hits the fan deal with it on the ground. 

Everything else is elementary and see the beach and die...( a friend of mine did that once" I'm Dead!"- and lay on his deck chair to see the response from the general public)-so your family can collect on money! 

I've never used it and I'm still here to try to avoid attracting attention to yourself if you can- learn to blend in and pretend to be a local target for flycatchers ( people trying to sell 

26. When travelling trust in your instinct!-If you feel not at ease about something - talk to yourself - make sure you're not being paranoid... about someone or some place... get out of there I was stressed and rushed-... and in a crowdy- chaotic situation - always keep your cool... unless it demands that you explode a train in New Delhi... in this case most locals The key here is dont get yourself into situations that you cant get out of easily... if there's a few of you travelling in the same direction- enquire of other travellers where they are safety in numbers- always! Israelis often travel in groups for that very reason- also its good for saving money..

27.Buying stuff... negotiate the best deal when you can. Walk away when you reach an impasse and usually the guy will call you back... cash is king...and money talks... a market trader will always read your eyes and body language...pretend that you dont care about it... then casually enquire about the thing you want- if the trader senses you really want it... he will hold out for a better price to screw you if he has time to get good deals with Arabs is the last or first deal...Usually, I find its just before sundown you get the best deals ( eg Luxor)-For Buddhists its usually first sale of the day- get there early and you get a good deal.

 Hindus too- just after they sacrifice to their gods on thei morning... the lucky customer is the first one!

28. Save money where you can and prioritise what you want to see and do.

 Dont waste your money on alcohol if youre planning to do white water rafting way across the globe to see the Hermitage of St.Whoever ...

Hitch-walk or take a bus - and keep a running account.

 When you find yourself travelling with people you dont really know... dont trust them blindly !- most travellers are honest and your stuff is normally safe - but there are thieves... 

Most travellers are pretty honest. Be naive ...Be wise- act stupid!( From Socrates/Aristotle)I hope that makes some sense... As a rule travellers never steal from travellers.... and this I've always kept as my principle since I've began my journeys.

 Its the gypsy way....-When it comes to girls in mixed dorms...and travelling with girls... if you're having a relationship of any agreement for sex or for money... ( In todays day and age one cant be too careful from malicious allegations. But generally , Most people just be careful- I've met some really psycho women on the road... ( most of them Polish!- dont know why- maybe its 

30. The final principle: Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints and friends; always give and share what yo- even if its just a smile or a handshake;-be kind,considerate,compassionate and peaceful!- Leave the place better than you find it...!Spread joy and light , love and understanding wherever you go...

Be a shining example of ENLIGHTENED GREATNESS  and GOD wherever you find it - or Him and lastly...ALWAYS... ALWAYS KEEP AN OPEN MIND...AN OPEN HEART AND OPEN EYES AND EARS... !-FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU FIND ON THE JOURNEY -fo-No matter how weird it sounds, looks or feels...Be ALL things to ALL beings! Life is a journey and its your journey after all. Get ready to ride the wind !... be ready- every "-for the miracle of every new day... for each day IS a NEW adventure...participate as much as you can in making your pathway through LIGHT to those you meet on the road...!""for the job of the traveller is to receive the Heart of Humanity and to give HOPE to the Community of Man... "--"to give STRENGTH to the WEAK... ;to impart "BEINGNESS" to all...-and to make your walk on Earth- a LIVING... effective prayer for the World to come ;and th-To sow the Seeds of Love in the hearts of Jesus Name...amen.

I thank you

Robin  Denton

Wednesday 3 May 2023

How Ukraine can win the war against Russia


How can a small country like Ukraine with only 10 % of the population of Russia possibly win a war with a nuclear power and the largest by territory nation state ...
-in the world ? 

It really seems impossible. A bit like the USA against a tiny country like Vietnam. Or Afghanistan. 

How can it be done ? 

It's simple. 


Yes.. both Vietnam and Afghanistan got destroyed. But they both had ONE thing on their side against a mightier and stronger foe... 

And what is that ? 

WHY did a less strong force beat a STRONGER power? We can also include Israel against the entire Arab nation. In 1948. We can include also African wars like South Africa..  like Zimbabwe ....Mozambique...etc etcetera. 

It can be done amigo. 


( Read The Social Contract - Robert Aubrey )

It's because the home team are fighting for their very existence. That's why they won. 

That's why they took the extra mile . 

Russia is dependant on its oil and gas incomes. Plus it's army are not as motivated as the home team.They left Afghanistan and Che hnia with their tail between their legs. 

Blitzkrieg in a brother war..

.simply doesn't work!!!

 This all half assed. Ukrainians don't want to kill Russians. And Russians don't want to kill Ukrainians.

Period . This is not a total war.. yet. 

