Monday, 30 December 2013

One step closer to the dream!

Thanks to our team of campaigners we have managed to acquire over 500 new supporters of the Africa Unite Movement. Our team led by Gabriel went into Khayaletsha, Mitchells Plain and Gugeletu this weekend and we spread the word of African unity to the people there. This is a small step for the movement but it will be a step forward in the right direction to registering the party and getting it known. There were many questions  about who we are and what we believe in and we did our best to answer them... we did even get some trouble from the police saying...where is your permission.../ but we arnt selling or buying anything...and its a free they left us was thanks to the personality and charisma of Gabriel that our first objective has been met.

Thanks and God bless you all for helping our first step into the hearts and minds of all african peoples.


Saturday, 28 December 2013

A Demography of South Africa's Minorities

The AMC is a group dedicated to protecting & preserving the rights of ALL minorities in South Africa. Jacob Zuma has publicly stated that " the Majority have more rights than the Minority!"- And WHO are the minorities in the New South Africa? - Well lets see... Theres the Khoi San, The Griquas, The Coloreds, The Asians, The Italians, The British, The Afrikaners, The other Eur Africans, the Pedi, The Shangaan, The Jews & The Muslims, The South Sotho, The Venda...The Born Again Christians,the Hindus...The Single Mothers, the homeless, the unemployed... the disenfranchised-the refugees now..thats a lot of fact, I would say it works out to around 20-30 million people in a country of 50 million people... perhaps around half...perhaps even the majority.... so until we protect our minorities in the new south Africa...we will not have a free and Democratic South Africa. We have given the ANC 20 years to rule and they have messed it up. ITS TIME FOR CHANGE! VOTE THE AMC!


1. " COLOURED" Population: 4,539,790 (2011; estimated)[1]

In the South African, Namibian, Zambian, Botswana and Zimbabwean context, the term Coloured (also known as Bruinmense, Kleurlinge or Bruin Afrikaners in Afrikaans) refers to an heterogeneous ethnic group who possess ancestry from Europe, various Khoisan and Bantu tribes of Southern Africa, as well as peoples of West Africa, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaya, India, Mozambique, Mauritius, and Saint Helena.[2]

Besides the extensive combining of these diverse heritages in the Western Cape — in which a distinctive Cape Coloured and affiliated Cape Malay culture developed — in other parts of Southern Africa, their development has usually been the result of the meeting of two distinct groups. Genetic studies suggest the group has the highest levels of mixed ancestry in the world.[3][4] However, the maternal (female) contribution to the Coloured population, measured by mitochondrial DNA studies, was found to come mostly from the Khoisan population.[5][6]

2.ASIAN:1 274 867 (2011; estimated)[1]
2.5% of South Africa's population

The majority of the Asian South African population is Indian in origin, most of them descended from indentured workers transported to work in the 19th century on the sugar plantations of the eastern coastal area, then known as Natal. They are largely English speaking, although many also retain the languages of their ancestors. There is also a significant group of Chinese South Africans (approximately 300,000 individuals), of whom the great majority are recent immigrants of the last two decades.

In total the 1.2 million Asians in South Africa represent about two per cent of the nation's population. Most are of Indian or South Asian origin, although there is also a rapidly increasing number of people of Chinese and other East Asian origin (sometimes classified as Coloured (mixed race) or White under Apartheid). Traditionally the group does not include the "Cape Malays", who were descended (at least in part) from South East Asians, who were classified as "Coloured" under apartheid.

3.Eur-Africans:(European South Africans):4,586,838 [1]

8.9% of South Africa's population[1

White South African is a term which refers to people from South Africa who are of European descent and who do not regard themselves, or are not regarded as being part of another racial group, for example, as Coloured.[2] In linguistic, cultural and historical terms, they are generally divided into the Afrikaans-speaking descendants of mainly Dutch, German and French settlers, known as Afrikaners, and the English-speaking Anglo-Africans who share an Anglophone background (mainly of British and Irish descent). South Africa's white population is divided into 61% Afrikaans-speakers, 36% English-speakers, and 3% who speak another language,[3] most notably Portuguese. European South Africans are by far the largest European-descended population group in Africa.

Sub group: 3,600,000 (estimated)
Afrikaners (including the Boer subgroup[6]) are an ethnic group in Southern Africa whose native tongue is Afrikaans: a Germanic language which derives primarily from 17th century Dutch, and a variety of other languages.[7] [8] They are descended from Dutch Calvinists, Germans and French Huguenots, also Frisians, English, and minor numbers of other Europeans and non-European slaves and indentured servants [9][10] During the Apartheid era, race classification was based on appearance and there were many borderline cases.[11]

South Africans of British descent are considered a separate ethnic group from Afrikaners, and their first language is English.

4.PEDI:4,204,358 (2001 Census)

Pedi (also known as Bapedi, Bamaroteng, Marota, Basotho, Northern Sotho - in its broadest sense), has been a cultural/linguistic term - previously used to describe the entire set of people speaking various dialects of the Sotho language who live in the northern Transvaal of South Africa, more recently, the term "Northern Sotho" has replaced "Pedi" to characterize this loose collectivity of groups.

The Northern Sotho have been subdivided into the high-veld Sotho, which are comparatively recent immigrants mostly from the west and southwest, and the low-veld Sotho, who combine immigrants from the north with inhabitants of longer standing. The high-veld Sotho include the Pedi (in the narrower sense), Tau, Kone, Roka, Ntwane, Mphahlele, Tšhwene, Mathabathe, Kone (Matlala), Dikgale, Batlokwa, Gananwa (Mmalebogo), Mmamabolo, and Moletše. The low-veld Sotho include the Lobedu, Narene, Phalaborwa, Mogoboya, Kone, Kgakga, Pulana, Pai, Kutswe. Groups are named by using the names of totemic animals and, sometimes, by alternating or combining these with the names of famous chiefs.

Pedi in the narrowest sense, refers more to a political unit than to a cultural or linguistic one: the Pedi polity included the people living within the area over which the Maroteng dynasty established dominance during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Even this narrower usage should not be understood in a rigid sense because many fluctuations occurred in the extent of this polity's domination during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and processes of relocation and labor migration have resulted in the widespread scattering of its former subjects.

4.VENDA: 3.5 million people

The Venda were originally from either the Congo or the East African Rift, migrating across the Limpopo river during the Bantu expansion.[3] [4]

5.SOTHO: 3,544,304 (2001 Census)

The ancestors of the Sotho people (Basotho or Basuto) have lived in southern Africa since around the fifth century. The Sotho nation emerged from the accomplished diplomacy of Moshoeshoe I who gathered together disparate clans of Sotho–Tswana origin that had dispersed across southern Africa in the early 19th century. Most Sotho today live in South Africa, as the area of the Orange Free State was originally part of Moshoeshoe's nation (modern-day Lesotho).

