In this last weeks frenzy of solidarity with the atrocity in Paris committed by IS ( Islamic State)-
the defense review spending has increased by another 15 billion pounds or more… this is the middle of an economic slowdown and austerity measures ...most of which are affecting the poorest and most vulnerable in the UK.
So what is the argument to go out and throw a few bombs on some goats and derelict houses … ?
Is it a symbolic bombing ?
Will it destroy IS?
Will it give them a hiding?
Will it show them that you shouldn’t mess with the West?
Will it make them think twice next time they decide to attack us?
Will it achieve a show of unity against terrorism?
Will it make the world a safer place?
I dont think so. All it will do is further strengthen the position of President Assads criminal regime that gasses people.
And … this is the big and… it will lead to further resentment amongst the European Muslim Community amongst us…
Will it degrade the IS?
Yes – initially… and it might help a combination of Assad , the rebels and the Kurds on the ground to root out IS…
But will it defeat them?
Probably not.
No… the biggest danger is this…
It will lead to further migration of Syrians to Europe.
It will cost the West billions.
It will in fact polarise Muslims who are moderate to be more sympathetic to the cause of Jihad..and in fact further radicalise them here.
But that is a risk that David Cameron is willing to take.
President Putin has brought more respect amongst the Gulf states today with his vision of energy security and the future … but will those Muslims who see it as the West punishing them incline their ears to the extremist rhetoric ?
Firstly, we cannot underestimate the scope of this problem…
it is a global one. It isnt isolated to Syria alone. In Nigeria Boko Haram have continued to massacre civilians – as have Shabbab terrorists in Somalia… the problem extends to the Phillipines- Indonesia … Afghanistan.. even is like the modern day spread of Communism.
The more we aggressively bomb from above ...the more we will be seen as cowards by Muslims all over the world… and in fact those Muslims that are in the GREY zone… WILL turn.
And theres another issue… the spread of the far right in Europe and elsewhere…this is something we cannot underestimate either.
The majority of Muslims wish to live peacefully amongst us as our fellow citizens.
But after Paris the most astonishing thing is that of the conspicuous lack of condemnation from the Muslim Communities. I have heard their arguments … and they use MORAL RELATIVISM to judge the West for its AGGRESSION against Muslims and in fact .. they justify the attacks as a result of the West bombing hospitals – children- innocent civilians.. its rather like the same feeling we had when IS were slaughtering and raping Yasidi Christians.
In fact by bombing Syria it will only exasporate the problem even further…
No. The way through this quagmire is to decapitate the head of IS… which isnt a figure head but an idea.
What is this idea?
It is this. Jihad bil Kuffar...war against the infidels. For Muslims they see it as a war against their faith. IT WILL IN FACT ONLY LEAD TO FURTHER POLARISATION AND RADICALISATION OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE.
People who were moderate will in fact ...over time...once the pictures come in… start think about becoming a jihadist.
Despite how it looks … bombing Syria WILL NOT WORK.
It is a short term political fix. IF ITS GOING TO BE WAR...THEN IT WILL HAVE TO BE ALL OUT WAR.
But in the long term we need to engage Muslims in our communities and ask them if they really want to live amongst us or not… we need to take them out of the Middle Ages and integrate them into our national life… if they truly believe in Jihad bil Kuffar on the Quran … THEN THEY MUST LEAVE OUR SHORES and go back to where they came from.
Its this ideology that is the problem. It doesnt matter what they wear … or what they eat… or how they pray… thats irrelevant… what is relevant however is what they believe in...if it leads to violence in our communities…
and the final point… educate everyone on counter it in the schools..the offices...everywhere… be prepared..because if this country votes to bomb Syria… there will be more terrorist attack on European soil.
The biggest problem is the political will of this government to engage this key tenet...pillar of Islam.. Jiahdism. A Muslim doesnt get radicalised instantly… its over time. Everyone can watch images on youtube of what goes on now… you cant censor information anymore..they will make up their own minds individually… there needs to be an INTERFAITH SUMMIT ON ISLAMIC RADICALISATION… Invite business leaders- religious leaders- members of the public… involve the citizens of this country on what should be done to combat this problem.
Mostly in the judiciary… if a Muslim is found to be a member of this ideology of Jihadism… he or she should be stripped of their citizenships and sent packing… certainly if the political leaders of Europe do nothing to stop it… the far right will.
They are already doing it in countries like Poland. Imagine if a Muslim were to wlak on the streets of Krakow or Warsaw with a TSHIRT saying… “ I BELIEVE IN JIHAD!”…
I dont think he would get a warm welcome..the truth is… 50 % of Muslims do believe in it… if not overtly ..secretly.
Its there we need to bomb… in the hearts of those radical Muslims.
Bombing Syria for more than 2 weeks or so wont do much. It will in fact stir up the hornets nest even more.
Are we ready for that blowback?..I dont think so. No amount of rhetoric will stop another attack from happening… Cameron must win the trust of the Muslim Community well as making it clear… “ If you believe in a war against the infidels as part of your religion and your Holy are not welcome to live amongst us… you must leave this country and never return!”
Now is the time to be straight and direct...and mean it.
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