Like the Swiss in 1515...they decided to go neutral. In this war the Russians should have taken Kiev at all costs FIRST. 

But ..they did not. And instead got bogged down in Bakhmut. A nothing town. 

So.its by attention the Russians are losing territory ..materials and men.

So how does Ukraine WIN ? 

Make Russia Ungovernable. 

So simple. 

But it won't. Because this war satisfied the bloodlust and greed of the few over the suffering of the many. ENERGY SECURITY OVER MORAL SENSE. 

So dumb. 

This war could end tomorrow..if the EU and the rest stop buying oil and gas. 

This is just one way. 

But there are many more. It just requires a bit of imagination . 

And willpower. 

And YES  with good strategic planning ... Ukraine can WIN the war. 

( But it is highly unlikely the EU will get consensus.) win... Ukraine must tell them all to piss off and get on with bankrupting the enemy and making sure the trains don't run on time. Failing that. Get back to negotiated peace accepting Russia's demands. Will that happen ? Not yet. It depends how strong the resolve of and the will of Ukraine to defend its land.. it's nation.... And to win it will require a total war. 

Zekensky can learn from Africa's wars for independence. Don't think it will ever be business as usual unless there is a resolution. 

At the table or on the battlefield. It's now a war of wills. This is how to win. 

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Finland join NATO - are we closer to peace or to total war ?

FINLAND is the closest European country to the seat of RUSSIAN power . To St Petersburg and to MOSCOW. 

In fact it used to be a part of Russian Federation..But today it's sovereign. It's Europe  

They have been accepted into NATO. But will Ukraine be accepted ?

 I believe not. (Not in this timeline). 

Purely, because it's a bad idea for world peace and will upset the geopolitical equilibrium beyond repair. But I don't see any problem with Ukraine being part of the EU. 

Certainly if it does become part of Nato.. this most corrupt country in Europe will lead us all into oblivion. 

And probably drag NATO into an all out war .. a total war with RUSSIA which is what certain neocons and special interest groups are hoping for. This is a high stakes poker game. 

To break this deadlock of stagnation that keeps Russia in the dark ages and not part of the real world. But is it that ? Some people agree .. this is a spiritual.war between ideologies of how the world is going to be seen in future. 

Will we neuter Russia and China now.. or wait for it to grow stronger ? This is the question. And is it necessary ? 

Whether it will be a stable secular new order as stated on the one dollar bill.. or that orthodox Christianity and territorial and cultural integrity is preserved. 

Certainly Putin is no fool. In fact alongside king Charles.. he holds the orthodox faith in high esteem. So where does this play out ? How will it end ? Certain the democrats and some republicans want to get rid of Putin.. and establish this new world order...

But in truth it gives Putin the ammunition now to cement his claims over the territory he has annexed. It means there is tit for tat.  You took crimea .. ok Finland joins NATO. Ok you took Donbas and four provinces of Ukraine.  Ok we accept Ukraine into the EU. Certainly Turkey will block Ukraine's entry into Nato. And probably a few other countries like Hungary if they are part of Nato. 

That's what bringing Finland into NATO means. 

Nobody can win a land war in Ukraine. This is a BROTHER war.  Same language almost and same religion ..  there are more similarities between Russians and Ukrainians than differences. They share so many things language, culture, food,music,dance, literature, music.. yes there is distinctions.  But not in the same way as it is between say Moroccan food and Italian. So it's been a war of attrition until now. A softly softly war. Not all out Stalingrad shoot them in the back and not one step backwards Stalinist approach... It doesn't have that desperate win or lose feel. But it's going that way. If no one comes to the table. 

 So unless this brother war becomes A TOTAL war which is what some warmongers want in Washington... It will either escalate or de-escalate and everyone will get tired of fighting. 

But are we there yet ? As Bart Simpson would say. 

No.. to end this war it means ..first the political will and the consensus of the people of Russia and Ukraine itself. 

To drag it out.. this is totally pointless and a waste of human.lives and resources. There is no sense except how much the price of oil will go up. 

For America's part.. the bigger picture is the petrodollar and the end of Bitterlake Roosevelt agreements. So it's in her interest to neuter both Russia and China - Iran and Saudi. It's all about the petrodollar. 

However, under its present weak leadership . That's impossible. In fact ... we are seeing a very high level strategic chess game playing in multiple dimensions. 

 Finland joins NATO. Next Sweden .. ?

It's groundbreaking .. a game changer. It's now Putin's move. And he will probably escalate in Donbas. He hasn't carpetbombed Kiev yet. 

That unfortunately is what appears to be on the cards. If no breakthrough soon. 

The expansion of Nato  gives him the green light to take the whole of Ukraine and even Moldova.  Then...we are all in trouble.. because the West - East red line will come closer to Berlin than ever before .. and it looks like this may happen if nobody stands up and says "NO." 