6. TSWANA:3,544,304 (2001 Census)

Tswana or Setswana is a language spoken in Southern Africa by about 4.5 million people.[2] It is a Bantu language belonging to the Niger–Congo language family within the Sotho languages branch of Zone S (S.30), and is closely related to the Northern- and Southern Sotho languages, as well as the Kgalagadi language and the Lozi language.

The Tsonga people speak the Tsonga language (Xitsonga) Although many Tsongas are Christian, many also adhere to their own traditional religion, which entails constant attention to the propitiation of ancestral spirits. Illness and other misfortunes are usually attributed to the breaking of a taboo, to the anger of an ancestor, or to sorcery.[1]

The Tsongas are a diverse population, generally including the Shangaan (VaChangana), Thonga, Tonga (unrelated to another nearby Tonga population to the north), and several smaller ethnic groups.[2] In the mid-1990s, they numbered about 1.5 million in South Africa and at least 4.5 million in southern Mozambique and Zimbabwe.[2]

Sometimes, the definition of Tsonga is extended to include the closely related Ronga and Tswa peoples of Mozambique.[3]


The Swazi are an Nguni-speaking people in southeastern Africa, chiefly in Swaziland and South Africa and some in Mozambique. Besides their language, Siswati, they speak Afrikaans in South Africa, English in South Africa and Swaziland, and Portuguese in Mozambique and South Africa as second languages. More Swazi live in South Africa than in Swaziland. The Swazi are religiously diverse and tolerant.[1]

9.NDEBELE:703,906 (2001 Census)

The Ndebele are part of the larger Nguni ethnic group. They are thought to have travelled from Natal to the Transvaal region, led by a chief called Musi and settling near Pretoria in about 1600. In the mid-seventeenth century, the nation split over a succession dispute between his two sons, Manala and Ndzundza.

In 1882, following friction with Voortrekker settlers over land and other resources, the Boer leader Piet Joubert led a campaign against the Ndebele leader Nyabela. Nyabela was imprisoned, finally being released in the late 1890s, and many of his people were indentured to white farmers.

During the apartheid era, Nyabela's successor as leader, Cornelius, was forcibly moved with his people to a tribal "homeland" called KwaNdebele, which was given nominal self-government.

People with the last name Ndebele are considered royal.[citation needed]

10.Refugees, Illegal Immigrants, Homeless squatters :

It is estimated that South Africa harbours at least five million illegal immigrants, although some estimates increase this figure to eight million. It is believed that at least three million of these immigrants are of Zimbabwean origin due to political and economic instability caused by Robert Mugabe's government.[1][2][3] Attacks on foreign nationals increased markedly in late 2007 and it is believed that there have been at least a dozen attacks since the start of 2008. A series of anti-immigrant riots occurred in South Africa beginning on 11 May 2008.[4][5] see (Zimbabwean diaspora)

Critics of the South African government have argued that a lack of an effective border policy and repatriation measures have had detrimental economic effects and resulted in social unrest.

Add to this those who live in squatter camps and those in prison as well as those who are not registered at all. The figure of 5 million is reasonable. Of those 5 million many do have false IDs but some do not. Some live legitimately in South Africa and can vote. I estimate this figure at around 1 million.


The two main ethnic groups in South Africa are the Xhosas and the Zulus. These two groups hold all the power and no one of other minority groups have been a president of the country or is likely to be for a long time. Most of the contracts and the money as well as the key positions in the ANC are held primarily by Xhosas and secondly by Zulus.

1. ZULU PEOPLE: 10,659,309 (2001 census)[1]

The Zulu (Zulu: amaZulu) are the largest South African ethnic group, with an estimated 10–11 million people living mainly in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Small numbers also live in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. Their language, Zulu, is a Bantu language; more specifically, part of the Nguni subgroup. The Zulu Kingdom played a major role in South African history during the 19th and 20th centuries. Under apartheid, Zulu people were classed as third-class citizens and suffered from state-sanctioned discrimination. They remain today the most numerous ethnic group in South Africa, and now have equal rights along with all other citizens.

2.XHOSA PEOPLE:7.9 million (2001 estimate)

The Xhosa (pronounced [kǁʰɔsɑ] ( listen)) people are speakers of Bantu languages living in south-east South Africa, and in the last two centuries throughout the southern and central-southern parts of the country.

Xhosa-speaking peoples are divided into several tribes with related but distinct heritages. The main tribes are the Mpondo, Mpondomise, Bomvana, Xesibe, and Thembu. In addition, the Bhaca and Mfengu have adopted the Xhosa language.[1] The name "Xhosa" comes from that of a legendary leader called uXhosa. There is also a theory that the word xhosa derives from a word in some Khoi-khoi or San language meaning "fierce" or "angry", the amaXhosa being the fierce people. The Xhosa refer to themselves as the amaXhosa and to their language as isiXhosa.

Thus the POWER and the MONEY is now held by two ethnic groups in the NEW South Africa. I see this as political power primarily- other minorities also have limited political power, less rights. Whilst ALL South AFRICANS can have the possibility to prosper and some do... the fact is the reins of responsibility are in the hands of the " majority"- which are really not the majority at all. This is an illusion. The ANC comprises of minority groups. Yet just as HITLER discriminated against the JEWS because they wee perceived to have all the MONEY and therefore the power... - ethnic groups today are being discriminated against if they are not " black" or black enough... and usually all the major contracts go to people who are either Xhosa OR in the elite strata of the ANC.

There is no " majority " therefore at all. South Africa is a nation comprised of minorities where all South Africans should have EQUAL RIGHTS... but they don't. South Africa has 50 million people- BUT THE ZULUS AND THE XHOSA account for just 17 million. I havnt included in that minority group those who dont vote or who havnt voted yet are South African. This may number as much as 1 million.

If the AFRICAN MINORITY CONGRESS is going to make headway against the ANC we will need to target all minorities who are dissatisfied with the lack of progress of the ANC , the deterioration of public services, unemployment and lack of wealth creation and of course...the rampant corruption of the fatcats elite at the top.


Ethnic groups in South Africa by municipality


Asian South African


Balete people
Barokologadi Ba Ga Maotwa
Batau tribe
Bhaca people


Cape Coloureds
Cape Dutch
Cape Malay
Chinese South Africans
Coloured People in Namibia


Filipinos in South Africa
Fengu people


Greeks in South Africa
Griqua people


Hlubi people
Honorary whites

H cont.

