Tuesday, 15 December 2015
The Ashtename – or Contract of Peace.
This document was signed by Muhammed the Prophet with the monks of St Catherines. I have seen a certified copy of it with the exact handprint of the man himself. It is an eternal agreement between the Islamic and the Christian world. This contract is genuine and was ratified by the Pascha of Egypt during Ottoman times. It holds the hope of the relationship between the two civilisations and if it had been applied… there would not have been any crusades… in fact we wouldnt be where we are today if every Christian and every Muslim learned and memorised its words. In this day and age this contract of PEACE is really a message of HOPE for us all. It is said that the Prophet was indebted to the monks for giving him sanctuary in the early days of Islam. When he himself was being persecuted and his disciples ( some of whom received sanctuary from the Ethiopian Christian King).
If we this document was ratified again we might have a new era of peace in the Middle East and elsewhere where Muslims and Christian communities are becoming more and more polarised.
The ASHTEH- NAMEH - ( Persian words for the Name of Peace/Contract of PEACE)
Muhammad the son of ‘Abd Allah, the Messenger of Allah, and careful guardian of the whole world; has written the present instrument to all those who are in his national people, and of his own religion, as a secure and positive promise to be accomplished to the Christian nation, and relations of the Nazarene, whosoever they may be, whether they be the noble or the vulgar, the honorable or otherwise, saying thus.
I. Whosoever of my nation shall presume to break my promise and oath, which is contained in this present agreement, destroys the promise of God, acts contrary to the oath, and will be a resister of the faith, (which God forbid) for he becomes worthy of the curse, whether he be the King himself, or a poor man, or whatever person he may be.
2.That whenever any of the monks in his travels shall happen to settle upon any mountain, hill, village, or other habitable place, on the sea, or in deserts, or in any convent, church, or house of prayer, I shall be in the midst of them, as the preserver and protector of them, their goods and effects, with my soul, aid, and protection, jointly with all my national people; because they are a part of my own people, and an honor to me.
3.Moreover, I command all officers not to require any poll-tax on them, or any other tribute, because they shall not be forced or compelled to anything of this kind.
4.None shall presume to change their judges or governors, but they shall remain in their office, without being deported.
5.No one shall molest them when they are travelling on the road.
6.Whatever churches they are possessed of, no one is to deprive them of them.
7.Whosoever shall annul any of one of these my decrees, let him know positively that he annuls the ordinance of God.
8.Moreover, neither their judges, governors, monks, servants, disciples, or any others depending on them, shall pay any poll-tax, or be molested on that account, because I am their protector, wherever they shall be, either by land or sea, east or west, north or south; because both they and all that belong to them are included in this my promissory oath and patent.
9. And of those that live quietly and solitary upon the mountains, they shall exact neither poll-tax nor tithes from their incomes, neither shall any Muslim partake of what they have; for they labor only to maintain themselves.
10.Whenever the crop of the earth shall be plentiful in its due time, the inhabitants shall be obliged out of every bushel to give them a certain measure.
11.Neither in time of war shall they take them out of their habitations, nor compel them to go to the wars, nor even then shall they require of them any poll-tax.
12.In these eleven chapters is to be found whatever relates to the monks, as to the remaining seven chapters, they direct what relates to every Christian.
13.Those Christians who are inhabitants, and with their riches and traffic are able to pay the poll-tax, shall pay no more than twelve drachms.
14.Excepting this, nothing shall be required of them, according to the express order of God, that says, “Do not molest those that have a veneration for the books that are sent from God, but rather in a kind manner” [29:46]. Give of your good things to them, and converse with them, and hinder everyone from molesting them.
15.If a Christian woman shall happen to marry a Muslim man, the Muslim shall not cross the inclination of his wife, to keep her from her church and prayers, and the practice of her religion.
16.That no person hinder them from repairing their churches.
17.Whosoever acts contrary to my grant, or gives credit to anything contrary to it, becomes truly an apostate to God, and to his divine apostle, because this protection I have granted to them according to this promise.
18.No one shall bear arms against them, but, on the contrary, the Muslims shall wage war for them.
19.And by this I ordain, that none of my nation shall presume to do or act contrary to this my promise, until the end of the world
Here are some useful links to read:
here are some islamic ref:
It was translated by Richard Pococke
Here are some of the sources of the Q'ran and the ASHTINAME:
Is it a fraud invented by the monks to save their asses form obliteration?
Its a good motive for creating an elaborate fraud or hoax… but theres enough cross references to prove otherwise… for example ..the size of his hand matched the one in the contract. Secondly there arnt just one or two witnesses signing it...there are 22...including some of his official scribes who helped him write the Quran… ( 45 in total)…
The handwriting is the same… - could the monks have copied all signatures of his scribes?
Could they have got an exact copy of his handprint?
And not withstanding the use of Arabic – and its language… and the parchment used originally… could it have fooled the Pashas of Egypt for more than two hundred years...as a fake?
I have met many of these monks… and they do not fear death… in fact to die as a martyr in to them a baptism worthy of only a few. They were not afraid of the Muslims coming to kill them. But they were prudent. They wanted to continue as they were ..praying and in solitude- left alone to carry on… and pray in peace.
And it is a documented fact that Muslims did take refuge with Christians when they needed help…
So- it is quite likely that this was an act of gratitude from the prophet…
So unless the monks were able to find the signatures of all the scribes and copy them … it would have been very difficult to know them all- or to have a copy of their handwriting. There's probably more ways to check it …
Ones I've not thought about.
And here is the ASHTINAME … sung in ARABIC!- for the illiterate…
and here dr john morrow explains it in his video- he is pretty good by the way…
and this is a forum discussion on extremism- and the ashtiname… ( its not that good – but it gives some explanations)
why people would want to debunk the document...especially extremists.
I hope this gives an overall picture of what the ashtiname is and why it could be used to bring peace between Muslims and Christians… or at least… get them to sit round a table and talk about it.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
The spectre of armageddon has drawn one step closer to a reality with the downing of a Russian jet and the dispatching of a warship into the Mediterranean to shore up Russias bombardment of Assad's enemies.
Where is Turkey in all of this?
They tacitly support IS through an open border - oil sales and other supplies... and they like the fact that IS are dealing with the KURDS... but ... they do not like the idea of Russia pissing in its backyard...not at all... and they don't forget the downing of turkish jets by syrian forces..or the fact that they have to deal with as a transit point ... further terrorists alongside refugees compound things even further and lead to insecurity within.
Now. Turkey is a member of NATO- but reserves the right to act unilaterally to defend its own security and interests. Turkey wants Russia OUT of the equation. If you look back at the CYPRUS problem in 1974- America backed off when they were told by Turkey - get out of this... the turks historically were the colonisers of the region and Syrian turks WILL support an invasion by Turkey...as will - in theory..Iran...
But this will shift the entire balance of power in the region. Turkey can throw Assad out of power in a matter of days. Up until now Turkey has remained quiet... but if you look historically at how Ataturk dealt with the Armenian issue- and other threats to its national sovereignty... it seems that Erdogan is getting ready to invade Syria.
The parabolic of Syria is the going around and around... getting nowhere... more bombing by the coalition will not stop Assad or IS.. in fact Turkey is the only credible partner here. Will NATO support Turkey? - not at first... but they with Russia in the picture... they don't have a choice ... IF Russia press the issue and attack Turkey.
That is the biggest question... what will Russia do...?
If they intervene ... it will cost them dearly and they will probably end up fighting a useless war. IF turkey invades syria... then they shouldn't stop with rooting out ASSAD... they should continue- with NATO support and RUSSIA to annihilate Islamic STATE.
IF its done right a new government can be installed once the two objectives have been achieved... If Turkey invades alone with the support of Iran in IRAQ.. then we will see something new... a muslim coalition -( doubtful)...
it is now up to Turkey.. and Mr Erdogan... is he a grey wolf ... or is he a grey mouse?
Postnote: Russia sided with Assad. Turkey invaded. ISIS was destroyed.
Monday, 23 November 2015
the argument for bombing syria - or not
In this last weeks frenzy of solidarity with the atrocity in Paris committed by IS ( Islamic State)-
the defense review spending has increased by another 15 billion pounds or more… this is the middle of an economic slowdown and austerity measures ...most of which are affecting the poorest and most vulnerable in the UK.
So what is the argument to go out and throw a few bombs on some goats and derelict houses … ?
Is it a symbolic bombing ?
Will it destroy IS?
Will it give them a hiding?
Will it show them that you shouldn’t mess with the West?
Will it make them think twice next time they decide to attack us?
Will it achieve a show of unity against terrorism?
Will it make the world a safer place?
I dont think so. All it will do is further strengthen the position of President Assads criminal regime that gasses people.
And … this is the big and… it will lead to further resentment amongst the European Muslim Community amongst us…
Will it degrade the IS?
Yes – initially… and it might help a combination of Assad , the rebels and the Kurds on the ground to root out IS…
But will it defeat them?
Probably not.
No… the biggest danger is this…
It will lead to further migration of Syrians to Europe.
It will cost the West billions.
It will in fact polarise Muslims who are moderate to be more sympathetic to the cause of Jihad..and in fact further radicalise them here.
But that is a risk that David Cameron is willing to take.
President Putin has brought more respect amongst the Gulf states today with his vision of energy security and the future … but will those Muslims who see it as the West punishing them incline their ears to the extremist rhetoric ?
Firstly, we cannot underestimate the scope of this problem…
it is a global one. It isnt isolated to Syria alone. In Nigeria Boko Haram have continued to massacre civilians – as have Shabbab terrorists in Somalia… the problem extends to the Phillipines- Indonesia … Afghanistan.. even China...it is like the modern day spread of Communism.