If the West Get Ukraine into NATO it will be a Third World War. And we are close to.that happening. 

So what is going on on the ground ? Who is winning ? Nobody. Except the weapons manufactures. The oil producers. And the reconstruction giants. Like BlackRock. 

This war could then drag on for two more years (or until Trump comes back to power and strikes a deal... )- But this is becoming more unlikely. 

WAR is very profitable for the bankers and oil tycoons.

 Right now they are the ones keeping the government's in the red.. otherwise we would all be in a great depression again.

 Thanks to COVID. 

And Operation Shipwreck. 

But that's another story.

 The acceptance of Finland into NATO puts a fine red line into the geopolitical mix ahead of negotiations.

 It means we are either closer to a peaceful settlement that guarantees the rights of Russian citizens in Ukraine and demarks this boundary clearly.. or we will see more posturing by both sides and more heavy fighting now that the winter is over.

We need to pray that we are closer to a final settlement or at least to a ceasefire. It all depends now on what America will do. It appears they are ok with escalating the fight . 

They have a willing partner in Ukraine .. but what do the people think ? Are they tired of this war .. or do they wish to stop it ? As long as it continues . As long as the prices of oil are high. Somebody is benefitting from it. And it sure isn't us.

For the sake of peace NOW we need to STOP the war!

But for the sake of freedom later we need to put bullies in their place. ASAP. 

And there's only one man I can think of who can do that....

Not Jesus Christ ( of course he can do that too ) 

It's Donald TRUMP. 


Sunday 5 March 2023


 "Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream...but now let's have a surprise, let's have a dream which isn't under your control. "-

Welcome to Cairo ! 🙏🏼

" You are the fabric and the structure of existence itself "

With that in mind .. crossing the road in  Cairo is like taking a chance at the roulette wheel of life hoping your ball lands on the right number ! In Cairo....

Everyone takes a chance. 

Cairo...Kairos( *moment of truth ...Chaos

Teeming masses 

Seething Soylent streaming from corner to corner ...jammed cars and bikes of every kind. Camels here and there dotted with tired out flogged fagged horses in a faceless world of exploitation caked in desert dust and sand and carbon monoxide. 

It really is a cesspool of dirty humanity clawing each other on the pyramid of life. 

Yet somehow... somewhere in all of these contradictions from Giza to Nasr City to Downtown to all the ever increasing sprawled out mess of crumbling colored red bricked half finished buildings  that never change... it's a  perfect anarchy that works in a way little understand. Nor try to. Here in these confused narrow streets you may meet in Khan El Kalili an ex president. Or a movie star.  Or an unheard of savant...

- Smoking cigarette after cigarette as he creates his masterpieces in cotton or papyrus. Or a refugee from the Sudan surviving on giving henna designs to willing hands. And squeezing each bit of compassion you might have into the cash that is in your pocket. 

 Who can tell ? It is totally random. I met Jimmy Carter whilst drinking a Turkish coffee  outside a hash shop in 1983. True. 

 It is unexplained. And amongst all the falling daily golden dust from yonder desert winds . You may come upon a temple of ISIS surrounded by a fence.. or a Sufi school now a mosque. Quite by happenstance. 

Always it is alive...always a surprise. A whole family of five on a motorbike...or a bicycle with enormous trays of bread balanced on a head careering down the road somehow keeping it together. 

 From her bazaars of spices and gold to her sprawling traders from Gaza and elsewhere.  Something is always going on in Cairo. Never boring. 

 And despite all the paradox and complete disorder there are lessons to be learned. If observing the beauty of the young stars all dressed in their religious garb ... Their inquisitiveness. Their desire to connect. Their smiles in the trash of existence that blackens their faces daily in the constant pollution of life. And despite all was Omar shariffs favourite place and ultimately his rest. Where as an immigrant he fell in love and became the famous actor he was. 

O the horror. O the tradedy. Dr Zhivago in a pristine soviet town it is not. 

And the millions of inhabitants cramped altogether doing life in this organism on the river Nile in its delta with its heat .. and flies . And mosquitoes and dust.'s here...

To learn. To be seen with. Touch. This city affords all And anyone a view of another way of living together.

E -kip -tos ...the "land of the Copts "... Egypt. Misr. Kismet. Of temples...of secrets underneath the hot desert sands...of Feluccas down the Nile...of mysteries and archeology. Cairo a city of 35 million. And growing. Dusty..dirty..disgusting...yet in this divine milieu we see a mirror of our own minds and in its whirlpool of lostness..we find clarity. 

And in this city everyone is hear to e kipt. Or grab a little tip... A baksheesh.. from small to great. 