Huguenots in South Africa


Indian South Africans


Japanese people in South Africa


Khumalo clan
Koena tribe
Koreans in South Africa
ǃKung people


Lobedu people


Mabelane tribe
Makuleke tribe
Memons in South Africa


Nama people
Nepalis in South Africa
Ngcoya clan
Norwegian South African


Oorlam people


Pakistanis in South Africa
Poko people
Pondo people
Portuguese South African


Saraiki people
Somalis in South Africa
Sotho people
Sotho–Tswana peoples
South Ndebele people
Strandloper peoples
Surti Muslims
Swazi people


Tamil South Africans
Taung tribe
Thembu tribe
Tsonga people
Tswana people
Turks in South Africa


Venda people


White South African


Xhosa people


Zimbabweans in South Africa
Zulu people
Geoff Unwin <>
May 29

to me
Hey Paul sorry, just been so busy, will get back to u, it looks very interesting.
Hope u are well.
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Friday, 27 December 2013

Yesterday we pray from table mountain

Table Mountain is one of the worlds NEW natural wonders... why...I do not know... because if I think about natural wonders...especially all the ones Ive seen - I think... hang on...what about this one? or that one... just in south africa we could probably have a list of our own 7 wonders... I would include the Fish River Canyon- although thats in Namibia- so i guess ill just have to say- southern africa... then there's the OKAVANGO SWAMPS and the Nkadadigadi Salt pans... then moving on...weve got victoria falls...of course... then the Great Zimbabwe... and of Course... the Selous National Park or Serengeti... and if you include angola we got the great Baobab forest and the welwichias of Namib... then across to mozambique - not much happening there... but theres some beautiful islands with great shells... um... going south we have the st lucia estuary... the drakensberg..gods window... the hole in the wall in transkei... and the dophins and sharks of the wild coast... lets not forget Madagascar and mafia island...and the pyramids of Giza... and if you add it all up...thats a lot of wonderings!!

But yes, for 500 rand you can get an all year pass to go up ad down the moutnain as often as you want!

i prayed for my family, myself, the woman i love... and for release and restoration for next year... that cape town as the " mother city" will bring this release to many of us who need it.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013


 Disorder arises from order...cowardice arises from courage...weakness arises from strength...sun of war.
But I say... affliction arises from healing and sickness from health... therefore truth or forgiveness and reconciliation is not enough to heal this land and our broken hearts... we need yes...REAL forgiveness but even more...we need RESTORATION - as above so below... as without within... restoration not of the former but towards the latter....and the better... for we cannot bring or reconcile ourselves to what cannot be replaced...but we can restore the function of our inner men... and by so doing restore our lives again to if not a former glory...but a GREATER glory so that indeed GOD may be glorified by our restoration and healing...but the tools of that are to extend our hearts beyond the normal boundaries and envelope them around our pain...

I believe there are two possible venues for the Forgiveness & Restoration Conference./Cape Town or Durban. I feel it might be stronger in Cape Town as it is a better drawcard. I think early December is best around the 8th December. 

why do we hurt others? 

is it because we want them to feel the pain they have caused us? or the pain caused by others...

the truth is even when the one you love is no longer a part of your life...he or still a part of your heart...forever!

wherever you are.

and by the pain and the conflict in our heart as we realise the one we love doesnt feel the same way... we want them to feel the pain...that we feel...the pain of separation...rejection...loss...death...

and is a soulish thing...but it is the cause of many a violent and senseless act...

the ones that hurt us are often the closest people we have to our hearts... it could even be your soul mate. I felt such a deep conneciton with a woman I met recently... but whether I was deluded or on drugs... or jsut wanting to believe she felt the same intensity of love that I felt for her... I do not know. Perhaps the ones we think we should give our most valuable gift to...are not really worthy of it... I realise now we must give it to God...


We must be the change we want to see in our lives. When I was in a place of NO hope I realised in my state of being that I am the change...and I dug myself OUT of the hole I was in despite incredible odds. 
We mustn't be afraid to LOVE ... because we will get hurt by others who are afraid themselves to love... but you dont need to live in fear; you need to live in faith... we are never alone - and we are...
we come into the world alone and friendless... and we will one day have to leave the world alone and friendless... for you cannot go into the next life with anyone but yourself and what you carry in your heart... so YES... fall in love... get hurt...fall in love again... but one day... one day... you will say... you know what... its better to have loved than never to have known what is is better to have felt the pain of heartbreak than to live in the bubble you create around you and fool yourself that its ok... 
a man and a woman who truly love each other is the most beautiful thing in the world... because they can create their own world and everything in it in the spirit of humanity...
remember you come into the world with nothing and you leave the world with nothing... except what is IN your heart... that you take with you... we are all alone...and yet... to love and be loved is the greatest gift we can possess and give to others... pain like the rain...doesnt stay with us all the time...
 there comes a time when it stops raining and the sun comes out ...and the rainbow is visible in our eyes...again...a reminder that God is with us. amen



Those homeless people will be housed immediately...provided for immediately... but not in south africa... they are regarded as the fringe...the unwashed masses by the ANC elitists... for them... they can eat cake and live in caves... when Joe Slovo was around he spearheaded the movement to house the homeless in decent accomadtion... whats happened since then?


You see the spin?

the truth is... guess what... it was the wind that spread the fire in a shanty town that shouldnt have been there.. and the truth is ZUMA'S SWIMMING POOL COULD HAVE PUT IT OUT!

oh well...

I wonder how fast the goverment will act to help those people...

or political opportunists...

and we can blame the wind of apartheid and poverty...or we can take responsibility for bad governance and VOTE OUT those responsible for this monumental mess.

at least we still have that little power in our hands.

Friday, 20 December 2013

10 Levels of Conflict & Conflict Resolution

I expect I will edit this many times over so don't let me say to you this is it. I did write a definitive draft 5 years ago but lost it somewhere... so I'm gonna try to do it again. This is what I've learned in my travels about conflict, war and resolution. I've put it into the levels like the Americans do when we march to world goes.

LEVEL 1 : Ideological Struggle- This is where two parties find out that the term lets agree to disagree doesn't work. This is where the polarity begins to widen.... some things that are difficult to accept on either side...- not impossible but it becomes unbearable and leads to tension.

LEVEL 2: Ideological Polarity- Where both parties realize that the two ideologies cannot be reconciled and therefore they cannot find a balance. Sometimes this point comes and the two parties separate peacefully and amicably...sometimes it happens with a sudden bang and a bad taste in the mouth...

LEVEL 3: Limited Hostility. The two parties have by this time split up and one or both have some limited hostility and anger or resentment to the other. During this period of breakup the one party may employ total silence and ignore or laugh at the others attempt to reconcile. This person is usually the emotionally stronger individual and the oppressor. The other may be a gentle person but repressing anger for the hope that the two parties may find reconciliation. The final point in this step is the realization that there are unfinished issues that haven't been dealt with and the one party in their arrogance will think they are completely justified. There may be non violent resistance to this oppression and arrogance - but the hostility is in a limited form. Usually the two parties are by this time separated and there is little hope of reconciliation or restoration as before. Both may be injured and just need time to forgive the other...

LEVEL 4: Open Hostility. This is where both parties haven't separated amicably and one party may feel the desire to seek revenge or justice... sometimes veiled words for the same thing. One or both parties may feel violated to the extreme and that the only way forward is open conflict. This may result in both parties fighting an all out war. The actions taken are usually non violent but the circle of implosion grows to a wider audience and all the dirty laundry comes out in the wash!... This is where the aggressor may begin to vilify the other who has committed the perceived wrong. This usually takes on the form of a propaganda war.