The more we aggressively bomb from above ...the more we will be seen as cowards by Muslims all over the world… and in fact those Muslims that are in the GREY zone… WILL turn.
And theres another issue… the spread of the far right in Europe and elsewhere…this is something we cannot underestimate either.
The majority of Muslims wish to live peacefully amongst us as our fellow citizens.
But after Paris the most astonishing thing is that of the conspicuous lack of condemnation from the Muslim Communities. I have heard their arguments … and they use MORAL RELATIVISM to judge the West for its AGGRESSION against Muslims and in fact .. they justify the attacks as a result of the West bombing hospitals – children- innocent civilians.. its rather like the same feeling we had when IS were slaughtering and raping Yasidi Christians.
In fact by bombing Syria it will only exasporate the problem even further…
No. The way through this quagmire is to decapitate the head of IS… which isnt a figure head but an idea.
What is this idea?
It is this. Jihad bil Kuffar...war against the infidels. For Muslims they see it as a war against their faith. IT WILL IN FACT ONLY LEAD TO FURTHER POLARISATION AND RADICALISATION OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE.
People who were moderate will in fact ...over time...once the pictures come in… start think about becoming a jihadist.
Despite how it looks … bombing Syria WILL NOT WORK.
It is a short term political fix. IF ITS GOING TO BE WAR...THEN IT WILL HAVE TO BE ALL OUT WAR.
But in the long term we need to engage Muslims in our communities and ask them if they really want to live amongst us or not… we need to take them out of the Middle Ages and integrate them into our national life… if they truly believe in Jihad bil Kuffar on the Quran … THEN THEY MUST LEAVE OUR SHORES and go back to where they came from.
Its this ideology that is the problem. It doesnt matter what they wear … or what they eat… or how they pray… thats irrelevant… what is relevant however is what they believe in...if it leads to violence in our communities…
and the final point… educate everyone on counter terorism...do it in the schools..the offices...everywhere… be prepared..because if this country votes to bomb Syria… there will be more terrorist attack on European soil.
The biggest problem is the political will of this government to engage this key tenet...pillar of Islam.. Jiahdism. A Muslim doesnt get radicalised instantly… its over time. Everyone can watch images on youtube of what goes on now… you cant censor information anymore..they will make up their own minds individually… there needs to be an INTERFAITH SUMMIT ON ISLAMIC RADICALISATION… Invite business leaders- religious leaders- members of the public… involve the citizens of this country on what should be done to combat this problem.
Mostly in the judiciary… if a Muslim is found to be a member of this ideology of Jihadism… he or she should be stripped of their citizenships and sent packing… certainly if the political leaders of Europe do nothing to stop it… the far right will.
They are already doing it in countries like Poland. Imagine if a Muslim were to wlak on the streets of Krakow or Warsaw with a TSHIRT saying… “ I BELIEVE IN JIHAD!”…
I dont think he would get a warm welcome..the truth is… 50 % of Muslims do believe in it… if not overtly ..secretly.
Its there we need to bomb… in the hearts of those radical Muslims.
Bombing Syria for more than 2 weeks or so wont do much. It will in fact stir up the hornets nest even more.
Are we ready for that blowback?..I dont think so. No amount of rhetoric will stop another attack from happening… Cameron must win the trust of the Muslim Community ..as well as making it clear… “ If you believe in a war against the infidels as part of your religion and your Holy Quran...you are not welcome to live amongst us… you must leave this country and never return!”
Now is the time to be straight and direct...and mean it.
In this last weeks frenzy of solidarity with the atrocity in Paris committed by IS ( Islamic State)-
the defense review spending has increased by another 15 billion pounds or more… this is the middle of an economic slowdown and austerity measures ...most of which are affecting the poorest and most vulnerable in the UK.
So what is the argument to go out and throw a few bombs on some goats and derelict houses … ?
Is it a symbolic bombing ?
Will it destroy IS?
Will it give them a hiding?
Will it show them that you shouldn’t mess with the West?
Will it make them think twice next time they decide to attack us?
Will it achieve a show of unity against terrorism?
Will it make the world a safer place?
I dont think so. All it will do is further strengthen the position of President Assads criminal regime that gasses people.
And … this is the big and… it will lead to further resentment amongst the European Muslim Community amongst us…
Will it degrade the IS?
Yes – initially… and it might help a combination of Assad , the rebels and the Kurds on the ground to root out IS…
But will it defeat them?
Probably not.
No… the biggest danger is this…
It will lead to further migration of Syrians to Europe.
It will cost the West billions.
It will in fact polarise Muslims who are moderate to be more sympathetic to the cause of Jihad..and in fact further radicalise them here.
But that is a risk that David Cameron is willing to take.
President Putin has brought more respect amongst the Gulf states today with his vision of energy security and the future … but will those Muslims who see it as the West punishing them incline their ears to the extremist rhetoric ?
Firstly, we cannot underestimate the scope of this problem…
it is a global one. It isnt isolated to Syria alone. In Nigeria Boko Haram have continued to massacre civilians – as have Shabbab terrorists in Somalia… the problem extends to the Phillipines- Indonesia … Afghanistan.. even China...it is like the modern day spread of Communism.
The more we aggressively bomb from above ...the more we will be seen as cowards by Muslims all over the world… and in fact those Muslims that are in the GREY zone… WILL turn.
And theres another issue… the spread of the far right in Europe and elsewhere…this is something we cannot underestimate either.
The majority of Muslims wish to live peacefully amongst us as our fellow citizens.
But after Paris the most astonishing thing is that of the conspicuous lack of condemnation from the Muslim Communities. I have heard their arguments … and they use MORAL RELATIVISM to judge the West for its AGGRESSION against Muslims and in fact .. they justify the attacks as a result of the West bombing hospitals – children- innocent civilians.. its rather like the same feeling we had when IS were slaughtering and raping Yasidi Christians.
In fact by bombing Syria it will only exasporate the problem even further…
No. The way through this quagmire is to decapitate the head of IS… which isnt a figure head but an idea.
What is this idea?
It is this. Jihad bil Kuffar...war against the infidels. For Muslims they see it as a war against their faith. IT WILL IN FACT ONLY LEAD TO FURTHER POLARISATION AND RADICALISATION OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE.
People who were moderate will in fact ...over time...once the pictures come in… start think about becoming a jihadist.
Despite how it looks … bombing Syria WILL NOT WORK.
It is a short term political fix. IF ITS GOING TO BE WAR...THEN IT WILL HAVE TO BE ALL OUT WAR.
But in the long term we need to engage Muslims in our communities and ask them if they really want to live amongst us or not… we need to take them out of the Middle Ages and integrate them into our national life… if they truly believe in Jihad bil Kuffar on the Quran … THEN THEY MUST LEAVE OUR SHORES and go back to where they came from.
Its this ideology that is the problem. It doesnt matter what they wear … or what they eat… or how they pray… thats irrelevant… what is relevant however is what they believe in...if it leads to violence in our communities…
and the final point… educate everyone on counter terorism...do it in the schools..the offices...everywhere… be prepared..because if this country votes to bomb Syria… there will be more terrorist attack on European soil.
The biggest problem is the political will of this government to engage this key tenet...pillar of Islam.. Jiahdism. A Muslim doesnt get radicalised instantly… its over time. Everyone can watch images on youtube of what goes on now… you cant censor information anymore..they will make up their own minds individually… there needs to be an INTERFAITH SUMMIT ON ISLAMIC RADICALISATION… Invite business leaders- religious leaders- members of the public… involve the citizens of this country on what should be done to combat this problem.
Mostly in the judiciary… if a Muslim is found to be a member of this ideology of Jihadism… he or she should be stripped of their citizenships and sent packing… certainly if the political leaders of Europe do nothing to stop it… the far right will.
They are already doing it in countries like Poland. Imagine if a Muslim were to wlak on the streets of Krakow or Warsaw with a TSHIRT saying… “ I BELIEVE IN JIHAD!”…
I dont think he would get a warm welcome..the truth is… 50 % of Muslims do believe in it… if not overtly ..secretly.
Its there we need to bomb… in the hearts of those radical Muslims.
Bombing Syria for more than 2 weeks or so wont do much. It will in fact stir up the hornets nest even more.
Are we ready for that blowback?..I dont think so. No amount of rhetoric will stop another attack from happening… Cameron must win the trust of the Muslim Community ..as well as making it clear… “ If you believe in a war against the infidels as part of your religion and your Holy Quran...you are not welcome to live amongst us… you must leave this country and never return!”
Now is the time to be straight and direct...and mean it.
Friday, 20 November 2015
So I thought Id share something I dont normally share with people… a time when a Muslim… a REAL Muslim who doesnt believe in jihad bil kuffar – holy war against the infidels… But believe a war within ones self… enjoy the story and the poem.
Once I had to share a very confined space with a Muslim man. In fact it was a cell approximately 5 metres by 3 metres. He had converted to Islam and was before his conversion a born again Christian…
The worst day of my life was the day after Ludvig Kennedy, the great Irish justice activist died. It was October the 9th , a Monday- 2009 if my memory serves me well. On this day I heard news that made me very angry and also very suicidal. My friend and brother watched over me in this time.. made sure I was OK… it was when he wrote this little letter to me that I knew he was not like other “ normal” Muslims… in fact … he was different. He was a pacifist. A firm believer in peace and not an apologist for militant jihad...jihad bil kuffar… I think if it wasnt for him … I probably would be writing this today… this is what he said to me :
There is a time…
There is a time to fight like a man
There is a time to argue like a man
And a time to reason like a man…
A time for war and a time for peace
A time to live ,and a time to die
A time to kill , and a time to be killed
But always a time for peace,
For the way of peace is the only way.
Neil Plummer
Thursday, 19 November 2015
WHAT IS JIHAD?- is it a pillar of Islam that allows Muslims to commit Indiscriminate violence?- jihad bil kuffar?
jihad... what does it mean?-
noun: jihad; plural noun: jihads; noun: jehad; plural noun: jehads
1. (among Muslims) a war or struggle against unbelievers.
"he declared a jihad against the infidels"
the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.
noun: greater jihad; noun: greater jehad; plural noun: greater jihads
There is a difference between GREATER AND LESSER JIHAD- GREATER- is the struggle within yourself and LESSER -is the struggle against the outside world – against unbelievers etc.