Every directional distraction from carts and cars to  bikes and bodies strewn on the pavement with outstretched hands. Gone is the shame...gone with the clouds of debris blowing through its avenues and boulevards. 

Nobody can afford disillusion but it's here nonetheless.its here alright. This is the real deal. 

 As if to bring this to life everywhere on the streets and cafes the bars and I. The taxis.  It's some faceless voice speaking or singing at the Koran suras instead of the latest pop music. Women some are footloose and freeze but others ..the most are covered from head to toe to keep them in check... In their prayer life.  In their Deen .  But in truth it's obscene to see the loss will and choice when one suffers indecision. 

Or oppression. But in This merry go round of pandemonium we see the good guys... The ones who do really believe in a higher power. Once upon a time on the streets of Cairo eating a liver and onion sandwich I pondered to myself how is it that someone could live in this mess and still not lose themselves in it.

Yet the Holy family fleeing their persecutions did so. And their fingerprints are still upon the region.

 The old city can be reached by metro.Actually the metro is air-conditioned and not bad.. but like everything in Egypt it emerges from a maze on the street aboveground in a tiny entrance that can easily be missed amongst the hoards. ( I can't understand why many people have to squeeze through a small space - perhaps it's a cultural way of controlling many )

 Old Cairo like the city of the dead and the citadel has loads of dusted ghosty buildings that have this haunting look from a past era .. the same as the ancient elevators made of wood. You often wonder how is it they actually keep working for so long. 

But somehow they do. Otherwise you end up climbing a lot of stairs. And the people live amongst the crammed streets missing each other by millimetres. 

There are no traffic rules in Cairo. If you drive it's only the brakes and the hooter . The rear view mirror is of no consequence. And just like the old days... You must ask at least 6 people for directions if your internet doesn't work. 

Even with Google it's still a chaotic non Utopia city that is spread eagles across miles and miles of ugly cement landscape.

 Although some residential buildings do have stuccoed colours facades or if they are painted some few wall murals. But they are not the norm. 

In this soylent green nightmare you can easily find yourself liking it's chaos as it mirrors your own mind with every distraction and temptation that floats by trying to suck your energy in any way it can.

 There's a saying in Cairo.. ( one I made up actually but one that I'm repeating from others too.. ) " If you can do ONE thing in Cairo each day your day is a success!" 

 The traffic is horrendous. Constant beeping. So beyond doing one thing if you can... Do it well. Go see old Cairo museum or the Coptics living in the graves. 

Or go on a cruise on the Nile. Or wander all day aimlessly in the great Khan El Khalili bazaar. In Cairo there is something for everyone. Find a quiet corner if you can and read a book. Cairo is a maelstrom of attention seeking millions living in a dirty hell. But it's a hell that becomes interesting in its random chaos that repels order. The funniest thing I saw is the way people cross the street. 

You would think that if you have thousands of people wanting to cross at a particular point every day they would build a safe crossing to do so.  They don't. Instead they squeeze through the bars of a fence in the middle one by one and dodge the cars to get to the other side. Every day. Do people suffer ? Yes. People collapse. I've seen it. In the heat of day. 

Horses suffer as they are beaten to death climbing the road towards the pyramids.Its terrible to see in this day and age . But that's capitalism. People need to eat. Animals come second...

  And are tossed in the garbage dump. But at least they are buried. The horses are just thrown on the manure shit heap. But that's ok . Because this town is anti order. It's all about survival.from one day to the next. 

 It's a controlled anarchy. It hasn't broken down to complete mayhem. There is a social order. And that is defined by it's religion as they sit I the coffee shops watching people go around and around a black stone in a foreign land. It's this constant zealous chanting that keeps some semblance of coherence in an otherwise broken world.

It was more Oum Kalsoum in the past. More flavours. More character. More colour. Cairo is more or less the same..nobody cares. But compared to New York or London it has more unpredictability. More life. More adventure. That's Cairo.

O..the HORROR!

In the hollowed out stomach of a dead dried up horse we saw a dog gnawing at it's meatless bones living in a perfect home for his kind. That's Cairo. Uglyness and beauty in macabre harmony. At One. 