LEVEL 5: The Point of No Return: This level is where both parties become not only embarrassed but offended enough to say... " I will never be united with this person/group/people etc. It is a permanent DIVORCE. At this level we have increased the level of conflict from limited to open hostility and as this occurs positions are taken and lines are drawn...both have reserved time to fight...and the issues are taken to the legal front to decide. The conflict still is not physically violent - but has become life changing. The circles of family , friends, allies have taken their sides...and support the one or the other injured party. At this stage there is little hope of reconciliation unless both have a Moment of clarity where the light comes in and enlightens the heart and mind.

LEVEL 6 : Declaration of Total War...the battle begins... Whether on the battlefield where diplomacy has failed or in the court... the war begins...and the two sides wage war with each other. This is violence and upheaval and change... it is fire and water.... and only one side can win and it is usually the strongest or the slyest...there are no rules in war...war is war... there are only victims....and victors... the most ruthless wins the game.

LEVEL 7: After the war- THERE IS ALWAYS A MAJOR BATTLE!- after this battle the loser must try to pick up the pieces and fight another day- or give up entirely... and the winner feels " vindicated" having shown the world that his /her cause was righteous... just...truthful... but the real truth itself... because in the battle this is the first thing that is sacrificed!
There is always the aftermath of the battle. This is the seventh level... the victim licks his /her wounds... and the victor asserts his / her perceived authority... in this day and age during gender wars... it is usually the man that ends up the loser because the courts have been given a political mandate to crucify as many men as possible eve if some are completely innocent so as to further the wider political agenda of the establishment. - the only problem with this is that when the establishment end up themselves as victims - on the short end of the stick... the best advice here is that try to minimize the damage... and be absolutely compliant to the executor of the will live to see another day...and you will be better prepared...and you will whip their asses good and solid!

LEVEL 8: Equilibrium- a weaker foe cannot fully negotiate their rights and status properly if they are disadvantaged... therefore they must be abe to reach an equilibrium so as to deliver the right services... also during this period you have minor skirmishes.. for the army... and God forbid... why didn't they go to the front? This level is about finding a harmony ...a balance equilibrium...

LEVEL 9 Ultra- violence - This is where all diplomatic- non violent methods have failed. This is where all peaceful talks and discussions mean nothing... this is where Zuma can either be consolidated in his power or lose it entirely. But in order to do he need to agitate for a crisis... a crisis that normal people cant handle... In the mafia they say..." when the business goes goes very well...where the business goes bad...its goes very shit!/very bad! "So if money is NOT invested ...there are NO jobs... so its important to engage the farmers to discuss what they will do different. For others its about killing everyone and torching the house... ultra violence... we can also include the status at the station.

Level 10: Inner peace or Inner war?- everyone needs to take what little money they have to get a permanent place of their own.... Inner peace is the taxi knowing everyone has he can drive...everyone knows that we want the house for our business dealings.


Thursday, 19 December 2013


Our Evolution towards Utopia

A utopia /juːˈtpiə/ is a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities. The word was coined in Greek by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. The term has been used to describe both intentional communities that attempt to create an ideal society

The word utopia was coined in Greek by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. The word comes from the Greek: οὐ ("not") and τόπος ("place") and means "no place". The English homophone eutopia, derived from the Greek εὖ ("good" or "well") and τόπος ("place"), means "good place". This, because of the identical pronunciation of "utopia" and "eutopia", gives rise to a double meaning.

An Essay on the struggle for International Peace by Robin Denton

A Short Biography: Mr. Denton read International Relations at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa under Professor Kunert in 1981. He was an anti apartheid and peace activist and an International Focaliser for the Rainbow movement- a social-environmental group based on Native American principles. He has worked over the years in many countries including India, Nepal, Bosnia, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Russia, Rumania, Poland, Germany, England, France, Portugal, Greece, Tanzania, Sudan, Zimbabwe and Egypt to promote peace and reconciliation through direct communication , forgiveness and greater understanding of our common humanity. He is currently residing in Johannesburg where he continues to work for a better world. His passion is for African Unity and Peace in the Middle East. He is the CEO of City of Heart Media(Pty)Ltd South Africa and the founder of the Africa Unity Movement.


War throughout human history is an evolution of the human experience towards a common enlightenment. 

The cosmos is a mirror of the soul of man and of nature; and it is at constant struggle with itself to find a harmonious balance. From the planets revolving around the sun to the oceans waves crashing on the beach; there is a constant “war” going on to simply “ be” . Beingness is a momentary state of  “ peace” . Peace - true peace is power… and within human relationships it will only exist as an utopian or ideal concept when ALL are free from fear and are able to simply…BE…freely and to LOVE unconditionally.

To co-exist together and to cooperate with each other harmoniously. This ideology can be termed co-operativism…but I prefer to call it symbiosis or symbiosism. This is probably the only way we can secure a meaningful economic, social, environmental and political utopia on planet Earth. But is it possible to achieve?

Our Hope

The human experience is diverse. It is expressed in its many varied cultures, colours, languages, histories, traditions, hopes, ethics and values. Humanity develops its political and ideological models out of chaos to bring about a semblance of order or equanimity or so called “ peace”…the argument , the only true argument for war is the spiritual progress of the human race towards peace. The rest is only about dominance- control through power -might for right -ego self righteousness - pride and protection from an opposing ideology. Christian cleric and scholars justified their bloody Crusades as “ just” or “Holy Wars”- Islamic teachers and Imams justified their bloody wars as a response to naked aggression of the infidel or kaffir or unbeliever …it was looked on much the same way as Israeli wars against Arabs… as a self defense of their faith and their land. Not many people know that being a “ shahid“ or witness or martyr is in these Holy Wars regarded as the 6 th tenet of the Islamic religion and something which all Muslims (“ believers”)are bound to do…

All three models including the model of secularism is in essence ideological. In marriage or gender wars between male and female it is this struggle for dominance whether of a physical nature or a psychological nature that destroys harmonious relationships between the two parties. It is only when we see the greater self that the personal self becomes less important.It is not always easy to reach this point…both on a micro level and on a macro level.

Therefore, the road to peace must become a strong desire to enter a state of truth or harmony…but only if that desire is alive in both after the consequences of war are seen as fruitless. The journey towards the light is the motivation to bring into being or reality a NEW state or states of being . History may have begun with the advent of the wheel- the quest for fire and primordial instincts of the caveman…but it must end - no matter how hard the struggle with the ability to “ BE”…to “KNOW”….and to “FEEL” true universal AND personal peace.

This consciousness evolution creates what I call “ the RIPPLE EFFECT” throughout the many layers of the multiverse…and this in turn brings wholeness - balance-
healing…reconciliation…restoration…and indeed JUSTICE for all!

 A place both within and without where WAR is NO more… this is our hope for all humankind and all life on Earth…and our prayer.