However,it is regarded by a minority of shia muslims as a pillar of islam but is nevertheless central to the Islamic religion and way of life.
The Messenger of Allah was asked about the best jihad. He said: "The best jihad is the one in which your horse is slain and your blood is spilled" (also cited by Ibn Nuhaas and narrated by Ibn Habbaan).[30]- ie the BEST is the “LESSER” JIHAD- ( violent physical struggle against the infidel)
What the Prophet Mohammed was saying here is simple. When you are on your horse in war and if you fight ...you must fight so hard that you cannot ride on your horse anymore...you should be in the middle of it..the thick of the fighting.
The horses that were usually slain in battle were the that were the first to engage the enemy and were in the middle of the fighting.

He carries on to say… “ and your own blood is spilled…!!!”- meaning that not only have you gone right to the middle of the fight … you were on the frontline… engaging the battle at its most fiercest so that you either got wounded or even killed because of your passion…
He didn't want soldiers that were hanging back ..waiting for others to take the most risks… and finally… it is very clear… the jihadis were to FIGHT… PHYSICALLY….to win the GREATEST REWARD!
According to "Orientalist" (historian of the Middle East) Bernard Lewis, "the overwhelming majority of classical theologians, jurists", and specialists in the hadith "understood the obligation of jihad in a military sense."[15] Javed Ahmad Ghamidi states that there is consensus among Islamic scholars that the concept of jihad will always include armed struggle against wrong doers.[16]

So the scholars – the people who study the Quran say it INCLUDES a “MILITARY” – a violent PHYSICAL struggle against perceived evil doers! Ie Those in European or Western orientated or in fact any other doer… who is regarded as evil.
A struggle that includes the use of force… violence..
The primary aim of jihad as warfare is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state.[41][42] In theory, jihad was to continue until "all mankind either embraced Islam or submitted to the authority of the Muslim state." There could be truces before this was achieved, but no permanent peace.[35] One who died 'on the path of God' was a martyr, (Shahid), whose sins were remitted and who was secured "immediate entry to paradise."[43] (However, some argue martyrdom is never automatic because it is within God's exclusive province to judge who is worthy of that designation.[44])
With the Islamic revival, a new "Fundamentalist" movement arose, with some different interpretations of Islam, often with an increased emphasis on jihad. The Wahhabi movement which spread across the Arabian peninsula starting in the 18th century, emphasized jihad as armed struggle.[63] Wars against Western colonial forces were often declared jihad: the Sanusi religious order proclaimed it against Italians in Libya in 1912, and the "Mahdi" in the Sudan declared jihad against the British and the Egyptians in 1881.[43]

Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere".[1] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen (مجاهدين). The word jihad appears frequently in the Quran,[2] often in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)", to refer to the act of striving to serve the purposes of God on this earth.[1][3][4][5]
The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".

In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: "This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad," which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment. ...of the self...
In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of "just war" is very important.

The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.

Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims' defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.
Comment: This is a good definition but attempts to act as an apologist for acts of jihad throughout the world in defense of perceived acts of war by the West … It emphasises the context in modern times and ignores the overall perception by muslims and non muslims alike. In fact it promotes jihad as something good. It is isnt. Islamic State rape, burn alive women and children.. torture , behead and use the most brutal methods of indiscriminate killing they can imagine… why? Because they dont have the budget to conduct a conventional war against the infidel...but instead wear him down by a prolonged and protracted guerilla war.
This we have seen in Europe where migrants are forced onto boats heading to Europe… where even jihadists use human compassion to infiltrate and hit targets in Europe such as was seen in France. It is true that Muslims have something against the West for their acts of terror in their own lands… by bombing innocent civilians etc… but the issue is of people who LIVE in Europe as European citizens with all the rights of others… where their freedom of practising their religion is enshrined in the human rights act.
The question still remains… what does jihad or holy war mean to Muslims living in Europe?
Does it mean that it is something that is a holy duty according to the teachings of Islam ...and its prophet… or not?In the absence of other evidence… I conclude that it does.
Who inspired Osama Bin Laden to wage war on the West with his own brand of Jihad?- A BRAND THAT HAS BEEN UPDATED BY ISIS- or IS- Islamic State...
Sayyid Qutb, the radical Egyptian ideologue whose theological/political dogma energizes Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, wrote extensively about implementing a totalitarian rule of Islam, nation after nation. Qutb’s rationale was straightforward: neither the contemporary Muslim world nor Western philosophical, political, or religious traditions could heal what he perceived as history’s fatal flaw: the deep divide between secular and sacred created by societies and nations.
The vanguard was to be propelled by another of Qutb’s radical doctrines, his view of jihad, which gives today’s new jihadi groups their unrelenting, violent centrifugal force. Conventional wisdom today posits two, perhaps three, types of jihad. One would be a military jihad.
Why are Muslims in denial ? - about the true meaning of modern day jihad…
Why is this the case? Why can’t so many liberals understand the pure evil of Islamic jihad? I can think of three reasons:
First, they’re often in the grip of a strange kind of moral relativism. I say “strange” because it’s not true moral relativism. Actions of domestic political opponents are condemned in the strongest possible terms, and the history of Christianity is treated as if it is nothing less than one long story of war, rape, and conquest. That’s not relativism; that’s judgmental in the extreme. The relativism emerges when evaluating other cultures, where even dark deeds are excused by “culture” or “colonialism” and regions in the grips of the worst kinds of pathologies are hailed for their rich and glorious traditions.
Second, relativism drives the quest for justifications. Since there is no way that Western culture can be superior to Middle Eastern cultures, when the Middle East boils, there has to be a reason located outside the jihadists’ own beliefs and pathologies. The roots of jihad are never in Islam or in the pure nihilism of the jihadist, but rather in the oppression or injustice he’s suffered. The formula thus becomes painfully simple: End the oppression, and you’ll end jihad. Yes, they’re angry — says the liberal — but they’re angry for many very good reasons. #
Third, the quest for justification drives deception and wilful ignorance.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/384877/why-do-liberals-have-trouble-understanding-pure-evil-jihad-david-french
Comment: And this is the main problem here… you wont find the majority of the Muslim world coming out and searing on the Quran that the Lesser Jihad – that of what is known as a “ Just War”… IS WRONG. !!!
The other problem not mentioned in this article is popular disambiguation – if for example in 1920 the word “ gay” meant “ happy”… IT DOESN'T TODAY…
Its the same because AMERICAN pop culture sees it as a totalitarian danger the same as COMMUNISM… a threat that wishes to destroy its own culture ( and ..they arnt wrong)
The average Muslim woman in Europe gives birth to 3.5 children. The average European 1.4. In fact in some countries … theres a negative growth rate. Europe needs fresh blood to work in the factories – do the menial jobs… pay taxes to keep the state going… ever consuming…
In the struggle for violent and non violent jihad… one thing is common - the overthrow of the unbelieving world by all and every means both politically, economically, ideologically and ...militarily. Individual holy jihad is for assisting the believer to accomplish this global vision of world domination.
There is enough research material if you look closely to see that in fact ...there isnt a grey zone...not for the majority of muslims who are living in the West. Jihad is part of the faith of Islam. Its not a non violent doctrine… NO… in the video below clerics themselves state clearly that Jihad is about striking at unbelievers to bring them to Islam. It even states in the QURAN ( sura 56) to strike TERROR in the hearts of the disbeliever...” THERE IS NO GREY ZONE.
Respected disciple of Mohammed DEEDAT – Sheikh Zakir Naik – clearly explains that building any places of worship in Islamic countries is forbidden.
This shocking video should be aired on every TV station in Europe and in all the West if you think this is all a joke… an illusion. No- JIHAD IS A PILLAR OF ISLAM. And its NOT a spiritual struggle within oneself… it is collectively understood as a MILITANT struggle by all and any means overt- deceptive- economic- political- intellectual...and physical.
This is unfortunately what we are facing here. If the political leaders in the West do nothing about it… this cancer will grow in our society ...and it will lead to further polarisation as time goes by… and eventually… every day normal people sick and tired of putting up with violence on their streets will take the law into their own hands…
If the government fails the people… fails to see the threat of psychologically allowing lesser jihad to take over our civilisation , our values… and indeed ...even greater jihad for that matter – when it comes to winning the hearts and the minds of the disenfranchised 99% …
we will see bloody civil war on our streets..riots…uprisings…this is NOT about racism...its NOT about religionist exclusion… NOT about Islamophobia… we cannot apologise for a doctrine that promotes terrorism. Its like watching someone beat their dog each week or month… and saying..well ...its not all people that do that – and then you ask the person why he or she is doing that… and they say.. “ its my faith… I have to do it every Sunday!”…
But I also am working on myself to eradicate my own demons…
So you let him or her continue doing what they are doing. If we allow Muslims who live...who work...who make money..who invest… who build mosques … their own faith schools… who procreate 3 times more than the average Europeans ...who use our social welfare system.. who benefit form our universities… to live out this warped ideology of supremacy… then we are the fools.
If you come in peace… welcome. If you wish to follow the law of the land...welcome… but if you want to hold onto your belief of domination ...or if you wish to impose your order onto our civilisation and its values… if you believe by doing so… you are performing a holy duty…
if you honestly believe in jihad as a vehicle to impose your views and will onto Europe and the world… then… you must pack up and leave… !
Its that simple.
Final Note: I know and love many Muslims around the world. They are great people. My friends. I also know many Jews… many Buddhists...Hindus...Christians and atheists… yet because I have come out against the doctrine of JIHAD… I have been labelled as a “ white supremacist sexist racist extremist Zionist Crusader bigot...” ( I think Ive included most of the criticisms..the rest is unprintable- the slurs and name calling – even the defamation and lies … I really don’t care about- why? Because ...
I am against the use of indiscriminate violence and corrupt methods of control and manipulation to further the goals and ambitions of those who would take the free world into their medieval mindset.
Make no mistake… this issue is not about Islamophobia..Ive seen so much beauty in this faith… so much brotherhood..love...and community.., Muslims do really care about social justice ..giving to the poor… hospitality… sometimes much more than Christians.
But to condone terrorism by saying nothing and doing nothing about the Paris attacks ( paying lip service
– and trying to say… well look at what the West has done to Muslims…) - you live here… amongst us… the foreign policy of the European nations may not be the best… but you can lobby to change that… as I did way back in 1991 when I was the only one to publicly do so and was voted by the Sun newspaper as twit of the week for trying to stop the invasion of Iraq …