Wednesday 9 December 2020





Why it matters to all of us on the planet!
PANTANAL: The name "Pantanal" comes from the Portuguese word pântano, meaning wetland, bog, swamp, quagmire or marsh. This year 2020 will go down in history not just for Covid 19 and the global chaos it has caused, but also as the worst year for fires not just in the Amazon forest ;but also in the largest wetlands in the world...The Pantanal. I visited the region in November -just one month after the largest of these fires had been extinguished. I was both shocked by the devastation of the fires and encouraged by the incredible regeneration power of nature. It isnt all doom and gloom, but there is a big work to be done. And the good news is that we can ALL lend a hand! I came out of the pantanal more with HOPE than with despair. More with the viewpoint that I as an individual could make a difference. So why bother going ?
I wanted to see first hand what was happening and speak to the people of the pantanal to hear from them. I wanted to see their perspective. My journey took me from Portugal to Igazu falls which is also lauded as one of the 7 natural wonders of the world and the second largest hydro electric plant supplying 17% of Brazils electricity and 75% of Paraguay's needs. Water is life… but in the pantanal itself… that has taken on a new dimension with this years unparalleled devastation of the wildlife and habitat of this region. Most people will blame climate change and leave it at that. But there is more to this story than what is reported in the New York Times.
Lets look at some of the facts: What is the Pantanal ? The Pantanal (Portuguese pronunciation: [pɐ̃taˈnaw]) is a natural region encompassing the world's largest tropical wetland area, and the world's largest flooded grasslands. It is located mostly within the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, but it extends into Mato Grosso and portions of Bolivia and Paraguay. It sprawls over an area estimated at between 140,000 and 195,000 square kilometres (54,000 and 75,000 sq mi). Various subregional ecosystems exist, each with distinct hydrological, geological and ecological characteristics; up to 12 of them have been defined.[3][4][5][6][7] Roughly 80% of the Pantanal floodplains are submerged during the rainy seasons, nurturing a biologically diverse collection of aquatic plants and helping to support a dense array of animal species. A common destination for ecotourists, the Pantanal is the world’s largest tropical wetland, home to Indigenous peoples and a high concentration of rare or endangered species, such as jaguars and giant armadillos. Small fires occur every year in the region, which sprawls over parts of western Brazil and extends into Bolivia and Paraguay. Like in Africa there is a rainy season and a dry season. The majority of the rains begin in January and the driest month is November. From January this year to October an unprecedented level of fires have ravaged this area which is around the size of Greece or New Jersey. Its enormous. I asked the environmental police and others what caused these fires. It turns out that it was 4 farmers who were clearing their land to generate new grass required by their cattle to eat. These farmers have been jailed and their lands confiscated. Who owns the Pantanal ? The pantanal is 90 % privately owned. Most owners are cattle ranchers but some are farmers or fishermen and others have eco tourist facilities. I visited a well known service provider called Santa Clara around 5 hours drive from Campo Grande which is the gateway to the Pantanal. I ,and a handful of others were the only foreign tourists in the last 6 months. In fact the majority of visitors are local Brazilians who view this region as an exotic holiday destination ,and are not fully aware of the challenges facing these sensitive wetlands. Nor do they see that they can do anything about this emerging crisis. What comparisons are there to the Pantanal? If I compare the Pantanal I would have to think about the Okavango swamps which is our equivalent in Africa of South Americas wetlands albeit much smaller (6000 square km.). The BIG difference is that the entire region is publicly owned and protected by the state. This IS part of the problem in the Pantanal. Economic needs of landowners outweigh the environmental needs of the land at times. Fires are a part of the life of the pantanal but there is little if any oversight by the government on the environmental management of the region. The Okavango was and is a protected area not just locally but internationally and is one of the worlds 7 natural wonders. Because of its remoteness not enough people visit the area or even know about it. The only reason its in the spotlight this year is because of the apocalyptic fires seen from space.
Why have these fires lasted for so long ? “Unlike in the nearby Amazon Rainforest, vegetation in the Pantanal has evolved to coexist with fire — many plant species there require the heat from fires to germinate. Often caused by lightning strikes, those natural fires tend to spring up at the end of the dry season, in September. They run out of fuel quickly, and the surrounding floodplains prevent them from spreading. What’s different this season is that the region is facing its worst drought in 47 years, says Luisa Diele-Vegas, a Brazilian ecologist at the University of Maryland in College Park. And 2019’s fires were also intense, contributing even further to the unusually dry conditions and exacerbating the fire risk this year.” The TRUTH is not so simple. Fires are a natural part of the eco cycle of the Pantanal. I spoke to a local pantenero I nicknamed “ Gandhi and others including the environmental police , tour guides and local indigenous Guato… they had a different story. Yes, in part these fires were started by farmers clearing their land for grass to grow for their cattle… but they are also naturally caused by falling electric lines, lightning strikes and so on… the big PROBLEM is that over the years rainfall has decreased. Why? Its simple. The cutting and clearing of the neighboring rainforests and the Amazonas that produce the rain and the evapotranspiration necessary for clouds and barometric high and low pressure cells to form. (Evapotranspiration (ET) is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's land and ocean surface to the atmosphere. Evaporation accounts for the movement of water to the air from sources such as the soil, canopy interception, and water bodies.)