How to Accelerate

The energy of light and love is the force that brings greater awareness…when we look through the evolution of human history on Earth and understand its development ; we become aware of the conflict between light and darkness, power and control , illumination and ignorance , good and evil …war and peace. Each is a window into a different world. The evolution of International peace on the world stage depends entirely on the rate of the expansion of our common human understanding. Too rapid or too restricted ultimately leads to conflict and war…it all works according to vibration and resonance - is the answer then the sharing of temporal power to enhance the human experience and develop it…in this evolution to Utopia? If so, part of this empowerment must be through education and knowledge ;and the other part should be through the respecting of the natural cosmic balance that already exists through good stewardship and governance. Within this model must exist an understanding of the past and its resident- residual effect on the collective soul. At this point in History we have come to a critical mass where the opportunity exists to create an alternative reality that will establish a foundation for international peace…. Some call this …the New Age or New Era. I call it a New Beginning!

International Relations always begins on a local level with the intercourse of economics. In tribal communities once territorial imperatives were established through conflict - the next step has always been to trade - or to remain in isolation until a dominant power came to conquer by force and integrate the weaker into the stronger.

In the beginning most tribes were nomadic and were driven to migrate by seasonal changes and better grazing lands. As time went by many tribes settled and became pastoral…the nomadic caravanserais would establish contacts and trade routes and thus began modern international relations between civilisations and nations. As towns and cities prospered and grew in military, cultural and political strength it also developed in economic strength as stability was assured. As time went by new ideologies and tribal identities merged into a nation state usually ruled over by a monarch. This later developed into the Republic model which was more representational.

An example of this migration and evolution is the Altai nomads who became eventually the modern state of Turkey. It was an evolution of consciousness that became the nation and indeed many other nations. The Altai region is responsible for the birth of around 15 cultures which later became nations as they moved and merged with other tribes. Britain is another example of this migration and evolution. The Norwegians or Vikings or “ pirates” as they were known by the anglo saxons in England conquered and colonised Normandy ( North Man Land)… which in turn conquered King Harold at Hastings in 1066...creating the modern state of Britain… this in turn birthed indirectly other nations such as America…it all began with movement. Crossing boundaries and making wars and violent conquest. But even this had to evolve…

The New World

The 21st Century is about crossing over from the concept of the nation state into the idea or vision of the “ global state” - globalism as an ideology should be positively known as “ post nationalism- “it should inherit the better qualities of the “ isms” of history in the spirit of true “ internationalism”…the proclamation of George Bush Senior of a “ New World Order” in 1991 , of Gordon Brown in 2008 of a Global Economic Order and of Barack Obama of a “ New Era” should be viewed rightly with some caution….not because of the accuracy of these statements , but because of the spirit behind them. The machinations and the intent (even biblical texts prophesise of a global order- a single currency and an age of great prosperity and knowledge…) Whilst both streams of thought seem identical…they are intrinsically different.

If a global order is to herald a global hegemony of secularism - then it is worlds apart from what it should be to bring about rational international peace and stability. I believe a New World Order is a misnomer as we all live in a divine milieu that thrives on random chaos - the “ x factor” of evolution… indeed the only parameters of this integrated global organism we call earth…is symbiotic…a harmony of balance between all life forms and all nature. It cannot be otherwise.

Pax Amerikana

History has shown us glimpses of that desire for a new world order. From Darius of Persia and Alexander the Great to Augustus Caesar of Rome who declared on the 4th of July ,4BC the Day of Roman Peace or Pax Romana to Charlemagne, Frederick the Great, Napoleons and Hitlers dream of a 1000 year empire or “Reich”…a dream of immortalisation.
It is the aspiration of the ego of man to establish this international peace and prosperity at all costs…even that of justice… and even today in our world…it hasnt changed!
Some secret groups or powerful individuals such as the so called “ Illuminati - “ enlightened ones” and the Bilderbergers…have purposely infiltrated all higher levels of world governments and business strata- including the media to hasten this process. Unfortunately, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely…! Thus it can ONLY be through ABSOLUTE empowerment or progressive socialism that justice can reign and freedom triumph.

Changing or transforming the peoples of the world and cultural aberrations can only occur through gradual evolution and humility…but it accelerating faster now than ever before thanks to the internet revolution over the last twenty years. But international law also needs to be applied to all including the dominant powers like Britain, France, America, Russia and China. At the moment human rights and international law is still selective.

Shifts in power structures are a regular occurrence - whether it be from Babylon once the home of one of the worlds seven wonders to Athens- Rome- London- Paris- Berlin… Brussels- Moscow- Washington …Geneva- Beijing…Jerusalem. But why? Power is nothing without control…and power needs to be focussed…centralised…
Napoleon once said “ I rule through the fear that I inspire!”

Therefore , we have the mega cities that have arisen into prominence in the last century…just as they were in other ages…the only difference is that now we have more of them…

However, it is often fear that drives man to obey the dictum of government…fear alone…this dictum has been utilised to promote the ideologies of imperialism, fascism,feudalism,communism,colonialism, socialism, capitalism and environmentalism…even a capitalist society is driven by the fear of poverty - homelessness- hunger-divorce and imprisonment…Internationalism or globalism should not be driven by fear- it should be driven by the desire to bring freedom- democracy and agreed consensus of all…globalism to be successful needs to be wholly accountable and wholly transparent and responsible for its negative impact on the world…this is the road to utopia or utopianism.

The 20th century had more wars and conflicts than at any time in history put together. There were also coincidentally …more earthquakes! And more lives were lst in those 100 years than at any point in history. At the end of the Great War General Jan Smuts , the South African prime minister and lawyer helped found the League of Nations- then in 1946 the organs of a greater family of nations came into being called the United Nations- as well as the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) - and the World Bank.

The next 50 years produced more than 100 new nations . This in itself is a greater miracle in human evolution because it defined tribal entities and their boundaries and transformed them into nation states.

Yet the distinguishing factor in the birth of nationalism on a global scale was…war- more people were killed in the last century than in all the wars of history put together…amazing!
This acceleration of killing and new killing machines also created greater human interaction , wealth and understanding in the longer term.

It also broke down many walls of division especially of an ethnic, racial and spiritual or religious nature. But…as the new philosophy of “ globalism”emerged - pushed forward by Bush Juniors America-....resistance occurred to counteract this attempt at homogenization….

in any dialectical - Hegelian - contrarian model conflict should eventually bring about peace... sooner or later... or at least a more defined level of understanding of peace ...and what it is...and should mean to us all. So after the horrors of Auschwitz , the many pogroms and persecutions of the Jews ; the sudden strong desire to form the state of Israel - came into 1948 two great nation- sorry three were born into its finality - the state of Israel - the nation of India and of course e. Pakistan... they were all the products of years of negotiation- war and struggle- both violent and non-violent. After the fall of colonialism in the time of Macmillans' speech about the " winds of change" - many nation states were conceived and birthed... around the world. Some states began internal strife as soon as the colonial powers left... eg ,Mozambique.other examples of settling old scores or feuds include... countries like Nigeria and the biafrra war- the Congo- Sudan... and Angola ... right across the board... independence from colonial rulers did not necessarily bring about peace at all but further strife... which led to another kind of fascism... dictatorship....democratic dictatorship.