Long before the STOPTHE WAR coalition started doing anything… I came out against invading IRAQ.
Neither can this extremist element label me as a Christian extremist – why? Because I'm a Rainbow Focaliser having organised over 10 interfaith gatherings around the world in the last 25 years.
Nor can I be labelled a racist – as the political founder of the Africa Unite party I CAMPAIGNED TIRELESSLY AGAINST RACIALLY MOTIVATED VIOLENCE… ( And I don't want to talk about my activism as an anti apartheid student on campus in Johannesburg in 1981.
( see www.africauniteparty.org)
Finally, I myself knows what injustice feels like. I was wrongly imprisoned by this country for 3 and a half years… but instead of taking up the sword.. I went to the appeal courts and won my case… proving my innocence!!!
The truth is I feel that the rise of Islam in the West is NOT in the spirit of what people want… to spread your religion through fear… NO…
It is only the religion of LOVE that will dominate this Earth one day. And God is LOVE!
But I'm not going to kill you to prove it… my inner war is with myself… my own demons… and my outer war is with those who would use injustice,terror and deception to blind the world of this fact.
Jihad is the 6th pillar of Islam… no doubt. It includes ( the lesser vehicle) – armed struggle against the unbeliever… even the moderate Muslims who are regarded as the Jahili- the backslidden Muslims… As a course of action… Muslims need to themselves stand up to this evil ideal. An ideal that will take us all back to the dark ages… if they agree its not important… well ...history will prove them very wrong when next they fall victim to these ignorant – lost people.
conclusion: what now?

but if they continue to uphold this belief of radicalised Islam... they need to be stripped of their citizenship and be sent to wherever they or their ancestors originated from.
I pray our leaders will have the political will to implement real change in our society before another human being gets murdered in cold blood. WE DID NOT DEFEAT HITLER AND COMMUNISM AT GREAT COST- TO BE RULED BY ISLAM...AND ABU -BAG-DADDY... OR SOME OTHER ANAL TWISTED NARCISSISTIC NUTTER. !!!


jihad... what does it mean?-
noun: jihad; plural noun: jihads; noun: jehad; plural noun: jehads
1. (among Muslims) a war or struggle against unbelievers.
"he declared a jihad against the infidels"
the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.
noun: greater jihad; noun: greater jehad; plural noun: greater jihads
There is a difference between GREATER AND LESSER JIHAD- GREATER- is the struggle within yourself and LESSER -is the struggle against the outside world – against unbelievers etc.

However,it is regarded by a minority of shia muslims as a pillar of islam but is nevertheless central to the Islamic religion and way of life.
The Messenger of Allah was asked about the best jihad. He said: "The best jihad is the one in which your horse is slain and your blood is spilled" (also cited by Ibn Nuhaas and narrated by Ibn Habbaan).[30]- ie the BEST is the “LESSER” JIHAD- ( violent physical struggle against the infidel)
What the Prophet Mohammed was saying here is simple. When you are on your horse in war and if you fight ...you must fight so hard that you cannot ride on your horse anymore...you should be in the middle of it..the thick of the fighting.

The horses that were usually slain in battle were the that were the first to engage the enemy and were in the middle of the fighting.

He carries on to say… “ and your own blood is spilled…!!!”- meaning that not only have you gone right to the middle of the fight … you were on the frontline… engaging the battle at its most fiercest so that you either got wounded or even killed because of your passion…
He didn't want soldiers that were hanging back ..waiting for others to take the most risks… and finally… it is very clear… the jihadis were to FIGHT… PHYSICALLY….to win the GREATEST REWARD!
According to "Orientalist" (historian of the Middle East) Bernard Lewis, "the overwhelming majority of classical theologians, jurists", and specialists in the hadith "understood the obligation of jihad in a military sense."[15] Javed Ahmad Ghamidi states that there is consensus among Islamic scholars that the concept of jihad will always include armed struggle against wrong doers.[16]

So the scholars – the people who study the Quran say it INCLUDES a “MILITARY” – a violent PHYSICAL struggle against perceived evil doers! Ie Those in European or Western orientated or in fact any other doer… who is regarded as evil.
A struggle that includes the use of force… violence..
The primary aim of jihad as warfare is not the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam by force, but rather the expansion and defense of the Islamic state.[41][42] In theory, jihad was to continue until "all mankind either embraced Islam or submitted to the authority of the Muslim state." There could be truces before this was achieved, but no permanent peace.[35] One who died 'on the path of God' was a martyr, (Shahid), whose sins were remitted and who was secured "immediate entry to paradise."[43] (However, some argue martyrdom is never automatic because it is within God's exclusive province to judge who is worthy of that designation.[44])
With the Islamic revival, a new "Fundamentalist" movement arose, with some different interpretations of Islam, often with an increased emphasis on jihad. The Wahhabi movement which spread across the Arabian peninsula starting in the 18th century, emphasized jihad as armed struggle.[63] Wars against Western colonial forces were often declared jihad: the Sanusi religious order proclaimed it against Italians in Libya in 1912, and the "Mahdi" in the Sudan declared jihad against the British and the Egyptians in 1881.[43]

Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere".[1] A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen (مجاهدين). The word jihad appears frequently in the Quran,[2] often in the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)", to refer to the act of striving to serve the purposes of God on this earth.[1][3][4][5]
The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".

In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: "This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad," which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment. ...of the self...
In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of "just war" is very important.

The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.

Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims' defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.
Comment: This is a good definition but attempts to act as an apologist for acts of jihad throughout the world in defense of perceived acts of war by the West … It emphasises the context in modern times and ignores the overall perception by muslims and non muslims alike. In fact it promotes jihad as something good. It is isnt. Islamic State rape, burn alive women and children.. torture , behead and use the most brutal methods of indiscriminate killing they can imagine… why? Because they dont have the budget to conduct a conventional war against the infidel...but instead wear him down by a prolonged and protracted guerilla war.
This we have seen in Europe where migrants are forced onto boats heading to Europe… where even jihadists use human compassion to infiltrate and hit targets in Europe such as was seen in France. It is true that Muslims have something against the West for their acts of terror in their own lands… by bombing innocent civilians etc… but the issue is of people who LIVE in Europe as European citizens with all the rights of others… where their freedom of practising their religion is enshrined in the human rights act.
The question still remains… what does jihad or holy war mean to Muslims living in Europe?
Does it mean that it is something that is a holy duty according to the teachings of Islam ...and its prophet… or not?In the absence of other evidence… I conclude that it does.
Who inspired Osama Bin Laden to wage war on the West with his own brand of Jihad?- A BRAND THAT HAS BEEN UPDATED BY ISIS- or IS- Islamic State...
Sayyid Qutb, the radical Egyptian ideologue whose theological/political dogma energizes Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, wrote extensively about implementing a totalitarian rule of Islam, nation after nation. Qutb’s rationale was straightforward: neither the contemporary Muslim world nor Western philosophical, political, or religious traditions could heal what he perceived as history’s fatal flaw: the deep divide between secular and sacred created by societies and nations.
The vanguard was to be propelled by another of Qutb’s radical doctrines, his view of jihad, which gives today’s new jihadi groups their unrelenting, violent centrifugal force. Conventional wisdom today posits two, perhaps three, types of jihad. One would be a military jihad.
Why are Muslims in denial ? - about the true meaning of modern day jihad…
Why is this the case? Why can’t so many liberals understand the pure evil of Islamic jihad? I can think of three reasons:
First, they’re often in the grip of a strange kind of moral relativism. I say “strange” because it’s not true moral relativism. Actions of domestic political opponents are condemned in the strongest possible terms, and the history of Christianity is treated as if it is nothing less than one long story of war, rape, and conquest. That’s not relativism; that’s judgmental in the extreme. The relativism emerges when evaluating other cultures, where even dark deeds are excused by “culture” or “colonialism” and regions in the grips of the worst kinds of pathologies are hailed for their rich and glorious traditions.
Second, relativism drives the quest for justifications. Since there is no way that Western culture can be superior to Middle Eastern cultures, when the Middle East boils, there has to be a reason located outside the jihadists’ own beliefs and pathologies. The roots of jihad are never in Islam or in the pure nihilism of the jihadist, but rather in the oppression or injustice he’s suffered. The formula thus becomes painfully simple: End the oppression, and you’ll end jihad. Yes, they’re angry — says the liberal — but they’re angry for many very good reasons. #
Third, the quest for justification drives deception and wilful ignorance.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/384877/why-do-liberals-have-trouble-understanding-pure-evil-jihad-david-french
Comment: And this is the main problem here… you wont find the majority of the Muslim world coming out and searing on the Quran that the Lesser Jihad – that of what is known as a “ Just War”… IS WRONG. !!!
The other problem not mentioned in this article is popular disambiguation – if for example in 1920 the word “ gay” meant “ happy”… IT DOESN'T TODAY…
Its the same because AMERICAN pop culture sees it as a totalitarian danger the same as COMMUNISM… a threat that wishes to destroy its own culture ( and ..they arnt wrong)
The average Muslim woman in Europe gives birth to 3.5 children. The average European 1.4. In fact in some countries … theres a negative growth rate. Europe needs fresh blood to work in the factories – do the menial jobs… pay taxes to keep the state going… ever consuming…
In the struggle for violent and non violent jihad… one thing is common - the overthrow of the unbelieving world by all and every means both politically, economically, ideologically and ...militarily. Individual holy jihad is for assisting the believer to accomplish this global vision of world domination.
There is enough research material if you look closely to see that in fact ...there isnt a grey zone...not for the majority of muslims who are living in the West. Jihad is part of the faith of Islam. Its not a non violent doctrine… NO… in the video below clerics themselves state clearly that Jihad is about striking at unbelievers to bring them to Islam. It even states in the QURAN ( sura 56) to strike TERROR in the hearts of the disbeliever...” THERE IS NO GREY ZONE.
Respected disciple of Mohammed DEEDAT – Sheikh Zakir Naik – clearly explains that building any places of worship in Islamic countries is forbidden.
This shocking video should be aired on every TV station in Europe and in all the West if you think this is all a joke… an illusion. No- JIHAD IS A PILLAR OF ISLAM. And its NOT a spiritual struggle within oneself… it is collectively understood as a MILITANT struggle by all and any means overt- deceptive- economic- political- intellectual...and physical.
This is unfortunately what we are facing here. If the political leaders in the West do nothing about it… this cancer will grow in our society ...and it will lead to further polarisation as time goes by… and eventually… every day normal people sick and tired of putting up with violence on their streets will take the law into their own hands…
If the government fails the people… fails to see the threat of psychologically allowing lesser jihad to take over our civilisation , our values… and indeed ...even greater jihad for that matter – when it comes to winning the hearts and the minds of the disenfranchised 99% …
we will see bloody civil war on our streets..riots…uprisings…this is NOT about racism...its NOT about religionist exclusion… NOT about Islamophobia… we cannot apologise for a doctrine that promotes terrorism. Its like watching someone beat their dog each week or month… and saying..well ...its not all people that do that – and then you ask the person why he or she is doing that… and they say.. “ its my faith… I have to do it every Sunday!”…
But I also am working on myself to eradicate my own demons…
So you let him or her continue doing what they are doing. If we allow Muslims who live...who work...who make money..who invest… who build mosques … their own faith schools… who procreate 3 times more than the average Europeans ...who use our social welfare system.. who benefit form our universities… to live out this warped ideology of supremacy… then we are the fools.
If you come in peace… welcome. If you wish to follow the law of the land...welcome… but if you want to hold onto your belief of domination ...or if you wish to impose your order onto our civilisation and its values… if you believe by doing so… you are performing a holy duty…
if you honestly believe in jihad as a vehicle to impose your views and will onto Europe and the world… then… you must pack up and leave… !
Its that simple.
Final Note: I know and love many Muslims around the world. They are great people. My friends. I also know many Jews… many Buddhists...Hindus...Christians and atheists… yet because I have come out against the doctrine of JIHAD… I have been labelled as a “ white supremacist sexist racist extremist Zionist Crusader bigot...” ( I think Ive included most of the criticisms..the rest is unprintable- the slurs and name calling – even the defamation and lies … I really don’t care about- why? Because ...
I am against the use of indiscriminate violence and corrupt methods of control and manipulation to further the goals and ambitions of those who would take the free world into their medieval mindset.
Make no mistake… this issue is not about Islamophobia..Ive seen so much beauty in this faith… so much brotherhood..love...and community.., Muslims do really care about social justice ..giving to the poor… hospitality… sometimes much more than Christians.
But to condone terrorism by saying nothing and doing nothing about the Paris attacks ( paying lip service
– and trying to say… well look at what the West has done to Muslims…) - you live here… amongst us… the foreign policy of the European nations may not be the best… but you can lobby to change that… as I did way back in 1991 when I was the only one to publicly do so and was voted by the Sun newspaper as twit of the week for trying to stop the invasion of Iraq …