DEFORESTRATION has a direct and indirect bearing on how much water comes into the pantanal during the wet season. Although a fire moratorium was declared in July by President Bolsonaro of Brazil, it has been too little too late. We cannot ignore the recurring causes of GLOBAL MEGAFIRES anymore. This is not only an SOS to the PANTANAL… It is an SOS to the world! The fires have ravaged 22% of the Pantanal during this driest of years. It was a great environmental tragedy that not only destroyed plants and trees but also millions upon millions of animals including endangered species.. but the FACT is it carried on so long because of underground smoldering. This smoldering takes place in the roots of the trees burned and reappears and restarts fresh fires. Because of the lack of water this year… it was possible for them to create new hotspots and reignite new fires. Also the fires from the neighboring Amazon created powerful winds which I actually experienced first hand that further fanned the fires. I watched with my own eyes a blue sky being turned into a grey one… a hot wind blowing from far away fires… it was a combination of the burning of the Amazon creating these what I call FIREWINDS and the worst drought of the last 50 years that maintained the endurance of these fires. Had the normal cycle of the Pantanal wetlands not been disrupted, we would not have seen this happening. It was the perfect storm. But it was more than that. The fires happening in Australia, California , Southern Africa and Iberia all point to a phenomenon that is growing. Fires becoming more dangerous because of a lack of rainfall. We cannot solely blame farmers for these disasters. Nor can we blame the inaction of the local government. We ALL need to take the blame and the responsibility for these fires going on for so long… it is our ignorance of how the Earths eco systems sustain life on our planet and how they are all interconnected with our own existence.
It is our APATHY and our STUPIDITY that has caused these climate disasters...and continue to perpetuate their injustices around the globe. My friends in the pantanal said to me… “ the amazon is the lungs of the planet and the winds and the rains… we need help from the international community to save the Pantanal. We need massive investment from the international community to put environmental protections in place. Not just financial investment but an AWARENESS investment. We need to teach this to our children in the schools. We need to protect our indigenous people who know the wisdom of the forests… we need to incentivise local people living on the land to protect the environment. All of this can be done...if there is a will to do it. What about the animals ? What about the biome? A biome /ˈbaɪoʊm/ is a community of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in. They can be found over a range of continents. Biomes are distinct biological communities that have formed in response to a shared physical climate.[1][2] Biome is a broader term than habitat; any biome can comprise a variety of habitats. “One of the biggest losses in this year’s fires is the region’s wildlife, says Douglas Morton, a remote-sensing specialist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who has studied fires and deforestation across Brazil for two decades. Many creatures thrive in the mosaic landscape of the Pantanal, which includes flooded areas, grasslands, lakes and forests. Scientists have so far documented more than 580 species of bird, 271 of fish, 174 mammals, 131 reptiles and 57 amphibians in the region. “My lasting memory from being in the Pantanal is the cacophony of life,” Morton says. “To me, that’s what’s so heart wrenching about seeing the extent of fires.” Frankly , I was disappointed. Growing up in Africa I have seen our nature reserves and national parks teeming with life. Mostly, that hasn't changed in 35 years although in some areas we have seen poaching. Its not a big problem in the Pantanal although some of the local first nations eat animals that are considered endangered , it isnt a big issue. I saw Otter, Capybara, caymans, some deer and many birds … but we had to search for them. A jaguar was spotted in the distance but it was the only one we saw in 5 days. I asked my guide Tony ..why? He said when the fires came to his house two months ago he witnessed a whole family of monkeys trying to escape the flames by climbing higher in the trees. It didnt help. With tears in his eyes he told me the story of rescuing a jaguar with burned paws. The animal had to be put down. He estimates the loss of wildlife because of this years fires as uncountable. It will take years he says for them to recover these losses. Whats more the corona epidemic has kept tourists away and sustainable development has suffered. People cant put food on the table to feed their families. Poor people have been forced to fish and hunt again as their crops have been destroyed. And in all this tragedy… the world has largely ignored this crisis which in a normal year would be front page news. The PANTANAL like the AMAZON is a unique biome which comprises of a symbiotic relationship with the natural climate and rhythm of seasons to create a natural eco system which is distinct by its species that exist within its zones. Its not just the destruction of the animals… its the destruction of its plants… one fifth of the pantanal was damaged this year by fire. That is news. As humanity we need to do something about this. By understanding that the very survival of humanity and all life on Earth depends on us , as stewards or caretakers of this and other biomes we ensure the Equilibrium by which we all continue to exist. Its all interconnected. And the signs of our mismanagement are clear. Not just with the wildlife, fauna and flora...but also with the indigenous or first nations peoples that live as they always have – in harmony with Gods creation.
