Tuesday, 24 December 2013


 Disorder arises from order...cowardice arises from courage...weakness arises from strength...sun tzu...art of war.
But I say... affliction arises from healing and sickness from health... therefore truth or forgiveness and reconciliation is not enough to heal this land and our broken hearts... we need yes...REAL forgiveness but even more...we need RESTORATION - as above so below... as without ...so within... restoration not of the former but towards the latter....and the better... for we cannot bring or reconcile ourselves to what cannot be replaced...but we can restore the function of our inner men... and by so doing restore our lives again to if not a former glory...but a GREATER glory so that indeed GOD may be glorified by our restoration and healing...but the tools of that are to extend our hearts beyond the normal boundaries and envelope them around our pain...

I believe there are two possible venues for the Forgiveness & Restoration Conference./Cape Town or Durban. I feel it might be stronger in Cape Town as it is a better drawcard. I think early December is best around the 8th December. 

why do we hurt others? 

is it because we want them to feel the pain they have caused us? or the pain caused by others...

the truth is even when the one you love is no longer a part of your life...he or she...is still a part of your heart...forever!

wherever you are.

and by the pain and the conflict in our heart as we realise the one we love doesnt feel the same way... we want them to feel the pain...that we feel...the pain of separation...rejection...loss...death...

and yes...it is a soulish thing...but it is the cause of many a violent and senseless act...

the ones that hurt us are often the closest people we have to our hearts... it could even be your soul mate. I felt such a deep conneciton with a woman I met recently... but whether I was deluded or on drugs... or jsut wanting to believe she felt the same intensity of love that I felt for her... I do not know. Perhaps the ones we think we should give our most valuable gift to...are not really worthy of it... I realise now we must give it to God...

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