Long before the STOPTHE WAR coalition started doing anything… I came out against invading IRAQ.
Neither can this extremist element label me as a Christian extremist – why? Because I'm a Rainbow Focaliser having organised over 10 interfaith gatherings around the world in the last 25 years.
Nor can I be labelled a racist – as the political founder of the Africa Unite party I CAMPAIGNED TIRELESSLY AGAINST RACIALLY MOTIVATED VIOLENCE… ( And I don't want to talk about my activism as an anti apartheid student on campus in Johannesburg in 1981.
( see www.africauniteparty.org)
Finally, I myself knows what injustice feels like. I was wrongly imprisoned by this country for 3 and a half years… but instead of taking up the sword.. I went to the appeal courts and won my case… proving my innocence!!!
The truth is I feel that the rise of Islam in the West is NOT in the spirit of what people want… to spread your religion through fear… NO…
It is only the religion of LOVE that will dominate this Earth one day. And God is LOVE!
But I'm not going to kill you to prove it… my inner war is with myself… my own demons… and my outer war is with those who would use injustice,terror and deception to blind the world of this fact.
Jihad is the 6th pillar of Islam… no doubt. It includes ( the lesser vehicle) – armed struggle against the unbeliever… even the moderate Muslims who are regarded as the Jahili- the backslidden Muslims… As a course of action… Muslims need to themselves stand up to this evil ideal. An ideal that will take us all back to the dark ages… if they agree its not important… well ...history will prove them very wrong when next they fall victim to these ignorant – lost people.
conclusion: what now?

but if they continue to uphold this belief of radicalised Islam... they need to be stripped of their citizenship and be sent to wherever they or their ancestors originated from.
I pray our leaders will have the political will to implement real change in our society before another human being gets murdered in cold blood. WE DID NOT DEFEAT HITLER AND COMMUNISM AT GREAT COST- TO BE RULED BY ISLAM...AND ABU -BAG-DADDY... OR SOME OTHER ANAL TWISTED NARCISSISTIC NUTTER. !!!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