We have sen this all across Africa with the regimes of Mugabe- Dos Santos- Samora Machel...Dr. Banda - even Nkrumah of Ghana and Idi Amin of Uganda... many of these dictators were and are highly educated... yet... when it comes to sharing power... as thick as two short planks... perhaps Mandela by example showed us the new way in Africa... but whether or not anyone's really listening... that is another story.

With the fall of Communism in 1989 after Ronald Reagan's famous declaration" this wall must come down!" ( who knows how these things work... but I'm sure he was no Joshua...)- MANY new nation states were born from obscurity...places no one ever heard of like Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and Bosnia... but as in Africa after the fall of Colonialism... disorder followed order until order was reestablished again through conflict... some did it peacefully as the former Czechoslovakia... others through bloodshed such as Kosovo. Still other conflicts never got resolved at all but ended in a truce or stalemate such as South ossetia, Abhazia and Trans Donetsia in Moldova...

But the fact remains... that ever since... the main ones died down... we still have approximately 40-50 unresolved conflicts left to sort out and around 30 dictatorships around the world still where they were today after 50 years of passive aggression to the rest of the world eg Cuba, North Korea and Iran. Some are not openly fighting but still in a state of conflict eg Israel and Palestine... Morocco and Polisario Front.- Western Sahara...Basque... we could go on. 

There are many levels of conflict from open- active and daily to closed- passive and psychological. But the rift still remains...the issue ...unsettled. Tibet is another one which is at stalemate simply because they do not have the military force to drive out the Chinese. But the conflict is still there. As is with Taiwan... 

Sometimes its non- aggressive but ideological such as the Afrikaners in South Africa... or the English and Scottish in Great Britain...

"Oneness is a concept that should be achieved by perception of our commonality and understanding of our differences. "

The challenge over the next years until 2023 is to resolve those major conflicts which I will attempt to list at the end of this thesis. We have to recognise the right to self determination of the people groups trying to preserve their culture and way of life... even if they are small minorities such as the Khoi San who are a very non aggressive people... or the Yanomami of the Amazonas. 

The force that drives nationalism must be spent for the next stage of human devbelpment ie the global state. With the advent of independent states and the maintenance of territorial integrity - we come to a greater stability for all and a greater repsct for one bullies another by might but is independently and sovereignly the captain of his own ship... still of course liable to international human rights and values agreed on by the entire global community. 

Regional conflicts also need to be resolved in the world... for example one needs to take into account the sudden rise in economic and political importance of countries such as Russia- China- India- Brazil - Iran - Turkey etc... and new challenges involving terrorism and religion...ideological differences that have occurred as a result of one dominant force trying to exert strong influence on another... this of course includes secular as well as Islamic extremism. 

Up until now...Britain and America have been the stick holders... now... with a few expensive wars under their belts... the sudden reality of Pax Americana... has dawned upon the think-tank of the warmongering Neo cons... oh shit...! we cant afford another bloody war!... we have to do something different... why/ because we are going to be paying off our debt to the Chinese for the next 100 years or so ... until we all turn Chinese... its simply bad management on the part of the warmongerers. They should have realized the costs before they went to war. Now we all suffer. But knowing how they think... they have only ONE salvation left open to them...and this is it:....

The Orbit

A large part of poltical struggles has to do with economic realities... eg resources and the control of them. Another part of the struggle to produce global security is to create currency confidence amongst those who use it everyday. Currencies that will become beacons of regional stability over the next decade to 2023 will define the ORBIT OF INFLUENCE that nation state has. 

To date - there are 10 major currencies and regional areas of stability that influence the rest. But if the truth be told... GOLD is probably the best it is the most stable currency over time... but we cant move gold around... we need something else.Its now about trust... about confidence...about accessibility and about reliability. 

Lets look at them:

1. United States Of America- The DOLLAR.
2.Brussels- Belgium- the EURO.
3. Geneva- Switzerland- THE SWISS FRANC
4. China- THE YUAN
5. Britain - THE POUND.
6.Russia - THE RUBLE.
7. Japan- THE YEN
8. India- THE RUPEE
9.Brazil- THE REAL
10. South Africa- THE RAND

The next major war will not be a " War on Terror" but a " War on Debt!" - a WAR OF ECONOMIC STABILITY... and a War on Ideology... out of this war  will emerge an international currency that will bring about the greatest economic growth and prosperity this world has ever seen! You see... we have to ...


Erase the debt to raise the credit... I know that sounds pretty impossible...a bit like creative accounting... but that's the only way out of this mess...and people in power - especially at Davos - the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM on the 26th January, 2014 should take note of what I'm saying here... 

As the Euro is a post national currency that has ( although some would disagree)- brought greater regional stability to Europe... and the Euro Zone... the currency to come...the " International currency Unit will bring into being better trade agreements for all... and greater stability to regional powers... Initially, this NEW trade deal or open border policy will occur in an esoteric sense between the G20 countries or the first 20 nation states with the best balance sheet. You cant do it any other way... - even if those heavily in debt have to catch up... ( such as America)...

Thus as confidence grows in the stability of the new currency which is free from individual national interests - but a collective consensed interest... THE CIRCLE WILL GROW!

It is unlikely we shall ever return to the gold standard unless there is a complete global meltdown... or a collapse of the major banks... ( which is not entirely a bad thing)...

In future banks will serve the people as financial institutions and not the other way around. The revolution that is about to happen in the next 20 years will be a USER BASED cannot happen any other must occur from the bottom to the top... not vice versa. 

So this war on debt will be an economic struggle for freedom for all humanity. Debt for credit...International credit. in fact these international credits or united nation orbits ...or simply put... " The Orb" will run on parallel exchange control mechanism that will adopt new nation states as and when they can embrace the new reality...but it is not dependent on production... it is based on usage...a kind of " pay as you go" economy or currency... 

that is what the orbit is... it works on how much it is used... 

its not even about trusting each other as nation states... its about people everywhere empowering themselves by consuming the currency of their choice... ie ..." the orbit!"... this is what a consumer revolution can do to change the world...

Lets look at America as an example of a bankrupt economy. Its TRILLIONS of dollars in debt...and lives not on production...but on credit...and imports. Its a currency that is ripe for implosion. Other nations have however become dependent on the market for their own products and are forced to float the currency by buying government bonds and other American investments...stuff that is not really that valuable... but floats the boat!... Should some countries like Japan, Sudan , China and Norway withdraw their funds from the accounts in America... the whole country would fall like a house of cards... kaboom... !

but then ... so would the rest of the world... it would be like a domino effect...and the yanks know they keep extending the credit hoping that one day... no one will wake up to this reality and pull the plug... fortunately- there's enough wise people in the world for this not to happen... but it is on a very very tenuous precipice edge. 