The Guato – a tribe on the verge of extinction Today very few Guato indigenous people survive. Less than 1000 in fact. Once they occupied the majority of the Pantanal in Brazil and in Bolivia. They are mostly living around the town of Corumba on the border of Bolivia and on a small island in the Paraguay river called Insua Island. I met the wife of the chief elder a lady by the name of Rosalina who invited me to visit them. The island is around 320 km up the river and can only be reached by boat. The nearest airstrip is about 100km from the small settlement of Uberaba. I am told it is a 16 hour journey but this may be longer depending on conditions or the time of the year. Brazil is also home to most of the worlds uncontacted, isolated indigenous tribes in the world. The organisation FUNAI protect the indians as bets they can but their lands have been encroached on and their fortunes as a tribe has led them to virtual extinction. They have their own language and cosmology and without our help in the years to come ...they will soon become like the rest of the pantanal… extinct. Perhaps these same people also hold the keys to understanding our climate crisis and also are an indication of how our encroachment on the rainforests and wetlands are having an impact on the health and wellbeing of these eco systems and indirectly the planet itself. I believe there is an important link and wisdom we can learn in our quest for this understanding of our own future. What does Guato mean? “It may well be, for example, that guató is a derivation of guatá, a verb that in Guarani signifies walk, wander, travel and traverse, annotated in this form at the start of the Iberian conquest in order to indicate a canoe people with a high degree of spatial mobility. Over the years, guatá ended up being pronounced and written as guató, incorporated as an ethnic name and autonym in a sociolinguistic context marked by intense interethnic contacts.” The Guato are the Hebrews or “wanderers” of Brazil like so many others who live close to nature and hunt or gather on its rivers and in its forests. “The Guató territory, limited exclusively to the Pantanal region, remained relatively unaltered until the mid 19th century when the process of occupying the region of the upper Paraguai river, especially after the Paraguayan War (1864-1870), with the presence of former soldiers, military personnel and farmers. The historiography on the Guató leaves no doubt concerning the extensive area that they once occupied, where the Indians were dispersed into small nuclear families. “ The fires in the Pantanal this year have been the worst in living memory. But they are simply an indication of what has been happening in the last 100 years with the expansion of the cattle farmer and the rancher… and the ever marching hammer of progress and order and economic expediency. A land of over 70 000 square kilometres they once occupied is down to one small island… What can we do about saving the Pantanal? The Pantanal like the Amazon are both under threat. Not just by what is happening to the climate but what is happening on the ground. Despite being the greatest environmental tragedy of 2020, it is all but forgotten under the flag of the pandemic and global economic crisis. People have more important things to worry about. Tourist lodges have been closed since January and only recently opened up in October. And despite a 120 day moratorium on fires; the fires will return next year… and the year after that. Fortunately , there is some good news… Brazil has many fire resistant trees that have withstood the raging infernos. They call they locally “ paratodo” – they have survived. But to really make a difference in the long term the Pantanal should be bought out completely and turned into a nature reserve. Just like many large tracts of land were bought by the state or appropriated in Africa. This is unlikely to happen unless there is the political and economic will to do so. And for those who farm these lands, they will still need a livelihood. But this would be a big step in the right direction. Brazil could not do it alone and should not do it alone. Saving the rainforest and the pantanal is EVERYONES business. The Amazon is the lungs of the planet and the birth of many of its trade winds which bring rain to Africa and Europe and in fact the whole world. They produce the “ rivers in the sky” that enable it to rain on the land. This rain provides the nourishment to grow food for the people. Its all linked together. So important it is to preserve our rainforests and trees we need only look at where petroleum originates from. Oil produces energy this we use to power our economies. One day all of this may be gone and we may not have even the air we breath and take for granted. So what can we do? : SOS PANTANAL !
The first step is AWARENESS or consciousness accelaration. By visiting these regions and learning more about them we establish a greater connection with them. Its like eating meat. We buy it from the local supermarket in a nicely packaged plasticated cleansed parcel. But we have no idea how and where that meat came form or how it was slaughtered. We have no idea what growth hormones are used or what these animals actually eat. In fact most of us know very little about our food chain. For those of us who would like to make a stand and get can. You can volunteer. Dont come just as a tourist, but come as a volunteer . Find any project that promotes the sustainable development and survival of the pantanal or the amazon. Help the first nations people to preserve their language and culture and traditions so we can learn more from the spirit of the forest and the habitat of the wetlands. Lobby your leaders to ensure that these lands are protected. Make movies,Make music , make concerts...raise money… write books – educate those who dont know about the necessity to plant trees and preserve the biomes of the jaguar and the many endangered species of the wetlands.