I am now a Fulbright Scholar, teaching overseas on the prestigious Fulbright Grant. http://www.cies.org/schlr_directories/usdir08/Amer2.htm I have also published my first book. My book is at an academic press, not a vanity publisher. http://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/product/Medicine-Bags-and-Dog-Tags,673393.aspx I am a terroriser of real, authentic Native spiritual leaders & honest people, and cannot prove in any way my own Native blood, this was accurately proven by John Lekay of Heyoka Magazine & Geronimos Grandson, who is actually of the tribal blood I proclaim to be, (without merit). I trash everyone I can for my other fraudster buddy, self-proclaimed Lakota Chief, Arvol Looking Horse, who claims to be the 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper, while never being able to produce the Sacred Pipe as proof of his claims, for his own Cheyenne River Tetuwan Lakota Tribal Elders, & refuses to cease & desist calling himself, what Arvol Looking Horse is absolutely NOT…a heridary Lakota Chief or the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe. Watch the Marie Elk Head utube video which outs Arvol Looking Horse as a fraud & tells how the lies began, when the American Indian Movement came looking for the Pte Hincala Cannunpa Kin (Sacred Calf Pipe) at Green Grass, South Dakota in 1972, & Arvol & his Father, Stanley Looking Horse took an ordinary Pipe (Cannunpa) off the wall, & told AIM, this one is It, because the Looking Horse family never was passed the White Buffalo Calf Pipe in the first place by Martha Bad Warrior, at the time of her death in 1936. (Read Quesst for the Pipe of the Sioux, As Viewed From Wounded Knee 1975 for irrifutable proof of these facts). Arvol Looking Horse, nor his wife, Paula Horne-Mullen do not trash people outright, I…Dr. Alton Carroll of NAFPS.org do it for them, to keep the cash & donations rolling in to fund their & my lifestyles as frauds. http://beaderman.blogspot.ch/2008/03/new-age-frauds-and-plastic-shamans-aka.html Controversial fraud Hunter DR Alton Caroll, aka educated Indian is claiming to be of Apache Mexican and Irish descent. But is not enrolled recognized or affiliated with any apache tribe. For further information call 505 464 4423 BIA Office Mercalero New Mexico. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ikwshoJelU His many names are, Dr Al Carroll, educatedindian, and Allen Carroll Witness this baffoons site for yourself and see how quick they are to attack you. Just disagree with anything they say and you will get blogs, posts, and what not done to you. http://www.newagefraud.org/ I thought this site was primarily concerned with all issues Indian. The personal attacks aimed at Dr. Yeagley were unprovoked and instigated by this person, "Al Carrol", who is not even an Indian, he is Irish/Mexican, I reserve the right to refrain from calling him an Apache, because he has not proven that he is in fact even enrolled with a specific tribe. I finally decided it was time to call this "Al Carrol" person on his accusations of stating that this site is run by white-supremacists. When I did, Carrol, a so-called "Phd", could only respond with more lies and slander and hate directed at me. I for one, think the guy is a coward, he has done absolutely nothing but spread a hate filled racist ideology on other forums, particularly his own "NAFPS" web-site. Indians don't care about frauds/rip-offs, most of the Indians I know are too busy trying to survive and hold on to the traditions and customs and ceremonies that were passed down to them from their valiant ancestors. If this "Al Carrol" person were really concerned about the welfare of the Indian community, he would be using his "Phd." to teach, to help others attain knowledge and through a positive academic enlightenment attain self-esteem and self-reliance. This is what BE.com is all about. Visit the Pine Ridge Rez in S.D. and you will better comprehend the message I am trying to convey. I am a relative novice at this "cyber-hate" game, some of the people in various forums have been playing the hate game for decades. I have to the right to oppose people that my heart tells me are ill-advised and one-dimensional about our current predicament. If you feel compelled to ban me from this site for standing up against the scourge of evil and hate then you must do what you feel is right. My life will continue, unhindered and I will flourish, I will continue to support Indians, epsecially the Oglala, Sioux, the tribe I have been enrolled with since birth, and do whatever I can, with the means at my disposable, to keep the Indian spirit alive, I will endure. http://www.badeagle.com/cgi-bin/ib3/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=Print;f=53;t=6651 http://alcarroll.com When Arizona State University was contacted they have NO record of his PHD being ratified. It is possible that this too is a fraudulent degree. The only reason that NOVA would keep him onboard is that he and the the DEAN of NOVA is involved in a paedophile ring to shut people up. The truth will prevail and we will smoke them ALL out. Terrorism will be fought at home and abroad and we will send them to where they all belong… to HELL! They and ALL those who support their networks and poisonous ideology. THIS IS HIS BACKUP IN AMERICA: Currently Dr. Al Carroll is Assistant Professor of History in the Communications and Human Studies Division at Northern Virginia Dr. Mel Schiavelli has been serving as the Acting President of NOVA since Dr. Templin’s retirement on February 1, 2015. Mel Schiavelli is also maintaining his role as the Executive Vice President for Academics and Student Services. The search for NOVA’s next president is under way. The Virginia Community College System and the College Board are completing the search. To learn more about the process visit the Presidential Search website. Northern Virginia Community College are aiding and abetting a known fraudster and by doing so are bringing their own institution by association to this man; into disrepute. Dr. Carroll is a predator. A militant hiding behind the mask of education. He is not only a threat to credible research, but also to the lives of American and others abroad with the poison he spreads on his website : www.newagefraud.org. This is NOT about freedom of speech ; this is about inciting religious and racial hatred. By publishing lies about people he has never met nor properly research he is endangering the lives of American citizens who are radicalised by such lies. He claims to be a Native American Apache but is in fact an agent provacateur being used by sinister forces within the Native American Indian Movement. His goal is simple. Divide and rule. But more than this he has links to IS - Islamic Extremists and to covert organisations such as the CIA. His job is to cowardly hide behind respected education institutions to legitimise these attacks. The garbage he puts out has a veil of truth but is studded with deceit. It is then used as propaganda to radicalise Muslims in America and Indians to take up arms against the United States. This is his agenda. I have contacted the NOVA dean and requested he take IMMEDIATE action to stop this man before I contact the police and have him and his associates at NOVA indited for conspiracy to incite religious and racial hatred and terrorism against AMERICANS. I urge you to write to this man and have him brought to book: DR.MEL SCHIAVELLI ACTING PRESIDENT OF NOVA +001 703323 3101/ 001 703 3233026 mschiavelli@nvcc.edu (Corinne Hurst) churst@nvcc.edu THE FIFTH COLUMN OF TERRORISM IN AMERICA We have seen normal Muslims being radicalised in America and elsewhere. Why? Its is because they read the poison of people like Dr. Carroll on the internet. They see Islam under attack. And as most Muslims know… Jihad is a religious obligation- some say … a pillar of Islam. Dr . Carroll not only has links to Indonesia but he has another agenda. It is this. Posing as a full blooded Apache Indian - he is sowing discord amongst Indians themselves. This kind of poison helped radicalise Native Indians like James Swan of Urban Warriors who himself claimed to have links to the Pineridge massacre through his alleged connection to Leonard Peltier. He threatened the Rainbow Family of Living Light and enlisted the help of Dr. Carroll to create a counter intelligence operation against Mr Denton for daring to write a petition asking Chief Looking Horse for permission to camp on the Black Hills- a sacred land to the Lakota. The NOVA college is backing Dr. Carroll up all the way. They are not only supporting the poison that he is publishing on his site; but they are also providing the roof for it to take place ! In these dangerous times…we must be aware of the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech. Speech that incites people towards violence. Here is ONE source: Alex BruceJuly 11, 2013 at 8:32 AM Attention: Alton Carroll or Al Carroll aka "educatedindian" and the website www.newagefraud.org (NAFPS) is a fraudulent website of self appointed fraud hunters in reality they are the frauds. He is not an Apache Indian like he claimed in the past. He now states he is not an enrolled Apache because he got caught in his lies but still claim he is an Apache. In reality, his background is Spanish and Irish. He is a clever person to fool people with his lies claiming to expose frauds. After a lot of research, he is a jihadist that was radicalized in Indonesia back in the 90's. The Islamic nation is very afraid of the Native American spirituality because it is so strong. He was sent back to America to cause harm to the Native people. He and his group are trying to disrupt the balance of the Native spirituality. Most of his group is unaware of his ties to Islam. Somehow he fooled the IRS in giving him that status of non profit. ONLY A MEDICINE PERSON APPOINTED BY THE TRIBAL PRESIDENT CAN SAY WHO IS A FRAUD. If you read through his website, you will discover that he does not know anything about native spirituality. He keeps changing the post as he learns more. He deletes any topic that is not to his way of thinking. All of his knowledge comes from books. He even fooled the Northern Virginia Community College where he currently works. http://nvcc.academia.edu/alcarroll His applications to the major universities were denied. He has written a book from other's people work. Native People magazine found out about his fraud activities and banned him. Even Amazon has refused to list it. If a person wanted to find a fraud all you would have to do is search for ceremony and donation. This will give you a list of frauds. A medicine person does not charge for ceremony. When someone sends NAFPS a letter about a person being a fraud, he posts it without researching it. A lot of the people listed there are poor Indians living without the funds to take him to court. We are asking people with the funds to shut down his fraudulent website and to contact the IRS about his fraudulent activities. He receives a lot of money from his website and his lectures. Help is needed to stop this Jihadist activity against the Native American spirituality. http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/nafps-c236962.html LINKS BETWEEN ISIS AND AMERICAN ISLAMIC TERRORISM…AND HATE SPEECH Moments after this tragedy had occurred ISIS sent out via Twitter that they were responsible for the attacks and that the shooter, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was one of theirs. ISIS said recently that they were coming to American soil to kill members of the United States Military and now that threat has come to fruition. How do american soldiers become radicalised? simple. they read WEBSITES THAT CUT AND PASTE PROPAGANDA THAT DR CARROLL SPINS AGAINST CHRISTIANS and American values… AND THEY APPLY THE 6TH PILLAR OF ISLAM…JIHAD- HOLY WAR! This is incitement … and there is NO measures in place to stop these libelists slanderers and frauds form doing this… WHY????? ABOUT DR CARROLL AND HIS APACHE HERITAGE: Controversial fraud Hunter and self appointed medicine man buster Dr. Alton Carroll, aka Educated Indian has never made public his Apache parent (s) family name nor has he been able to substantiate his claims on the record that one of his parents or grandparents is of Apache origin. There could be many legitimate reasons for this but for the time being he still remains an enigma.For example, there have been many instances of Hollywood actors who have made claims of being Apache to end up proven false. The obvious reasons and motivation for claiming to be of Mescalero Apache origin is usually monetarily driven, promotion of a career, books, seminars, films and donations for websites. Most often, they do this overseas and in Europe where it is close to impossible for people to validate their claims.Most people would recognize the benefits and realize that this is a great sales pitch to use the name of Geronimo on your bio and to say that you come from the same tribe as one of the bravest warriors that has ever lived. In this day and age, some people will go to great lengths to stand out from the crowd. Whether it's for an audition or selling a book or promoting a film. The evidence so far indicates that Dr. Al Carroll is not enrolled, recognized or affiliated with any Apache tribe. His best defense to date is rather dubious because when asked he has replied by saying "ask my college friends and they will tell you about my Indian-ness". Indian could easily mean Aztec or Mayan Yucatán, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Campeche, Hidalgo, Puebla, Guerrero, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz or Mexican Indian; since he did not say Apache-ness. Or it could also mean he's from India for that matter. It could be that