One hiccup...and all of it will an instant.

So China buys Americas debts... and keeps its balance of payments in its own favour because there's no way that American goods can compete at the price and even the quality... ( not everything...but a lot of things).

We are coming to realise then that we are no longer individual nation states...but interdependent states... and interrelated states...and this is helping us to evolve into the understanding of the international or globular state that is interdependent on what happens anywhere at any given time... that no nation is an island ( except England- joke)

So could the dollar collapse overnight... can... 

will it? unlikely. 

So in this next stage we will see the mega institutions no longer being BAILED OUT...but BOUGHT OUT... by the nations governing bodies... 

and as they are amalgamated with other mega institution...and shareholders... we will see the creation of a global institution or banking system whereby the wealth or the credit is in the hands of the people...not the few elite. 

So to raise to erase is the key to winning the war on debt... nations have to raise the credit by creating it. 

This newly created global institution will have a far greater orbit of influence than any to ever precede it...greater than the IMF or World Bank or The International Settlements bank... it will surpass that...and it will become quasi -political like the EU.... but it will be dependent on who uses the system and not on who controls the hard as that is to fathom ...that's how it will work. 

With the advent of greater economic and currency stabilization... the biggest steps towards international peace and global economic solidarity will come. Wars that have been fought for eons...will come into a point of resolution... and as greater political freedoms are extended the world too will greater individual freedom come to every individual who has a dream... whether that dream is to run a restaurant in Fiji or a Internet cafe in Cape Town... whether you are an American who wants to live in Afghanistan or an Afghani who wants to live in America... 

Greater awareness produces greater changes!

Dreams of a Golden Age  

There will come a time when passports and prisons become obsolete...that day will come soon when governments experience the new economic reality of symbiosism between nations on Earth.

I foresee this day coming sooner rather than later as we understand as Humans that our very survival as a species means that we will have to work together and not against each other.. I predict this will occur between 2021- 2030. Dangerous criminals should be placed in a re-education society of their own to develop their sense of ethics...and by dangerous I include all those who usurp power for powers sake male - female- young or old... no discrimination. Greed is not just about wealth it is also about power and control and the perpetuation of misery upon the masses. 

But I don't call this punishment....rehabilitation comes through restitution and restoration not retribution. The technology already existing can ensure public safety and security... prisons should become more humane and address the causes of criminal behavior not the symptoms. They should be mixed and conjugal visits with wives or partners should be absolutely normal. Island reserves should be utilised as " prison islands" that will create independent - sustainable societies that will empower inmates to succeed in society rather than fail time and time again... they should serve society - not be served by them.

Of course the most important factor is protection of society from dangerous individuals...but that can be achieved as can reformation and rehabilitation. 

Its about the attitude of society to its outcasts...who eventually should be integrated usefully back into the human family.

The birth of a global superstate means a new epoch of economic stability and a willingness to impart an enlightened approach to trade and human enterprise. 
This Internationale co-operative is the new capitalism of the 21st century ; and will assist in the resolution of existing conflicts involving the Creation of is based on production...and cooperation between nation states and not hegemony and individualism ( that doesn't mean individualism isnt good- it means selfishness- not thinking of " the One")

Until now this is what has fueled the nations to date.

To achieve this status each citizen of the new global state of " UTOPIA"- would be theoretically FREE to travel - trade- work-invest....much in the same way... the state of "EUROPA" ( The European Union) already does.

At the same time each citizen retains the rights and privileges and responsibilities of the nation state he or she is from...  BUT there comes a time when the consciousness of the INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL CITIZEN...THE WORLD CITIZEN comes into the inner psyche of every man and woman...

No longer an American...but a Utopian- a Citizen of Earth!...a WORLD CITIZEN... AN "INTERNATIONAL"

With the advent of this NEW global consciousness will come NEW possibilities to build a LASTING International WORLD PEACE ...amen... With GLOBEX- ( Global Exchange) banking and international currency units (ICU)such as UNO- United Nations Orbits OR SIMPLY ."The Orb...."....whatever its called ...doesn't matter - as long as its used... greater investments in infrastructure projects such as high speed transatlantic trains etc can take place which in turn will create massive job opportunities to the worlds jobless.... and this in turn will create greater wealth and disposable income...and a better structure to provide good healthcare and educational facilities etc. 

An Example of ignorance...and what could be...

For 70 years LAKE Victoria's abundant water supply has been largely untapped as has the Congo's ....due in part to an archaic treaty inherited from the colonialists days - signed in about 1929 by the British... this water supply or resource properly manged could feed millions and irrigate large estates of green fuels and other products. The problem is unfortunately both political and economical. Funding nations individually is not the way is through a philosophy of co-operativism that everyone can benefit from - it is the will to do it and to overcome the egoism of human nature that will make it happen - massive infrastructure projects funded by Globex( Global Exchange) tools such as sky-trains across the Atlantic and the pacific and superhighways across the continent of India and Africa will release enormous resources for even greater prosperity...and with this release of wealth and prosperity will come greater peace and harmony between peoples working together from all walks of life...and a better world will be built and a golden age of humanity will dawn where our children can look towards the stars and dream of other worlds to explore and better roads t travel... a world of adventure and security in the knowledge that ...we ALL have a chance to make the most of our lives and not just to eliminate poverty ...but WASTE.... WASTE OF LIVES !

For the release of resources , a new and a greater ethic for survival of the human experience needs to come into being .... ie co-operativism- symbiosism... worldwide wireless WiFi will assist in the education of children with no access to the internet in the jungles of Africa and the amazon.... new environmental taxes on water - wind- oxygen and yes...carbon will assist in a accelerating environmental targets to save the planet from self destruction from humans.

The fact is simple and plain...and obvious ...environmental , social and human progress follows as a result of financial progress and fiscal disciplines that create an atmosphere of free enterprise. 
What the impact of globalization of currencies , commodities  and trade exhibited was a shift in economic power ... stable economies cannot any longer be controlled by the whims of a nation state and its nepotism..therefore beyond globalism , beyond any of this is an enlightened thinking on creating new mechanisms to combat more of the same economics and ills of currency variations and stock-market crashes ( boom and bust economies)....

the evolution of the new international order of peaceful coexistence through this new philosophy of symbiosis... is a great and glorious vision ...a dream that many say is as impossible as John Lennon song Imagine... or peace on earth... BUT... symbiosis IS the way of the future....

... and it will require great sacrifices and great courage amongst those who have the fires of this Golden age burning in their heart of hearts.... 

we must dispel all the negativity and the distrust...and the fears of the ages... the paranoia .... 

 and by faith destroy all the angst and the apathy to bring light in the darkness of mans indifference to progress... 

But...yes... we damn well BLOODY CAN! 


-we can create or at least evolve into a true and lasting state of peace...of " stasis" that will save our miserable race from destruction...!