As a focaliser or convener of rainbow gatherings for over 35 years all around the world I see how much good we can do when we actually connect with the land and live on it for one month. This needs to happen and we need to ignite the imagination of our youth to take the torch of this great cause forward into the next generation… we are all rainbow warriors ( see & The second step is ECONOMIC. ENVIRONOMICS...I firmly believe that unless we incentivise protecting the environment , we will not change negative behavior patterns. In other words we need to redefine the value of money...which up to now has been profit based on commodities that have little merit or value. Gold for example is a worthless item. Without food, without water, without air… gold is nothing. SO is the FIAT currency system. Its just numbers created by a computer in a bank. It has no value except what we place on it. If we are to save the Earth we will have to digitalise our currency and incentivise them to motivate people to keep this Earth clean and green. Our economic system must reflect the true picture of economics. And what is that? It is the tree standard. Without trees we do not have oxygen nor do we have an effective carbon sink to clean the atmosphere of the fumes we pollute it with. Without trees we don't have wind and water and food. Its all interconnencted and interrelated. The Earth is a biological computer operating with set dynamic algorithms. If we disrupt these significantly it upsets the balance of Nature to sustain life on Earth. Its that simple. This crisis in the Pantanal was created and caused by the massive clearing and cutting of the Amazon rainforest over the last 30 years. How do I know? I was in Brazil during the 3rd Earth Summit in 1992 when the Agenda 21 declared its intention to create such a sustainability plan by the year 2021. Unfortunately,… we are nowhere near this goal today than it was in 1992. In fact 2020 has been the worst destruction in history of the Amazon and the Pantanal regions… we have gone BACKWARDS! The political will has to be there to make the changes necessary before its too late. We dont just need a great reset , we need a great awakening. How can we change that ? Brazil ranks as the most biodiverse country in the world. Biodiversity is the shortened form of two words "biological" and "diversity". It refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) as well as to the communities that they form and the habitats in which they live. This is why it is important to preserve the eco systems that contain it. But how ? It is political, intellectual, international, economical and radical. But to give wings to our ideas we must approach this challenge practically. What then shall we do? We must create a new economy and a crypto currency that will reward responsible behavior towards our common Earth. And the international community needs to create a common fund to invest in the preservation of this vital resource of both the Pantanal..the Amazon.. and other rainforests around the world such as the Congo. It is high time. Irresponsible capitalism must end. We are all in this together...we sink or swim together… as a species. Its up to us because there is no justice.. JUST US!.. and our vote is what we consume and what we do with our money. The final step is ACTIVISM . Where our leaders have failed us , we must protest and resist. Where necessary we must create a non violent,ahimsa non cooperation NEW EARTH ( NOVA TERRA )army. Where we see the land being burned to the ground for profit we must occupy it and live on it. Or we must educate and empower those who live on it already...whether they be cattle ranchers or first nations peoples. Where we see apathy and indifference we must OPEN our hearts and cry for the land and the Earth. Dance for it. Embrace and love it. It wont get better by us doing nothing. We must create a NEW EARTH ORDER… if necessary… and oppose the globalist agenda of consumerism and pollution and oppression. We can create islands of LIGHT and communities of consciousness or eco villages that will be ripples in the ponds of stagnation… yes… if nothing is worth believing in or living for then we are a lost civilization swimming in the morass of our own mediocrity.
I have myself travelled the Earth and spoken to many wise men and women over the years. As a rainbow warrior I have made my cause the cause of humanity as well as the Earth that provides our existence. It is our philosophy that must change if we are to survive and we have something to leave our children and grandchildren. We are going through a great purification and this pandemic has given us time to think what we are doing to each other and to the environment. We still have a chance to make it right. But time is running out. WHEN???... Perhaps today? “ May all the beings in all the worlds be happy!” Peace begins with you , with me ,with WE and we are the ones we have waited for. Change must be collective and integrative. We live on ONE EARTH in ONE world so lets co create a NEW EARTH ORDER for a NEW ERA , a rainbow nation of all colors and creeds bringing healing to the planet by our words and our deeds. 1. AWARENESS ACCELERATION 2.ENVIRONOMICS 3.ACTIVISM WELCOME TO THE MYCELLIUM , WELCOME HOME! ………………………………….. heartwave radio RAINBOWLANDS BRAZIL ( FACEBOOK GROUP ) / SOS PROJECT EARTH/ NOVA TERRA WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! UPCOMING CONCERT IN THE AMAZON : SOS EARTH : SPIRIT OF THE FOREST MANAUS OPERA HOUSE MARCH 2021 ? Whatever you do and wherever you are you can join this rainbow alliance and we can shine together. AWOOSHA! Useful References : If you want to know more and get involved. We are creating a land protection project that intends to focus on protecting 10 pieces of environmentally sensitive lands . Its called Terras Liberdade ( Freedom Lands) ( MAP OF THE FIRE DAMAGE IN THE PANTANAL) rosso-do-sul&gnid=&lat=0&lon=0&ct=southamerica&distance=