he is being facetious or is using humor to cleverly deflect this simple question; so that most people would laugh, shrug it off and forget about it and not ask again. In other words, assume he is telling the truth and take him at his word. After all, he is known to be the New Age Fraud buster.Now, if his parent were of Apache origin, this would be in most instances simple to verify. With just a name of the parent and by asking the Apache people. Most families that live on the Apache Mescalero reservation would be able to confirm this. Since most likely his father is Irish ( with a name like Carroll ), that would probably mean his mother's Apache maiden name would be all that is needed to identify her family and to prove descendency. If he were adopted, there would also be adoption papers that would legally verify who his mother was and her race.To prove legitimate descendency, one needs to have some record of his/her belonging to a member of the tribe that was recognized by the tribe at some point. If you don't have contact with your tribal member then you can ask the tribe to look for his last name. His grandparents (living or deceased) and descendents grave sites in most instances would also be able to be located and identified. They can look this up in various ways and see if his family line is known.Another way to find out is to use the tribal newspaper and submit an article asking if anyone has lineage to his tribal member. Or to have someone pass out flyers on the reservation with a photograph of Apache origin with the name for people who do not have access to a computer. If a family member is located and there is a dispute as to a relative, DNA analysis would simply resolve this. A blood sample could prove a positive match.There really isn't any logical reason or excuse in this high tech day and age for not being able to prove this. Without this proof, Dr. Al Carroll, as well as anyone else, can claim to be of Apache origin including myself and my Japanese next door neighbor. Anyone who is not able to prove this obviously is not being forthcoming with the truth.Then the next question is, if this is the case; is Alton Carroll the right person to be operating a website entitled New Age Fraud and Plastic Shaman when all the evidence seems to point to the fact that he is a questionable and highly suspect person himself. Until this matter is completely resolved, the ethical thing for him to do is to step down until this is cleared up . As long as Dr. Al Carroll is under this dark cloud of suspicion, this will undermine the credibility and cover the legitimate participants on the New age fraud website. WARNINGIf you are thinking of visiting or joining New Age Frauds & Plastic Shamans before doing so, please be prepared that if you do challenge Al Carroll, or his associate Barnaby McEwan; they will delete anything that you say that exposes their abusive behavior and in its place insert derogatory, infantile, deceitful and inverse racist comments. They will most likely also blame shift and classically project their own negativity and ignorance onto the person and attempt to make it appear to their audience as if it was the innocent person's fault. When all else fails, they may also attempt to make the person appear racist, condescending, patronizing and worse. Also expect to have your privacy violated by them posting your home address, phone numbers and email address online.You can also expect that they will flip and twist your words and comments, like "he is calling us dumb Indians"or he will delete a fine point and say it's childish, rambling, insane, lazy, ignorant, sloppy, racist and so forth. This is obviously designed to distort and invalidate the individual by creating a false impression to his audience and followers, as well as to attempt to make himself appear more intelligent, wittier, wiser, superior and so on.Then after the individual is through, this could also lead to another round of a viscous smearing campaign and dissemination of more deceit and other forms of Internet Hate Crimes on other forums, chat rooms, websites and cyberspace.Al Carroll will use all forms of bullying and intimidation tactics that are often implemented by cultists and street gang members.When this fails, he then retreats and hides out for a while until the individual disappears and then starts all over again on a brand new unsuspecting individual. About new age fraud.org Bill ArmstrongFebruary 2, 2014 at 1:32 AM His fraudulent website has been shutdown a few times already. The site was moved to an anonymous offshore hosting provider, Cyber Cast International in Panama after the last time. The site has been kicked off Yahoo as well. You can get an easy A in his History 101 class at NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College) as long as you take his opinions as fact. Disagree with his opinions and watch how fast it turns ugly :) This is a site dedicated to uncovering "frauds" and fakes who mis use Native Spiritual teachings, and Ceremonies but it has become instead a place where Native Americans are attacked daily. Disrespected, spoken down to as if they had no rights, TOLD by Euros how their OWN ceremonies SHOULD be, told by Euros, who IS and IS NOT of the Nations, not ASKED if they are. They repeatedly disrespect those who TELL who and what they are, while REFUSING to answer those very SAME questions. It is time the leaders of AIM, the Elders of each Nation, be alerted to these things. It is time many were set to find out EXACTLY who is Al Carroll, and his "hench men", and why they are being allowed to do these terrible things to Native Peoples. I find it very upsetting, that someone who so attacks "Natives" who go to Europe and teach our ways, runs a "group" to fight "such frauds" does the very same thing himself. And then, is disrespectful, and degrading to others, almost ALWAYS Natives, why? He, and the Euros running this board truly believe they are BETTER than us, smarter, and have a "God" given right to misuse our Spiritual ways? I have been writing every one I know, sharing posts of disrespect to our Peoples. OTHER COMMENTS BY OTHER SOURCES~: ( INCLUDING HIS LINKS TO NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS As far as I could tell from perusing their site, the members of NAFPS attempt to discredit and financially ruin any person, Native American or otherwise, who teaches anything that they believe belongs exclusively to Native American culture, or who charges money for workshops on shamanism. When I discovered that they had listed The Standing Bear under their "Fraud" section, I went onto the site to check it out, registered to participate in the open forum, and challenged their right to sit in judgment on me. The result of my standing up to these bullies was that a very nasty online brawl ensued (I believe that to date there have been some 1800 responses to my having challenged these people on their forum). During the course of this brawl, I was attacked on a personal level as well as on a professional level by various members on the site. When I attempted to have a reasonable private discussion about my work with the site's owner, Alton Carroll, a history professor from Boerne, Texas who claims Mescalero Apache, Mexican and Irish heritage, I was subjected to a particularly nasty version of what I quickly recognized as classic intellectual and psychological abuse. His tactics were those commonly used by all abusive patriarchal males as well as by cult leaders attempting to gain control over others. When I could not teach him to use common courtesy and respect for his elders when speaking to me, I ended my communication with him. As a result of my experience with Mr. Carroll and with certain other members of the NAFPS site, I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that NAFPS is a cult-like hate group masquerading as a guardian of Native American culture and spirituality. Some people have advised me to ignore this attack, but I'm of the opinion that hate groups should be challenged whenever they rear their ugly heads. I'm also of the opinion that the discussion I attempted to have with them on their forum is long overdue and much needed. Therefore, I am going to continue to deal with the fallout from my having challenged NAFPS here on my site, by posting my own commentary on the issues at hand, as well as commentary from my students and others whose intent is to heal such cultural misunderstandings. The only rules for participating are that your comments must be intended to heal; that you do your best to try and understand the views of culturally different people; and that you address and/or respond to them in a respectful and thoughtful way. I will not publish any verbal attacks against any individual, and I reserve the right to be the sole judge of whether your comments are intended to heal or to harm. I invite you to Email your comments to me using the link provided at the bottom of this page. When you do so, please state whether or not you would like me to share your comments with others by posting them publicly on this page. Please also indicate whether or not you want your name to be published along with your comments. If you would like, feel free to choose a pseudonym. Finally, on the Musings and Writings page of this site, I have published an essay presenting my views on the issues that appear to be at the bottom of this misunderstanding. I have also posted a notice to NAFPS at the end of this section, to clarify my current position regarding their attack on me and my work. Best Wishes to all, Scarlet Kinney Update, I just spoke to a well respected Elder last night whom found out that Alton Carroll put their name on his website. I explained to the Elder that Alton Carroll in his writing had no proof that this Elder was a fraud Alton Carroll looked up programming on a Local yet famous Radio Station in in New York City. This is the great research that this nut does. The Radio station is known for World Peace and deals with all kinds of Activist. It is sad to see that just because Alton and Annika aka Freya does not know a person they classify these people as frauds. It has been reported to me that Alton would not know a Powwow or healing circle if he tripped over them both. The Elder expressed to me that as most of us know that most of us have been destroyed by white invasion and wew are trying to reclaim our customs and blood right. The Elder classified Alton as a Benedict Arnold we suspect he is an agent for a bigger power. Why would you want to nick pick each Native Group and claim them all to be Native American Frauds Plastic Shamans which is a European term anyway. The ones really making money off of Indian people is Alton."Freya" and the goon squad. POSTED BY CRAZY ALTON CARROLL HATES NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS AT 5:36 AM 1 COMMENT: TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2008 SAVE OUR CHILDREN AGAINST FAKE PROTECTORS. ANNIKA BANFIELD , BARNABY MCEVAN ,ALTON CARROLL,DEBBIE REDBEAR POSTED BY CRAZY ALTON CARROLL HATES NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS AT 7:00 AM NO COMMENTS: MARY MAGDELINE IN REVERSE ANNIKA BANFIELD THE LAW OF MANY INDIAN NATIONS STATES THAT THE MOTHER OR WOMEN ARE IN CHARGE OF THE TRIBE . THEN WHY WOULD A WOMAN WHICH HOUSES A WOMB LET A MAN CONVINCE HER TO DESTROY PEOPLE. SO WAS IN THE MILITARY SHE CLAIMS . I THOUGHT WAR HAS TWO THEORIES WHICH IS SAVE LIVES AS WELL AS KILL, HER STANCE IS TO KILL AND TAKE NO PRISONERS, SHE MUST BE REALLY IN LOVE WITH ALTON CARROLL, HE HAS LED HER DOWN A ROAD OF HAVING A BAD REP. PLEASE DO NOT STOP TO PICK ON MY GRAMMER, ENGLISH THIS IS ABOUT THE TWO OF THEM BONNIE AND CLYDE OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN WORLD.