Symbiosism or cooperativism is an affirmation of the endurance of the human spirit in times of global recession and depression....and yes... dark financial economic oppression... in times of want - in times of war....deprivation ...distress and disease.... and poverty and degradation... we can make a difference...all of us... one small drop at a time... and this desert of the wasted human soul will grow again...

However, we cannot sit on the fence any longer...the evolution  of humankind throughout history demands that we stand up and are counted...every single one of us... we need to participate in these changes as they arise ....WE CAN BE AS ONE....ONE WITHIN THE ONE... we cannot BE one except within ourselves... but we can be a part of the greater community...the GREAT UBUNTU...

"The continuing struggle or conflict in an evolving,stressful and modern society is one of individual integrity that is not violated by the beast of homogeneity and the hegemonic puppeteers of extremist secularism."

Despite what is told to us ; we who are aware cannot ignore what wrong and injustice we see around us. It is there. It exists. 

And this is our confidence. The ability to hope for the future...a better future for all. As we evolve together ever higher as human beings to that place of hope...and :"heart" ...that city of heart....this goes beyond nationalism and enters into something greater within all of us... the humanity...and the human spirit that seeks to excel.

Whether it is the first man on the moon or the first person to climb mount Everest... or the first person to see after being blind all their lives... it is this quality that rises all to a new level of understanding and consciousness of the oneness of humanity.
Global dynamics change as the flow of capital and investment crosses borders in split seconds... but it requires the political will of global governments to channel those opportunities in the most positive and constructive manner. This is why in these exceptional circumstances we find ourselves in....the " only " solution is " buy out" not " bail out" In an economic crisis there is always an opportunity to implement new models ...this is an opportunity to rise above the flow of negativity that runs through the value of any investment ...and the chance to try something NEW!!!... 

The greatest economic model ever to be implemented on this planet has not been invented by any man....but discovered here and now... we must make this same discovery ... all of us...and we shall abolish rampant greed and capitalism that profits the few and impoverishes the many...

Planet Earth will enter this age of symbiosis within 25 years and I surely hope to be here when it does.

We must think positive and have a positive mental attitude and act now with BOLDNESS AND DECISIVENESS.

To summarize: The GDP , bond values , national debt and output is  the pegging order or measure by which a global currency values a national currency...its as valuable as what the market will pay for it... 

The ICU/Orbit is the next stage or step towards greater suitability and progress and growth over the next 20 years this new order of post nationalism smashes protectionism and cartelism and multinationalism ..and extends how we view ourselves as WORLD CITIZENS... 

 "The weight of conscience will dictate what we as the human race do with this planet in years to come"- Will we use it?

What Now?

The immediate challenge is to deal with the economic recession.But a recession is not an open war. In America billions of dollars have been spent or squandered in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan- not to mention the Internal War of the Paranoiac Mind of or psyche of America.

The war on terror has destroyed Americas economy and put her into a massive debt thanks to the great neo cons and followed up by the democrats under Obama. They are all in fact two faces of the same person... no real difference in fact.

The irresponsibility of the bankers greed for money and power has further undermined the public's confidence in the financial system...thus the day is coming when the "War on Debt" will require governments to pool their stakes into a new currency unit which will take on a life of its own... we are at a stage of our of our human evolution and experience whereby our choice is to free ourselves from the shackles of fear and ignorance through willingness and will...or to remain apoplectic or catatonic and DO NOTHING....! this is the total antipathis of symbiosis.

By doing nothing we allow this chance to create something NEW to ride right by us into the sunset...there is a time to do nothing...but that is not NOW!!!!

We, as "Internationals" or World Citizens declare the entire Earth to be our home unconditionally...wherever we go ...wherever we place our feet1 Therefore it follows that the same freedoms for all who declare themselves " earthlings " should have those same freedoms... this is what now... no longer should we have to see poor people drowning on boats and swimming across cold rivers just to flee the civil strife of a madman in power such as we have seen in Syria and Libya. 

No more...We are all Gods children and all human beings born from the same planet.... irrevocable and inexorably spinning around the same sun that awakens us in the morning....and yes... we all have the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...anywhere we so choose! This is OUR planet!

And there's only one for our race...just one I know about! lets share it...what do you think?

So what now? - does this mean we all need to get chipped by the mark of the beast? No. Is this the ominous sign of the coming of the antichrist? yes and no. The truth is that the denying of ones faith and the sin against the Holy Spirit IS the mark of the by what you think and what you do...


Whether it exists in any age - war is war is war!

We need to see the vision by fixing our eyes on the horizon of a new dawning and fixing our hearts in the direction of that sunrise of peace upon all...peace for all.... peace IN all... 



It is not WHEN economic currencies unite.... it is HOW it will happen. It is an inevitability that parallels the aspirations of humanity towards international peace - how ...AND HOW LONG is the only real questions we need to ask.... 

this is our evolution ...our journey ....that all enhances our experience of humanity on earth...the good..the bad  ...and the ugly... all of it... it is up to us to do make it happen catch the step at a time...for the sake of our children... 

The evolution of Humankind depends on humility..and sharing... and the expansion of hearts and minds to embrace the differences and accept them for what they are... 

Our evolution towards Utopia depends on the collective will of all enlightened beings... there is still much work to be done to save this planet from itself....but we can do it... its all about sharing that love which is inside all of us as we travel the road of life... it is only when we become too cynical and too conditioned by survivalism and what has been drummed into our heads since birth... that we begin to realize half of our lives needs to be spent on UNLEARNING before we can become truly effective in breaking down the walls of the human mind that prevent true liberation and freedom to come to us all... 

By understanding this , by understanding that we are already there ... in that place in the sun.... we can walk with confidence...all the days of our lives... in peace.... where war is no more... 

I thank you. WELCOME HOME!

Pending Conflicts to Resolve:

1. Israel- Palestine
2. Kurdistan
4.Nigeria ( East - West - North)
5.Congo ( East)
6. Cabinda ( Angola)
7. Equatorial Guinea
8. Zululand-Khoi San- Afrikaner - South Africa
9.  Masai- Tanzania- Kenya
10. Zanzibar
11. Muslim- Christian conflicts around the world. 
12. Afghanistan
13. Mexico
14.Yanomani- Amazonas
16.Moldovia- Transdenetsia
17. Syria
18. Egypt
21.Western Sahara.
22.England- Great Britain.
23.India- Pakistan
25. Tibet- China
26. Taiwan- China
27. North- South Korea.
29.East Timor
30.Spain- Gibraltar
31.Spain -Morocco
32. Ukraine-Russia
33.Native Indians with Canada- America- Russia- Finland- Greenland.
34.Scotland -Britain
35.Northern Ireland- Britain- Ireland.

These are just some of the conflicts arising from the historical feuds or past battles...we can evolve if national self determination is recognised and we can grow into a bigger perception of our destinies on Earth as Human Beings...that is the challenge we all face....even on a micro level between male and female... we all need to grow... collectively and individually.