POSTED BY CRAZY ALTON CARROLL HATES NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS AT 6:38 AM NO COMMENTS: YEAGLEY ATTACKED BY ATTACKER ALTON CA. WHEN YOU ARE DELUSIONAL, IT IS VERY HARD FOR YOU TO SEE THAT YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU POINT FINGERS AT. DOCTOR ALTON CARROLL HAS THE NERVE TO POINT THE FINGER AT MR. YEAGLEY WHEN HE HIMSELF IS RACIST. YOU CAN TELL THIS ABOUT THE COMMENTS HE MAKES ON NAFPS. NOT ONLY IS HE RACIST BUT HE YES HE IS VERY FAST TO CALL SOMEONE FAKE, FRUAD,PLASTIC HE LOVES THE LIMELIGHT AND HE PROBABLY LOVES THE IDEA THIS SITE WAS MADE ABOUT HIM. YOU KNOW WHEN YOU ARE A LITTLE STARVED FOR ATTENTION YOU WILL DO ANYTHING HURT ANYONE.IF HE WAS SUCH A PROLIFIC WRITER HE WOULD KNOW THAT IT IS IMPORTANT TO INVESTIGATE FULLY INSTEAD OF JUST WRITING ANYONE'S NAME ON A SITE. IT SEEMS THAT MR. OR SHOULD WE SAY DOCTOR "WHERE ARE YOU TEACHING AL? IS VERY INCOMPLETE IN HIS RESEARCH AND THAT IS WHY HE IS CHOOSES TO STAY UNDERGROUND. HE FEELS THE CREATOR HAS DEEMED HIM DEFENDER OF ALL INDIAN PEOPLE. THIS IN IT SELF IS A SIN, BECAUSE THE CREATOR DOES NOT APPROACH HIS PEOPLE IN SUCH A WAY, HELP PUT A END TO THIS REIGN OF TERROR FULBRIGHT FAKE “Maybe the other moderators on NAFPS realized educatedindian, http://blogs.nvcc.edu/intercom/2013/11/11/loudoun-campus-intercultural-film-series-a-success/ Dr Alton Carroll is a fraud???” And, so is Arvol Looking Horse, the man Alton Carroll promotes as the 19th Generation White Buffalo Calf Pipe Keeper fraudulently…..Against the wishes of the Lakota people!Rats leaving a sinking ship…the frauds are the NAFPS.org site themselves! How are ya all doing at NAFPS.org, with those 3 fingers pointing back at you??? You got to love Heyoka medicine!!! And, this woman above is my judge & jury about my 1st Nations linage…& what I carry for my people, I dont think so. She looks here like she is ready for a wet T-shirt contest. HakiktaWin-Looking Back Woman-Suzanne Dupree www.lookingbackwoman.ca xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fulbright…you owe it to people who use your list of academic Scholars to research & do your due dilligence into their backrounds, academic career, association with frauds, & perpetuation of libel & slander of authenic 1st Nations people, or your credibility will be libel case The libel/slander suit against Carroll in Oklahoma (Case # CJ-2009-10887) is still in progress. Link to the case in Oklahoma State Court: http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/GetCaseInformation.asp?number=cj-09-10887&db=Oklahoma&submitted=true WARNING If you are thinking of visiting www.newagefraud.org before doing so, please take a look at these links and websites below. Be prepared that if you do challenge Al Carroll, or his associate Barnaby McEwan; they will delete anything that you say that exposes their abusive behavior and in its place insert derogatory, infantile, deceitful and inverse racist comments. They will most likely also blame shift and classically project their own negativity and ignorance onto the person and attempt to make it appear to their audience as if it was the innocent person's fault. When all else fails, they may also attempt to make the person appear racist, condescending,patronizing and worse. Also expect to have your privacy violated by them posting your home address, phone numbers and email address. You can also expect that they will flip and twist your words and comments, like "he is calling us dumb Indians"or he will delete a fine point and say it's childish, rambling, insane, lazy, ignorant, , sloppy, racist and so forth. This is obviously designed to distort and invalidate the individual by creating a false impression to his audience and followers, as well as to attempt to make himself appear more intelligent, wittier, wiser, superior and so on. Then after the individual is through, this could also lead to another round of a viscous smearing campaign and dissemination of more deceit and other forms of Internet Hate Crimes on other forums, chat rooms, websites and cyberspace. Al will use all forms of bullying and intimidation tactics that are often implemented by cultists and street gang members. When this fails, he then retreats and hides out for a while until the individual disappears and then starts all over again on a brand new unsuspecting individual. http://www.artforthemasses.us/castaconold/viewtopic.php?t=1131&start=0&sid=fa37492e374e10d1a952a6b3aefdf731 BEWARE We are in the process of gathering links and information. If you also have a link, an article, a story that you would like to share or believe would alert or help educate the general public. Please submit it to: info@heyokamagazine.com Here are a handful of examples below of others he has abused. http://heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.9.JayeLaValle.Letter.htm www.heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.8.Robin.htm www.heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.8.MUSIC.Tommy.2.htm www.heyokamagazine.com/HEYOKA.8.IsALCarrolAFraud.htm www.thestandingbear.com/notecomment.htm www.selectablog.com/exposingpredators ANNIKA BANFIELD-FREJA FOOL. AMERICAN INDIAN HATER ALTON CARROLL HORRIBLE SUBHUMAN BEING CONCLUSION” Here are some other comments Ive managed to find about this fraudsters activities - someone who has actually met him… frank says; I am a retired history professor an I would never let Al Carroll teach a class any more than I would invite David Duke to teach. I think that he is a egomanical, confused self hating Mexican American. Its so good that white people who are driven by guilt pay him, he wouldn't do too well here in Canada. jerome howell says Alton Carroll is simply a terrorist on American soil. His web-site napfs is nothing more than a self proclaimed witch hunt and should be banned by every search on the net. This man should be hunted down and the pain that him and his outlaw band spread should be punished for to the fullest extent of the law. This man is no more an American Indian than the group called the Nemenhah Tribe who's leader and founder is a convicted felon. If you have been attacked by this man or his group, you should call the Northern Virginia Community College Campus Police Dept and file a complaint against him which an investigation has been opened against him. Al Carroll is a discrace and a dishonor to All Tribes of the Red Road. Let him publically list his private information on the net, and publically PROVE HIMSELF WHO HE CLAIMS TO BE. HE IS A FRAUD .
Al Carroll is a compulsive liar and an ugly menace to the Native community. Mr. Carroll has been kicked off the internet for violations such as: Identity theft, sexual harassment, stalking, libel and slander. WARNING: Do not engage in any on-line dialog with Carroll, he is very deranged, only qualified Carroll "handler's" are encouraged to participate. http://medicinebags.blogspot.ch/2008/07/is-al-carroll-even-native-american.html OTHER CRIMES BY MR CARROLL. We are currently seeking litigation to have this fraud Al Carroll taken off the Fulbright list which he defrauded by falsley stating he is Apache. Al Carroll has yet to ante up any evidence that he is in fact Native American at all. The Fulbright people have been put on notice as to Carroll's fraudulent and criminal activities. It has been reported that Mr. Carroll has traveled to Indonesia to pursue his well-known pedophilia. The Govt. of Indonesia has been warned of Carroll's perverse sexual crimes against the children who he is molesting under the guise of a sick teacher/student relationship. We will have more to report on the pedophile Al Carroll in the near future. AL CARROLL LIKES TO STALK/HARASS GUYS! Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone.
It has been defined as the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization. The behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and any form of persistent offensive behaviour. The harassment must be such that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.A number of key factors have been indentified: False accusations. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. They post false information about them on websites. They may set up their own websites, blogs or user pages for this purpose. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms or other sites that allow public contributions, such as Wikipedia or Amazon.com.Attempts to gather information about the victim. Cyber stalkers may approach their victim's friends, family and work colleagues to obtain personal information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, or hire a private detective. They often will monitor the victim's online activities and attempt to trace their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their victims. [5] Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyber stalkers try to involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the victim has harmed the stalker or his family in some way, or may post the victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to join the pursuit. False victimization. The cyber stalker will claim that the victim is harassing him. Bocij writes that this phenomenon has been noted in a number of well-known cases. Attacks on data and equipment. ALTON CARROLL IN THE PHILLIPINES LOOKING FOR UNDER AGE GIRLS. They may try to damage the victim's computer by sending viruses. Ordering goods and services. They order items or subscribe to magazines in the victim's name. These often involve subscriptions to pornography or ordering sex toys then having them delivered to the victim's workplace. Arranging to meet. Young people face a particularly high risk of having cyber stalkers try to set up meetings between them.BehaviorsCyber stalkers meet or target their victims by using search engines, online forums, bulletin and discussion boards, chat rooms, Wikipedia, and more recently, through online communities such as MySpace, Face book, Friendster and Indymedia, a media outlet known for self-publishing. They may engage in live chat harassment or flaming or they may send electronic viruses and unsolicited e-mails. Victims of cyber stalkers may not even know that they are being stalked. Cyber stalkers may research individuals to feed their obsessions and curiosity. Conversely, the acts of cyber stalkers may become more intense, such as repeatedly instant messaging their targets.More commonly they will post defamatory or derogatory statements about their stalking target on web pages, message boards and in guest books designed to get a reaction or response from their victim, thereby initiating contact. In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the name of the victim containing defamatory or pornographic content.When prosecuted, many stalkers have unsuccessfully attempted to justify their behavior based on their use of public forums, as opposed to direct contact. Once they get a reaction from the victim, they will typically attempt to track or follow the victim's internet activity. Classic cyberstalking behavior includes the tracing of the victim's IP address in an attempt to verify their home or place of employment.Some cyberstalking situations do evolve into physical stalking, and a victim may experience abusive and excessive phone calls, vandalism, threatening or obscene mail, trespassing, and physical assault. Moreover, many physical stalkers will use cyberstalking as another method of harassing their victims.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CyberstalkingThe coward Al Carroll is knee deep in cyber-stalking, he excels at it, its’ what he and his anti-Indian website (naps.com) are all about. Carroll has falsely accused TOTAL STRANGERS of being a white supremacists. I thought one had to be white to be one of those idiots. I don’t hate white people, I am not happy as to how they treated my people, but that is water under the bridge. I just find it really creepy that some psycho (Carroll) has nothing better to do than to stalk innocent people.
I think Al Carroll engages in this deviant behavior to deflect attention away from his non-Indian status. Al Carroll is even part white himself. I know you are reading this you punk, you better get your facts straight before you get kicked off the internet, AGAIN! Along with his cyber-stalking Carroll is also a pathological liar:1. Al Carroll lied about being Apache, he’s not even Indian. Which strikes me as very disturbing since he is the self-proclaimed guru of American Indian spirituality. At his anti-Indian hate site (naps.com) Carroll and three other core members, all Euro-idiots, go around accusing real Indians of committing acts of fraud when Carroll is the biggest fraud of them all. 2. AL Carroll defrauded the Dept. of Education by stating he was Indian to get grants to pay for his wasted education.3. Al Carroll lied about being a full tenured Professor of History, when he is in fact, just some cheesy part-time high school teacher.4. Al Carroll has made numerous personal attacks against Indians in various forums.
I could nail that sorry S.O.B. for calling me an advocate of white supremacy, but never showing proof of his outlandish allegations. Put up or shut the phuck up Al. Then there is his blatant homophobia. This is really bizarre because his life partner is some other idiot named Brent Michael David’s, a full blown gay guy. So Al’s a hypocrite too.
Then there is his obsession/stalking of this Dr Yeagley person. Dr Yeagley is a relatively benign proponent of Indian affairs, compared to Al, he is a saint. I read one of his articles and found nothing anti-Indian about it:http://www.badeagle.com/cgi-bin/ib3/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=15;t=8835Wtf is this nut-job Al talking about? He seems to stir up trouble where ever he goes. AL CARROLL IS A CYBER-STALKING FRAUD. Someone needs to drop a dime on Carroll and his crazy antics before he hurts himself.Finally, you little shyt Carroll, you had better get down on your knees and pray our paths never cross. I will give $100.00 bucks to anyone who can prove that Carroll is Apache. AL CARROLL LIES ABOUT RECEIVING A FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP.
Al Carroll has much in common with another fake Indian named Ward Churchill. Both have scammed the Dept. of Education out of thousands of dollars by posing as Native Americans to become eligible for federal grants. Carroll has no personal ethics or morals. Carroll has been tooting his own horn about his Fulbright (fool-not-so-bright) status. A simple phone call to the good people at http://fulbright.state.gov/ showed Al to be a liar.......again. The Fulbright people have never heard of a Alton Carroll. Mr. Carroll is writing checks his ego can't cash.
The bible says we should LOVE our enemies..pray for those who persecute us… and turn the other cheek… but it also says that we need to be WARRIORS OF LIGHT and to stand up for righteousness and truth and justice. We must be SALT and LIGHT to the world… not speak lies, falsehood and deci calling evil good and good evil.
Mr. Carroll has crossed the line and needs to be stopped. His website www.newagefraud and plastic shamans is nothing more than an attempt to create division amongst the Native American community and to have brother biting brother. This is not the PATH OF SPIRITUAL UNITY OR THE WHITE BUFFALO.
Whats more at this time when we are fighting ignorance and false ideology these lies can be and are used by militant islamic sites to promote their wares ideology…an ideology that festers and creates hatred against the very values that the civilisation stands for.
It is in fact irresponsible and insightful hate speech. He must be stopped. I thank you PRD 1 of 2
Thursday, 2 July 2015
tunisian terrorism- the british repsonse.

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